Feeling Guilty Over Your Faults?Send Humility to the Rescue!

Feelings of guilt about our faults can be a problem to those who strive to live a holy life. What’s the answer?

Why not turn to a profound guide – Jesuit Father Jean Pierre de Caussade? He guided many Visitation Sisters and wrote deeply spiritual letters about the interior life to them.

This Sunday, we will chat about common concerns of the spiritual life, using Fr. de Caussade’s letters as sure guides to growth.

Here is how Fr de Caussade would advise us about our faults, as he wrote to a Visitandine:

Concerning our conduct after having committed faults.

Endure with humility before God the humiliation of your faults. After having been unfaithful to grace and after accidental failings remember always that you are nothing and have a holy contempt for yourself. This is the great advantage that God allows us to gain even from our faults.

Another problem is being distracted in prayer. Fr. de Caussade also says that our intention to pray well is sufficient to make our prayers meritorious. 

Read more of his comments about prayer on our website, at “Temptations and Prayer – Spiritual Advice.”

Come chat about  these topics on Sunday, September 7 at 7:30 PM EST at the Living Jesus Chat Room.

Our discussion will be guided by these questions:

  1. How do we understand “holy contempt” today? This is hardly something that would be promoted by a morning talk show host. Is endurance with humility a stance we can resonate with?
  2. It may be comforting to know that this celebrated director said that our good intention before prayer is enough to make it meritorious before God, despite distractions. How have you typically dealt with your distractions while praying?
  3. Do you think the saints were distracted during prayer? How did they deal with them? Did they get better at prayer?
  4. If God freely accepts our feeble intentions to pray well, does it seem that He is “too merciful” to us?

Join us this Sunday for our Chat Room

Come to our Living Jesus Chat Room, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Eastern Time U.S. this Sunday. Sign up here and get your own username, or just come on Sunday and sign in as a guest. Seats are limited so, come on time.

Share with others who are journeying the same path as you. A Visitation Sister will guide you.