Sunday April 6

Consider that it was on the cross, that the eternal Son gave the kiss of love to His heavenly Father on behalf of humankind. Jesus, flower of the field, being pressed under thee winepress of the cross, gave out a fragrance that gladdened God, enraptured the angels, and saved people.

Monday April 7

Jesus, having bowed His head to give the kiss of peace to His most Holy Mother, and to his new born church expired by an election of love.

Tuesday April 8

Prayer: O Jesus, behold thee, pressed, trodden on, and wounded on all sides, ,may mortification begin its work in me!

Wednesday April 9

Prayer: O my dear Jesus! You teach me the real essence of the spiritual life, by a perfect surrender of all in to the hands of your Heavenly Father

Thursday April 10

Prayer: Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit do with me this or that, according to thy will

Friday April 11

Jesus, God of my life, give me grace at the hour of my death to commend my spirit into thy hands for thou are my true father

Saturday April 12

Melt with love and sorrow O my soul! at the sight of Jesus’ death for my sin, come not down from this holy mountain, til you have buried this spouse in thy heart.