How can “formation of the heart” help us focus on Lent in a new way beyond giving up sweets and our favorite foods? In other words, how will you follow Pope Francis’ suggestion to embrace a “formation of the heart”? How might we use Lent as an opportunity to imitate Jesus, who “was in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan” (Mark 1:13), which seemed to be a type of “formation of heart” for Him before embarking on His public ministry? What does it mean to give someone your heart? What is
What is the heart?
Describe how you relate to the Sacred Heart of Jesus?
Feb 15 2015, 7:17 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Welcome viewers!
Sister Susan Marie: This topic happens to fall on what would have been the Feast of St Claude de la Colombiere today if it had not been a Sun. He was spiritual Director to St Margaret Mary
Feb 15 2015, 7:18 PM
Sister Susan Marie: We can ask for their intercession as we speak of the Sacred Heart and formation of our hearts
5, 7:20 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Our hearts need “watching” to see that they are pointed in the right direction- union with the Lord21 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Do you agree with the Holy Father that our hearts need formation?
Feb 15 2015, 7:21 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Hi Anne
Sister Susan Marie: I was quite taken with the Holy Father’s emphasis on the heart, myself23 PM
Anne M: I’m excited about Lent and that scares me.
Feb 15 2015, 7:23 PM
Anne M: I agree 1000% that my heart NEEDS formation
Feb 15 2015, 7:23 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Try to be calm! Put your heart into His
Anne M: I planned a Lenten Ignatian retreat because I do see all kinds of attachments and distractions
Feb 15 2015, 7:26 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Any elements from the newslatter really strike you?
Feb 15 2015, 7:27 PM
Karen P: I think I like the idea of heart formation being about developing a deeper relationship with Jesus. Trying to become more like him in all that we do. Not an easy task and made more difficult by the devil who knows when we are seriously striving to deepen that relationship.
Feb 15 2015, 7:27 PM
Sister Susan Marie: letter– very interesting Anne-another good topic too- distractions and attachments
7:28 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Hi Carol Anne! yes that intimate relationship is what Jesus most wants from us- this and every Lent- and carrying our hearts whole, over to others7:29 PM
Sister Susan Marie: As the Holy Father said – we say to Jesus “Make our hearts like yours”PM
Karen P: My plan for increasing my prayer time/life was pretty well developed for me this lent as I accepted the call to be the spiritual director of our Christ Renews His Parish team and also help facilitate an Oremus prayer study group. So now I am considering which area of my life would be most affected by giving up something that would make a difference in some way. I am thinking about giving up facebook which seems to take much time away from other pursuits such as spiritual reading and praying.
Feb 15 2015, 7:30 PM
Ruth (guest): Thank you, Sister. I’m much calmer now but Patience? I’m not sure. It complicated; if I have to wait until after Ash Wednesday I’m putting an extra burden on relatives I am just getting to know, AND my prior pre-certifications and pre screenings are no longer valid (have to be within a 28 day window before the surgery).
Karen P: One thing that jumped out to me from the newsletter you sent was when Pope Francis used the phrase “our pretentions to self sufficiency”. It is funny how often we think we are in control only to find that whatever it is out of our control and better left to God to direct.
Feb 15 2015, 7:33 PM
Carol Ann: I think our chat is helpful in keeping us on target
Feb 15 2015, 7:34 PM
Sister Susan Marie: I was also struck by the Holy Father’s phrase of globalization of indifference
Karen P: Yes, using our chat as a spiritual growth tool is much better time usage than scrolling through much of what people post on face book.
Feb 15 2015, 7:34 PM
Sister Susan Marie: The funny thing is- we are taught to be self-sufficient and when we are we need to give it up!
Karen P: We do need to be taught to do the footwork that God would have us do, to take the actions needed to be His hands or His representative, but I am slowly learning that the good I do is seldom my own self-sufficiency being well directed. I do much better when I ask God to direct my actions and then try to follow on that lead.
Feb 15 2015, 7:36 PM
Sister Susan Marie: This also struck me, from Dr Wendy Wright,one does not have two hearts, one that loves God and one that loves others, but one heart created by and for God and the full realisation of God’s designs throughout creation. All loves, if rightly ordered, are seen as capable of leading a person deeper into the mystery of divine love
Carol Ann: I think there are two kinds of self sufficiency. One is doing what we can do for ourselves instead of allowing others to do it for us. The other is refusing all help of any kind because we must do it all by ourselves-this is false and is a form of pride, I think.
