June has traditionally been devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. This year the Feast of the Sacred Heart falls on June 27th.
In order to prepare, we invite you to listen to Visitandines speaking about our central devotion to the Sacred Heart.
You can listen to these talks here:
- “The Development of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart up to the 18th Century,“ by a Visitation Sister from Tyringham, MA. (21 min.)
- “Disseminators of the Wealth of Christ’s Heart,” by a Visitation Sister from Tyringham, MA. (24 min.)
The Sacred Heart and the Visitation: Our Mission Today: http://visitationspirit.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/2011-June-N5-Sacred-Heart-and-Visitation-Our-Mission-Today.mp3
If you live in the area of the Visitation Monasteries of Brooklyn, New York, Toledo, Ohio, Mobile, Alabama or Tyringham, Massachusetts, you are also invited to attend these communities’ annual Sacred Heart Novenas.
Contact the Monasteries to find out the times these special Liturgies will be held.