The same gifts given to the Apostles are given to the Church today! Does the Church need them more today, or did the early Church have bigger obstacles to overcome?
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, piety and fear of the Lord. What gifts of the Holy Spirit do you recognize within yourself?
How has the Holy Spirit touched your life? Do you have a Holy Spirit story to sha

VisitationSiste: I was hoping we could stir or keep astir the flames of the Holy Spirit tonight by sharing about the Spirit.

VisitationSiste: Today’s Feast has always been special for me. The Holy Spirit is strong in the Visitation passage in the Gospel

Jun 8 2014, 7:42 PM

Guest398 (guest): …Uhmm, bible at hand..where?

VisitationSiste: Luke 1

VisitationSiste: At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, 40 where she entered Zechariah’s home and greeted Elizabeth. 41 When Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. 42 In a loud voice she exclaimed: “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the child you will bear! 43 But why am I so favored, that the mother of my Lord should come to me? 44 As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my wo

VisitationSiste: vs 39

VisitationSiste: womb leaped for joy. 45 Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his promises to her!”

Guest398 (guest): I would guess that it was the Baby & elizabeth

VisitationSiste: Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and pronounces prophetic words

VisitationSiste: So I always feel the Holy Spirit remains a very essential Person of the Godhead in the Visitation Order

Guest398 (guest): In all our lives

VisitationSiste: Yes.

Am: and we live in the age of the Holy spirit.

Guest398 (guest): I was impressed with the advice in the reading that if the gifts are not exercised,,,they diminish

VisitationSiste: unwrapped gifts so to speak

Guest398 (guest): Yes, hopefully we use them in some fashion daily

Jun 8 2014, 7:48 PM

VisitationSiste: It is amazing when the Holy Spirit works through you, using a gift you may not have realized you had

Am: I like the contrast of the readings of Genesis and the tower of Babel where the people are separated by language, but in Acts today, language is no barrier, the words of the spirit are heard and understand by allPM

Guest398 (guest): @AC after Jesus wal;ked the earth

VisitationSiste: Good comparison and an actuality that was considered as a deep sign of the Holy Spirit’s presence

VisitationSiste: I have been blessed to witness some charisms in others that have been very inspiring too

Am: I was struck by the words in genesis where God says , Let US go down…..the word US shows the presence of the Trinity

Jun 8 2014, 7:52 PM

VisitationSiste: That’s interesting- and it connects the 2 testaments

Am: yes, I was stuck on that thought all day

VisitationSiste: God was revealing Himself before doctrine was formalized

Am: I guess that’s what makes the Bible so reaffirming in its truth…

VisitationSiste: But one needs to be attentive to catch it

VisitationSiste: We really need the Holy Spirit to renew the face of the earth today, as the prayer says

Guest398 (guest): So true

Am yes

it seems like many people are

too busy for GOD

Guest398 (guest): Such a loss in their lives

Jun 8 2014, 7:56 PM

VisitationSiste: Earthliness takes over

Guest398 (guest): According to the reading, some may have lost fear of the Lord

Am: I was trying to sign up people for adoration for First Saturday, and I was amazed how many excuses about ball games and festivals came first…..we were only looking for a 30 minute commitment

VisitationSiste: Yes, essential

Jun 8 2014, 7:58 PM

VisitationSiste: That is sad!

Am: but that quote about ‘let us go down

Guest398 (guest): Where is that Genesis ?

Am: sorry……that same Jesus in that quote is

VisitationSiste: We need to “go down” to where people are and bring them UP, to God

VisitationSiste: There are disciples though. But scattered

Jun 8 2014, 8:01 PM

VisitationSiste: The Holy Spirit will unite but we need to be available

Am: catholics haven’t been active evangelists but I think it is time.

Guest398 (guest): Yes, Sr, we need to be available and to listen for the call

VisitationSiste: I think that’s what the new evangelization is trying to accomplish but if one is not filled with the Holy Spirit, one hesitates to proclaim

Guest398 (guest): Altho, I think we should always be an example

VisitationSiste: It’s like a priest who prepares a homily, then leaves it behind and lets the Spirit move him.

Guest398 (guest): very good

VisitationSiste: Some denominations train people to evangelize- with techniques

Guest398 (guest): is that positive?

Am: we have a hidden Mexican community who work on the farms, and many have become Jehovah’s witnesses or other religion

VisitationSiste: But if we are open to the Holy Spirit no technique is necessary

Am: yes, they trained their members to speak spanish

VisitationSiste: Yet I have had many good experiences just by praying in an airport lobby- one time a young man said, can i pray with you?