Feb 15 2015, 7:37 PM
Sister Susan Marie: I like that idea, Karen – we do the footwork
7:38 PM
Karen P: Yes, I read that over again tonight. I often feel that my life is compartments – one where God has much freer reign, and then the one where I face the world without being as God-inspired or giving as much credit to God as I should. So the idea of one heart which is in tune to doing God’s will is a much nicer thought. So that goes back to forming our hearts more in the likeness of Christ!
Feb 15 2015, 7:39 PM
Dawn L: perhaps another form of self sufficiency is
39 PM
Judy K: Hi Everyone! How appropriate that we are discussing formation of the heart on the day after Valentine’s Day.
Feb 15 2015, 7:40 PM
Carol Ann: Our self sufficiency needs to be surrendered to Jesus, who does everything for us, and is everything for us. But He does expect us to work. He will do the things that we cannot, but He will not do the things we can do.
Feb 15 2015, 7:40 PM
Dawn L: how we believe we are in control of our closeness to Jesus….of course we need to say yes
Feb 15 2015, 7:40 PM
Karen P: Carol Ann – that is an interesting thought! I do think pride can prevent us from accepting the help and love of others. In doing so, we often prevent them from being able to show God’s love to us.
Carol Ann: It’s a false pride, one that’s so ingrained in American culture that we don’t even see it.
Feb 15 2015, 7:41 PM
Karen P: Dawn – I would say that we are not in control of our closeness to Christ, but we are often the ones putting up the obstacles that prevent that closeness.
9 PM
Anne M: Just listening to Called & Gifted Workshop and one primary thing is recognizing and giving up (doing the opposite) of those patterns you have developed – maybe from childhood, in order to let the Lord work through you
Feb 15 2015, 7:41 PM
Dawn L: yes, Karen. well said
Karen P: I think Christ desires us to be close always and growing ever closer. We are the ones who get distracted, confused, etc. PM
Judy K: I believe that heart formation means forming our hearts after the Heart of Jesus. In order to form our hearts after His own, we need to know Him and His heart. And, to a certain extent, that means knowledge of Scripture. As St. Jerome says, “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.” So one of my Lenten practices will be to revisit the practice of reading Scripture 15 minutes each day and reflecting on ig. 45 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Jesus was meek and humble of heart- gentle and humble- yes we can always grow more so, esp as He points out where our weaknesses are- thru circumstances, etcPM
Dawn L: I enrolled in a Bible Study through our parish, it will take us about through end of Lent.
Feb 15 2015, 7:45 PM
Judy K: Yes, Karen, I think that is true. If we are truly developing a habit, then we should continue that habit after Easter.
Feb 15 2015, 7:45 PM
Karen P: I agree Judy that we need to become much more knowledgeable of scripture. But I also think there is much to be learned from reading the writings of the saints and spiritual fathers, too.
, 7:46 PM
Judy K: Absolutely! 46 PM
Carol Ann: there are so many writings though, that I’m like a kid in a candy store. I don’t know which to pick!
Feb 15 2015, 7:46 PM
Judy K: In fact, I generally find it more profitable to read the lives of Saints than to read books of theology.
, 7:47 PM
Dawn L: yes it is like that Carol47 PM
Carol Ann: I’m glad I’m not the only one, Dawn8 PM
Anne M: I’m truly set on letting the Lord clean house in me so I can become closer to him and bring him to others in the capacity to which I am called
Anne M: this lent, and next, and next… LOL
Feb 15 2015, 7:48 PM
Karen P: It can be difficult to look at our weaknesses, but I was reading from St. Francis de Sales about being gentle with ourselves when we fall short and asking for help in doing better the next time. Much better idea than beating ourselves up over things we intended to succeed at. I know I need Jesus love and help every day! I love that St. Paul wrote about this in the Bible also. The good I would do, I don’t, and that which I wouldn’t do, I do.
