When did you discover this devotion to the Sacred Heart? How can we spread the news of God’s overwhelming love for us?
As St. Francis de Sales so poetically put it, how do we live “in the pierced side of the Savior?”
As well as celebrating Christ’s love, why do we recognize the sufferings of his Sacred Heart?
Guest78 (guest): Hello Sister. Good Questions. Almost too many for me to process all at once.
Jun 15 2014, 7:32 PM
Sister Susan Marie: One at a time works ok!
Guest78 (guest): This devotion to the Sacred Heart? Do you mean a specific devotion to the Sacred Heart. I remember seeing something in the back of my
Sister Susan Marie: Since the FEast of the Sacred Heart is on Jun 27 we thought this might help to prepare
Guest78 (guest): St Joseph’s Daily Missal which I purchased for myself when I was about 12 or 13 years old. St. Margaret Mary? First Saturdays?
Sister Susan Marie: Yes St Margaret Mary, who was a Visitation Sister
Sister Susan Marie: First Fridays
Sister Susan Marie: The Feast was instituted because Jesus asked for it from St Margaret Mary
Sister Susan Marie: He wants to pour out His Love
Guest78 (guest): I started attending Daily Mass when I was 13. Never quit. Although when I was a Family Practice Resident Physician I could not attend.
Sister Susan Marie: That is a wonderful grace!
Guest78 (guest): I am so grateful. I think I was born hungry and thirsty, and it became more-so as I grew.
Sister Susan Marie: Truly this is special and you need to keep feeding your hunger
Sister Susan Marie: The Lord calls souls, sometimes very hidden, to love Him for those who fail to do so
Sister Susan Marie: So many Catholics do not even attend Sunday Mass
Guest78 (guest): Later, while I was in medical school in Germany, living in a Jesuit-run dormitory there was a student of Church History living there who had a special devotion to the
Guest78 (guest): Sacred Heart. He, somehow re-introduced me to this devotion.
Sister Susan Marie: It can become a way of life, living in His Love, Loving Him for others
Guest78 (guest): He became a convert to, and a priest in the Episcopal Church.
Sister Susan Marie: I first became aware of the devotion in Kindergarten but I did not really understand until I came to the Monastery
Guest78 (guest): I want to share the Lord’s love with others. Somehow, I feel that I am less effective at it now than in past years. Maybe because of exhaustion and health issues. ,
Rac(guest): I became aware of the devotion shortly after RCIA because the parish I went to had an all night First Friday devotion..
K (guest): Hello everyone!
Jun 15 2014, 7:44 PM
Guest622 (guest): I, too, have a friend who emphasizes the Devotion. And when I mentioned the Monastery – the Devotion was the 1st thing he brought up…I told him about the Honor Guard
Ra (guest): of course, I can’t go to ‘my’ parish right now.. no car, messed up foot, so I have to go closeby.. at least until the dr clears me to ride a bicycle which I now have
Sister Susan Marie: Yes in the Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart you choose one hour to give to the Lord, to His pierced Heart, while you maintain your normal routine
Sister Susan Marie: It developed it actually. The enthusiasm of another Sister here really touched me and of course I came here to live and love the Lord so His Heart in the big window flamed out at me
Sister Susan Marie: I now put everything into His Heart, faults sins, desires everything to be touched or healed by His Love
Sister Susan Marie: There is also the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in homes
Guest78 (guest): Sister, How did the monastery change your understanding of the devotion?
Sister Susan Marie: It developed it actually. The enthusiasm of another Sister here really touched me and of course I came here to live and love the Lord so His Heart in the big window flamed out at me
Guest78 (guest): I remember posting by my bed and praying every night the prayer, I think it is called the “Anima Christi” — a rhyming translation I have not seen since, but I still know and love — and I signed that decorated cardboard consecration to the
Sister Susan Marie: Then Our Bishop created an Apostolate of the Sacred Heart in our Diocese. recently
Sister Susan Marie: So we have a Director priest who comes here for Mass on First Fri
Guest78 (guest): Sacred Heart. It included the line “in Thy wounds I fain would hide.”
Sister Susan Marie: And a very interesting event several years back was the visit of a French priest who brought the relics of St Margaret Mary to us
Sister Susan Marie: Yes I don’t know that prayer by heart
K (guest): Wow, what a blessing!
Sister Susan Marie: That began a series of visits over a number of years. He even went to 3 of our Visitation schools
Guest622 (guest): I think I remember that time…the faithful stood on line
Sister Susan Marie: Yes. Our prayer is that our Bishop will consecrate our Diocese to the Sacred Heart
Sister Susan Marie: And the French priest would like to see our country consecrated
Guest622 (guest): How lovely that would be
K (guest): Do you know if there are very many families who currently have the enthronement in the home?
Sister Susan Marie: Do all of you have a particular way of honoring the love of Jesus’ Heart?
