The very first ever National Catholic Sisters Week began March 8 and will be celebrated through March 14!

As part of the Visitation Order’s contribution to the celebration, we held a chat session last night on the joy of being a Visitandine.

Several women participants and two Visitation Sisters shared their hearts and thoughts via the Living Jesus Chat Room.

Here are some highlights that emerged for your participation in this week:

For laity

Contact a few religious and let them know you are praying for them and appreciate them

invite a young woman we know to consider becoming a Sister

watch a nun video

For teachers

show a video “Beloved” to my 7 & 8 grade girls.

Write an email to a sister

For discerners

look at a calendar for a retreat date

check out a few Sisters’ web sites

Make a new pros and cons list for continuing your discernment and or listing why and why not for a particular decision

if you know someone who’s discerning a vocation, encourage her to take the next small step

make an appointment with your spiritual director (or find a spiritual director) to talk with about your vocation

Talk with another discerner about what she is doing and journeying with each other over your “gap’ area or obstacle areas

Take your “cons” in prayer to Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament

Make a novena for grace to take your next step

Before the Tabernacle, be open and listening to what He tells you.