VisitationSiste: That was aHoly Spirit moment

Jun 8 2014, 8:08 PM

Guest398 (guest): Wonderful

VisitationSiste: And there were others like

Guest398 (guest): Very inspiring:

Am: well I actually have started. by the grace of God, someone contacted me to transport some Mexicans to the doctor because I speak Spanish I always come with my rosary and a picture of our lady of guadelupe

VisitationSiste: Hi Sr M Roberta Happy Pentecost!

VisitationSiste: Great!

Am: haha, they want to go to the doctor, they have to put up with me talking about going to mass

Jun 8 2014, 8:11 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: Hello! Spirit blessings!

Guest398 (guest): Hi Sr!

Guest398 (guest): Images of Our Lady always reach someone

Am: i get a bunch of Holy cards with our lady on them and put my number on the back, with a note about giving a ride to churchPM

Mary Roberta Viano: I especially like SFdS prayer for SJFdC that the Holy Spirit “fill us with the spirit of reverential fear for the Eternal Father.”

Am: beautiful reverential fear

Guest398 (guest): Good prayer to keep us mindful, thank you

Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, I love the way the Holy Spirit makes God’s will so concrete to me/us: Do this now! or Don’t go there! 8:15 PM

Guest398 (guest): Exactly

Ali: haha thats what i am looking for Sister Mary Roberta!

Jun 8 2014, 8:16 PM

Am: He leads you, even where you least expect

Ali: so true

Guest398 (guest): And such a surprise when you realize it

Guest398 (guest): for the good

Mary Roberta Viano: That’s what I find so challenging: being led where I’d rather not go, but need to go anyway.

Al: thats a tough one

Guest398 (guest): Challenging is a good kind description

Mary Roberta Viano: And reaching out to people I’d rather not by finding something to thank them for or something I can do for them.

Am: about the end of time, the book of God’s plan will be plain for us all, and it will all make sense

even in spite of our detours, there is a divine plan

Guest398 (guest): Yes, Sr and later realizing how lovely the experience was

Mary Roberta Viano: Our Sr. Berchmans always says our Salesian spirituality is “inspired common sense” – inspired by the Holy Spirit. M

Guest398 (guest): No doubt

Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, moving out of my comfort zone is what true Christianity is all about, I’m convinced!

Guest398 (guest): Oh how difficult that first step is

Alit: the older i get, the more willing I am

Am: if you do something out of your comfort zone, it will be plain that it is not you acting, but the Spirit in you

Mary Roberta Viano: Good for you, ! I think I’m often just the opposite – stuck in my old habits.

Ali: Good to know that

Sister, I am surprised myself!

Guest398 (guest): That is the Holy Spirit!

Mary Roberta Viano: So, true, Al. When that happens, I think, thank you, Lord, there’s hope even for me!

Ali: I always think of the HS as so powerful

Guest398 (guest): Always present

Alit: LOL yes Sister, I know what you mean

Mary Roberta Viano: That’s the thing about the saints: They were more open to the Spirit’s suggestions day in and day out.

Am: but His presence can be like a small wind also

Ali: although sometimes i am impatient when waiting for an answer

Mary Roberta Viano: like when Elijah experienced Him in the gentle breeze – not the storm or earthquake

Am: exactly

Guest398 (guest): A favorite

Al: beautiful

Mary Roberta Viano: and I like the Psalm where it says He won’t blow out the smouldering wick – that’s me, a lot of the time!

Guest398 (guest): lol

Jun 8 2014, 8:26 PM

Al: i am not familiar with that one- but its good

Mary Roberta Viano: He wants me to burst into flame, but He’ll cup His hands around my smoky-self.

VisitationSiste: Beautiful way of putting it, Sister!

VisitationSiste: I find that sometimes the Holy Spirit helps us with “mundane” things too

Mary Roberta Viano: As SFdS says in his Treatise: “He leaves us all the merit and profit of our services and good works, while we leave Him all honor and praise for themPM

Guest398 (guest): Good to ponder0

Am: thank you,all. have to run

Mary Roberta Viano: And then SFdS adds: “By these light and passing labors we obtain goods that last for all eternity.”

Guest398 (guest): Also in Treatise?

Jun 8 2014, 8:31 PM

Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, probably either Chap.9 or 12 of the Treatise

Guest398 (guest): I must say – Holy Sprit led me to these chats

Jun 8 2014, 8:32 PM

VisitationSiste: How did that happen for you?

Mary Roberta Viano: Thank you for your Spirit-inspired chat! Wishing you Spirit-filled dreams! G’night

VisitationSiste: Good nite and thank you!

Jun 8 2014, 8:33 PM

Guest398 (guest): A priest mentioned the monastery…I was so surprised

Guest398 (guest): Night