Guest622 (guest): I liked in the reading that SJdC emphasized how your community is entrusted to the Sacred Heart
Sister Susan Marie: There are 200 families in our area who have done so the past year
Guest622 (guest): I have images of the Sacred Heart that I display
Jun 15 2014, 7:55 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Yes from the very start our Founders were inspired to do so and it was confirmed by the Lord in His revelations to St Margaret Mary about 60 years later
Guest78 (guest): I’m not sure I know what you mean by “enthronement”
K (guest): 200, that is wonderful. I pray before the image in the morning, say a prayer of consecration and pray throughout the day, “Jesus meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto Thine”.
Sister Susan Marie: A picture of the Lord and His Heart is displayed in the home in a central place after several days of prayerful preparation, then a special ceremony. The family is to make Jesus the center of their home and pray there
Guest78 (guest): I have a large image of the Sacred Heart in my dining room. The only time anyone ever commented upon it was when I had two priests as dinner guests.
Guest78 (guest): K, I love that prayer.
Sister Susan Marie: The priest who was inspired about the enthronement, Fr Mateo, was in the Monastery of St Margaret Mary when he got the idea
Sister Susan Marie: In a way Fr Mateo;s idea was that since families can’t have a tabernacle in the home, this image would be the closest to that and center them
Guest622 (guest): Yes, I can understand that
Jun 15 2014, 8:00 PM
Ca: Beautiful pic; immaculate heart too
Guest78 (guest): The priest visited Visitation Schools? So you are not only contemplative but also active — teaching sisters?
Sister Susan Marie: I think today with all the mixed up ideas about what love is only the Love of the Human/Divine Heart of Jesus can straighten it all out and overwhelm us with His Love
Sister Susan Marie: Yes we have 2 Federations; one does not have schools; the other one does
Guest622 (guest): Fr Mateo was right…I will view my images as such
Ra (guest): gotcha…. hi Sr Mary Roberta… long time no see!
Jun 15 2014, 8:03 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: Hello! Blessed Trinity Sunday!
Sister Susan Marie: What aspect of this devotion most draws any of you?
Car: Love/Purity
Mary Roberta Viano: I liked our priest’s comment at Mass this morning – from St. Augustine: Where you see charity, you see the Holy Trinity.
Car: All 3
Guest622 (guest): At Mass, we would always be prompted to draw strength & pardon from the Sacred Heart
Sister Susan Marie: Total self- giving
Mary Roberta Viano: And see the charism of our Order, which is gentleness and humility, is really “relational,” as our Superior told me way back. So the Visitation is esp. TRINITARIAN!
Sister Susan Marie: an intimacy one can’t even speak about- it is so heart-to-heart
Car True love Holy Trinity/Neighbor (?)
Ali: I feel comfort and trust and love just looking at the Sacred Heart
Ca: Shorthand for deep insight
Guest622 (guest): The 12 promises are beautiful
Ali: i have a framed picture with the promises. used to be my Grandmothers
Sister Susan Marie: One comes to know the depth of love thru the heart and when Jesus gazes on you, well, you can faint! if not actually pass from this world!
Guest622 (guest): Nice! And each promise has equal weight
Guest622 (guest): Migosh, Sr Susan M
Ali so true. a priest once asked the Church what we would say to Jesus if He were right there
Ali: I would just sit there
Car: Thank him & beg forgiveness!
Sister Susan Marie: If you have been deeply loved say in marriage just multiply that to infinity!
Guest78 (guest): How lovely, A, that you have “inherited” this object with the Faith-influence of your grandmother.
Ali: i can only imagine…
Jun 15 2014, 8:13 PM
Guest622 (guest): I cannot comprehend such depth
Ali: yes i was very excited when my cousin asked if i wanted it
Sister Susan Marie: Only in heaven when you have eternity to do so
Guest78 (guest): He IS really there in the Blessed Sacrament.
Car: Mystical
Car: #2 Real Presence
Sister Susan Marie: Yes and He is veiled for most of us because otherwise….
Ali: I try to sit as close as possible to the tabernacle
Guest622 (guest): Yes…once at Adoration I almost cried from His overwhelming prescence
Car: Wow Guest!
Ali: that is awesome as i have cried during mass also
Guest78 (guest): That is a gift, 622.
Car: Of tears
Guest622 (guest): Being Catholic is the gift
Mary Roberta Viano: SFdS: “Oh, if we could hear this Divine Heart singing with a voice infinitely sweet His canticle for praise!” (TLG)
Car: On every heart & tongue
Ali: I think this whole chat room is a blessing
Ali i learn so much
Mary Roberta Viano: So true, I have cried many times at the Consecration during Mass. His presence and love are just so overwhelming.
Car: Me too!
Guest622 (guest): For me…it completes Sunday
Guest78 (guest): TLG?
Mary Roberta Viano: Treatise on the Love of God
Car: Aha 2nd book of fds?
