Living Lent with St. Francis de Sales-Charity
A key element in our Lenten practices is almsgiving or other forms of charity. St. Francis de Sales expounds on this foundational aspect of our Christian lives.
He said, ” Our Divine Master gave us His life not only to heal the sick, to work miracles, and to teach us what to do to be saved or to be pleasing to Him. He also spent his entire life even shaping His cross, suffering a thousand persecutions from the very ones to whom He was doing so much good and for whom He laid down His life.
We must do the same; we too should shape our cross in suffering for one another as the Savior taught us;in giving our life for those very ones who would take it from us, as He so lovingly did; in spending ourselves for our neighbor, not only in agreeable things, but also in those which are painful and disagreeable such as bearing lovingly these persecutions which might in some fashion cool our heart towards our brothers and sisters.”
St. Francis de Sales, Sermon for Third Sunday of Lent, 1622
What shape does my cross of charity take?
How can I reach out to others the remaining days of Lent?
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