“” My just man liveth by faith. ” A real honor guard should be just that which the Lord speaks . Yet one just has to live by faith , a Grand and deep thought that we would like to highlight. Indeed, if our body lives of food,  our soul must live in an appropriate substance to the nobility of its  nature and the substance is faith. Faith must govern all our judgments , inspire all our actions, dictate our resolutions. Faith leads our lives  towards a divine life .

Every Christian is called to this elevation. Two gorgeous fixtures have been given to man by his Creator;  sight that guides us  through the visible world and the faith that illuminates the road to the heavenly homeland . If our eyes grow dim , it turns off all around us. If the torch of faith died in our soul, spiritual darkness are over all our faculties , we lose the sense of things above and become miserable and blind.

In the light of faith,  everything is precise and light : we are entering the Truth. We see the real purpose of life, the fragility and instability of creatures , vanity, honors, joys, pleasures. Faith is a safe counselor , a consoler sweet , a friend of every hour. It is a force , support , she is the most beautiful sight that we can contemplate in the heavens and the earth .  The Lord does he not say : ” If you only had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, cast them into the sea and it will rush at the moment . “And again:” If you can believe , you will see the glory of God break upon you. ” What is the Gift of Faith! Appreciate it above all other gifts , it is the foundation of all! Live by faith until the vision of the divine realities that faith gives us a glimpse becomes a reality.
O God , increase in our faith ! ”

Sr Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud