All are Called to Holiness in their Specific Vocation

Sainthood is not just for those in religious life! St. Francis de Sales taught that all people are called to holiness, according to their own vocation. Those who work in the world can sanctify their labor and offer it as a gift to Christ.

Fr. Kevin Nadolski, OSFS writes in his article “Happy Feast Day, Workers!”:

“Discernment of one’s life’s work is based on, and influenced by many factors, including talents, prayer, interests, imagination, family of origin, and prior choices. Since these differ wonderfully and mysteriously from person to person, the Spirit is clearly at work in the unfolding of grace that brings people to work for and in the flourishing of creation.”

Fr. Nadolski uses the example of St. Joseph, whose feast day was recently celebrated, as a model of workers:

“Such fidelity is the essence of sainthood. Joseph, in his simple work as a husband, father, and carpenter within the household of Mary and Jesus, shows us this. Furthermore, all of our work—regardless of its nature—is easily sanctified by the goodness and humanity that completes it.”

To prepare for Sunday’s chat, please read our article, “Work and the Spiritual Life”, as well as “Happy Feast Day, Workers!”

In our Living Jesus Chat Room this Sunday, we will discuss these points:

  • Whether as consecrated religious, or as laypeople working in the world, we share in the universal call to holiness. Although the end goal is the same, how do we differ in living out our own sanctity?
  • St. Joseph is our model as “husband, father, and carpenter” Why does the Church hold him in such high esteem?
  • For our Sunday chat, we invite all workers, employed, unemployed or underemployed, to consider your status in the light of your spiritual life and share how you practice your spirituality amidst your daily responsibilities.

Sign up for our Chat Room

Come to our Living Jesus Chat Room, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Eastern Time U.S. this Sunday. Sign up here and get your own username, or just come on Sunday and sign in as a guest. Seats are limited so , come on time.