The Month of June has traditionally been focused, spiritually, on the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Pope Francis also urged the faithful to turn to the Sacred Heart this month.
As stated on the Zenit website, “At the end of his General Audience this morning (on June 11th) the Holy Father urged the thousands gathered in a hot St. Peter’s Square to turn to Jesus’ heart, explaining that this devotion teaches the young to love intensely, the sick to be strong and to carry the cross of their suffering with patience, and the newly married to build their family on the foundations of the faithfulness and love of God.
With that in mind, we share an upcoming event and video with you from the Sacred Heart Apostolate.
The Second Sacred Heart World Congress will take place October 2-5, 2014 in Irvine, California
God is Calling You…To Build a Civilization of Love
October 2-5, 2014
Irvine, California
Congress attendees and their families will discover how the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus will lead us to the remedy for the burdens facing us today. One will learn how to bring the “fire” of the Sacred Heart to our homes, parishes, work places, dioceses and native countries. More details>>
Scheduled speakers include Bishop Kevin D. Vann, JCD, DD, Most Rev. Robert Hermann, Father Michael Gaitley, MIC, Fr. William Petrie,, Fr. Richard McNally,
Here is the brochure for this Conference:
Here is the video from the First World Congress in 2011: