
Walled within our fragile selves

Monastic murmurs sigh to tell

Mysterious, puzzling, sacred lore

“Advent opened up rough-hewn doors.”

 Doors of suffering, portals of pain,

Ushered in a sorrowed stain

Grazing this cheerful season bright

Windows gazed deeply upon the night.

But He, The Christ-Child, bathed in Light

Challenges faced with all His Might.

He shines in our darkness, the way to see

Embracing our pain, joy makes us free.

Like flickering bulbs on a Christmas tree

Lights on, lights off- our faith is key.

The plan of salvation too grand to hold

Like His own sheep we join Jesus’ fold.


So on this Christmas of 2014

Let each of our hearts be piously seen

Worshiping the Babe at His Mother’s side

With joy, peace and love to forever abide.

By A Visitandine 12/23/14