Feb 15 2015, 7:48 PM
Sister Susan Marie: That general openness you describe Anne is a wonderful way to enter the Heart of Jesus and this season
Feb 15 2015, 7:49 PM
Karen P: I think lent is a good time to look at many areas of our life and ask for help in becoming better people.
Judy K: One of the books I am considering revisiting this Lent is “The Silence of Surrending Love” by George Maloney, SJ. His books are not easy to read, but I recall that is one of his easier ones. Getting to know Him better in Scripture will, I hope, lead me to surrender myself to Him more completely1 PM
Karen P: Interior house cleaning is a wonderful thing, Anne M. Not always pleasant while we are going through it, but I always feel better and grow when I allow God to help me clean out those parts of me that need it1 PM
Carol Ann: My homework is the World Is My Cloister-John Michael Talbot7:52 PM
Anne M: I guess we really never stop allowing the Lord to clean house. Conversion is ongoing
Feb 15 2015, 7:52 PM
Dawn L: I ordered and await The Intro to the Devout Life
015, 7:52 PM
Karen P: I have a couple that I am working through and plan on getting through – Strangers to the City; A Guide to the Devout Life; and The Journey of a Soul. I also want to reread some of Theresa of Avila’s work on prayer.
Feb 15 2015, 7:53 PM
Sister Susan Marie: You are all selecting great books! I am looking at an older one on the Sorrows of Jesu
Judy K: That’s when we need to join Jesus in the wilderness and leave behind those things that are keeping us from Him. My abstinence this year will be from the computer for two days a week. I am on it way too much and that time will be better used in prayer and reflection. This is especially true since I have become addicted to “Free Cell.” Heaven help me!!!
Carol Ann: Judy, you are not alone. freecell is just one of my relaxation excuses
Feb 15 2015, 7:54 PM
Dawn L: I wonder how our own personal suffering comes into this season, uniting our’s with Christ’s suffering. I would hope to avoid distractions that keep me away.
Feb 15 2015, 7:55 PM
Judy K: It sure does challence the brain.
Feb 15 2015, 7:55 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Every Lent is different and our plans are good to have but we never know where God is going to lead us and what His plans for us are!
:55 PM
Karen P: Yes, I find Candy Crush and cookie Jam call my name when I am feeling a need to do something mindless and let go of the work world. I know I could spend it better in prayer or spiritual reading. I like your idea of limiting the time on the computer rather than total abstinence. It may make the time on it more productive.
Feb 15 2015, 7:55 PM
Dawn L: Sr Susan
:56 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Now I know I’m cloistered- I don;t know what any of these “games” are!
Feb 15 2015, 7:56 PM
Judy K: Better you don’t find out.
Feb 15 2015, 7:56 PM
Carol Ann: I haven’t tried candy crush yet. I do love the jigsaw puzzles though, because it’s impossible to lose pieces!
Feb 15 2015, 7:57 PM
Anne M: Don’t feel bad Sister, I don’t either. Only Freecell. I’m in recovery. LOL
Feb 15 2015, 7:57 PM
Karen P: That is true, Sr. Susan! I think not knowing about some of the games and things out here is a positive part of being cloistered!
Feb 15 2015, 7:57 PM
Judy K: They really can become addictive.
Feb 15 2015, 7:57 PM
Carol Ann: Yes!
Feb 15 2015, 7:57 PM
Sister Susan Marie: I think if we are not indifferent to what Jesus is doing within us we will be less indifferent to what he is trying to do in others- with our help.
Sister Susan Marie: As the Pope said “And, ultimately, a poor heart, one which realizes its own poverty and gives itself freely for others.”
58 PM
Karen P: So maybe giving up the games is a good thing to do for lent – it certainly would lead to better time use and as addictive as many of these games are, there could also be some suffering to offer up also.
Feb 15 2015, 7:59 PM
Anne M: The Charisms He give us are to be given away. I really hope to place more focus on others and less on myself. We’ll see how that works out for me though
59 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Yes because so many are addicted to the computer in worse ways than games- we can win grace for them by our renunciation:00 PM
Anne M: volunteering at focus hope, and of course parish fish frys
Feb 15 2015, 8:01 PM
Sister Susan Marie: And as we go along this Lent- we can give each other encouragement to persevere in whatever we chose
Feb 15 2015, 8:01 PM
Judy K: Having just celebrated Valentine’s Day, we have been thinking about, and seeing hearts all over the place. I think that the heart is the seat of love, or at least the symbol for it. To give one’s heart to another is to give one’s love.