Guest622 (guest): So much to learn
Car: Question re St Francis’ authorship
Mary Roberta Viano: And even before St. J.Eudes and St. Marg.Mary SFdS said: “Our little Congregation is a work of the hearts of Jesus and Mary.” (quote from Burton’s Life)
Guest622 (guest): Is St J. Eudes ..Salesian?
Mary Roberta Viano: and “The dying Savior gave birth to us through the wound of His Sacred Heart.”
Guest78 (guest): The Sisters of St. Joseph also take St. Francis de Sales as their spiritual father.
Carl: Eudes & other French Spiritual priests very Eucharistic (?)
Guest78 (guest): Are the Visitation Sisters historically related to the SSJ?
Car: Which SSJ Federation?
Guest78 (guest): I know only those whose motherhouse is in Watertown, NY; but they are also related to a huge federation that met in Missouri a couple of years ago.
Car: I know the ones on LI
Mary Roberta Viano: We’ve had SSJ sisters living with us, but nothing every came up about our connection with them.
Sister Susan Marie: There is a relationship but I forget the story
Guest622 (guest): Do the sisters pray daily to the Sacred Heart?
Car: More Apostolic I think
Sister Susan Marie: The connection was in France originally
Ca: So many great French orders
Jun 15 2014, 8:27 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Individually we do. During our Novena which starts this Thurs we have a Mass every nite for 9 nites and we also pray the Litany to the Sacred Heart. Lots of folks come for that
Guest160 (guest): opps. This page and the rest disappeared Guest 78 is now 160. . . . St. Frances de Chantal parish in Wantagh, LI.
Ca: Wow! I went to PFI there
Sister Susan Marie: Is that your parish? Your parish came here to our Monastery in 2002 for their 50th anniversary!
Car Guest? Not my parish but PFI site
Ali: Sister a novena to the Sacred Heart this Thursday?
Sister Susan Marie: Yes!
Guest160 (guest): I still have connections to St. Frances de Chantal, but now I live in the Adirondack Park.
Sister Susan Marie: Thursday thru the 27th of June
Guest160 (guest): What’s PFI?
Car: Guest, sorry you are now long distance!
Ali: ok good i will join in. on my way to LI on Sat
Car: PFI is the diocesan pastoral formation institute
Guest622 (guest): I will too!
Car Me too; I’m in sacred hearts basilica
Ali I will write myself a note, I do that for sunday chat- even on my hand
Sister Susan Marie: 730PM every nite
Guest622 (guest): Lovely, Sister
Mary Roberta Viano: I’m thinking it would be good to read the Song of Songs during the Sacred Heart novena.
K (guest): My computer has been frozen and just thawed. I will join you all in the novena from here in Memphis.
Jun 15 2014, 8:31 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Great thought Sr M Roberta!
Car: Love Song of church
Jun 15 2014, 8:31 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: It’s such a love letter of Our Lord to us.
Guest622 (guest): I will read it also
Jun 15 2014, 8:32 PM
Ali: me too
K (guest): Yes,The Song of all Songs!
CarFave scripture, Sr MR
Sister Susan Marie: He will be speaking to us. Thanks Sister. I remember before my final vows that was my Scripture
Al: just got chills
Guest622 (guest): Yes…He will be speaking to us…
Mary Roberta Viano: Reading it will lead me/us directly into His Sacred Heart!
Car: Wow Sister!!!
Sister Susan Marie: Chills thru chat! What a promo!
Ali hahaa
Guest622 (guest): lol
Carl: Amazing
Jun 15 2014, 8:34 PM
Ali: its that good! LOL
Guest622 (guest): This is a good fruit
Sister Susan Marie: Truly
K (guest): Christopher West book – Heaven’s Song is based on the hidden talks of JPII’s Theology of the Body – all revolving around the Song of Songs.
Jun 15 2014, 8:35 PM
Sister Susan Marie: I did not know that
Car: Wow! K is that his most recent ?
14, 8:35 PM
Kim (guest): No it has been in print several years.
Car: After Theo of Body 4 teens?
K(guest): It is beautiful!
Yes, after for teens.
Guest622 (guest): I am glad we are preparing for the Novena
Jun 15 2014, 8:36 PM
Ali: i am too
Jun 15 2014, 8:36 PM
Guest160 (guest): I think I missed something . .. But I’ll pray a Sacred Heart Novena, too.
Car: Yes I plan to join in novena
Jun 15 2014, 8:37 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Yes and Scripture is a beautiful way. Let’s see what we are inspired with Sr Roberta will be heer next week- I will be at the Novena Mass
Sister Susan Marie: Blessings and grace!
Jun 15 2014, 8:39 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Good night!
Jun 15 2014, 8:39 PM
Al Thank you Sisters! Good bless and good night all
Jun 15 2014, 8:39 PM
Car: Blessings (lay!) as always