Feb 15 2015, 8:01 PM
Karen P: I agree Anne. I think I am going to try to stay positive about the growth factor in increasing that focus on others and try to be gentle on myself when I slip up. I just have to remember to pray and start over again rather than getting upset at not doing as well as I would like. Tough for someone who has a bit of that nasty perfectionism stre
0 PM
Anne M: volunteering at focus hope, and of course parish fish frys
Feb 15 2015, 8:01 PM
Sister Susan Marie: And as we go along this Lent- we can give each other encouragement to persevere in whatever we chose
Anne M: Yep, stay positive. All throughout salvation history God has used mistakes for good.
Feb 15 2015, 8:02 PM
Karen P: Encouragement will be cheerfully accepted!
Feb 15 2015, 8:02 PM
Carol Ann: I must continue to allow myself to be drawn closer
Feb 15 2015, 8:02 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Earlier Judy I noted that today would have been St Claude de la Colombiere’s Feast- if it was not a Sunday- he was all for the Sacred Heart
03 PM
Judy K: I have to find a way of giving my love to others since my handicap is preventing me from getting out and about. Perhaps telephone calls will be a good practice for me.
Anne M: I kicked myself for a while Karen, but I do have to be gentler on myself too. Above all I need to let Him love me as He wants to and let Him in ALL areas of my life
Feb 15 2015, 8:04 PM
Judy K: The Sacred Heart has always been my first love and primary devotion. I have truly given Him my heart and ask for greater generosity in giving myself to Him.
Feb 15 2015, 8:04 PM
Carol Ann: or maybe online support groups where you can counsel others
Feb 15 2015, 8:04 PM
Dawn L: Judy, that is good idea. you never know when you will talk with someone at important time
Karen P: Judy, I know a woman in my parish who has a letter writing ministry. She sends letters to people who have lost a child like she did years ago. I know that there are probably others who are not able to get out often who might treasure a note from someone even if they didn’t know the person personally. PM
Dawn L: or, Pope Francis intentions for this month is prison ministry. would need to look up how he worded and his thoughts
Feb 15 2015, 8:06 PM
Judy K: I frequently send e-mails to our Salesian seminarians to encourage them as they pursue their studies and more toward ordination. I try to send them articles that I think might be useful to them. I will surely continue that.
Feb 15 2015, 8:06 PM
Anne M: Judy, do you make rosaries? I am in a rosary maker group and rosaries are sent to missions worldwide. Mary always wants new rosary makers
Feb 15 2015, 8:06 PM
Karen P: St. Claude de la Colombiere is a new saint to me. Who is he, Sr. Susan?
Feb 15 2015, 8:07 PM
Sister Susan Marie: He was the spiritual director of St Margaret Mary who had the revelations of the Sacred Heart. He was a Jesuit priest
:07 PM
Karen P: Oh! Thank you, Sr. Susan! 8 PM
Judy K: No Anne, I don’t. It does not have a great appeal for me and my finger dexterity is not the greatest. I am finding myself dropping things more and more lately. PM
Mary Roberta Viano: I see the question about rosary-making, which our girls and I do (Ranger Rosaries) for the troops.
Feb 15 2015, 8:10 PM
Anne M: I love making rosaries. Currently I am making St. Michael Chaplets
Feb 15 2015, 8:10 PM
Karen P: I am interested in how lent is observed in the monastery among the sisters. Would either of the sisters share?
Feb 15 2015, 8:10 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: If anyone is interested in making them, go to and request a packet to make five.
Feb 15 2015, 8:10 PM
Ruth (guest): Karen, “nasty perfectionism streak” — something, maybe I have to look at in myself — and consider as a possible source of conflict with others, especially professionals who are dishonest or less demanding of themselves.
11 PM
Karen P: Yes, Ruth, it can be a problem at work. I have to remember to be accepting of others and recognize that mine is not only not the only way, but there is no reason to believe it is the best way either!
Feb 15 2015, 8:11 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: I like to limit myself to eliminating one negative personality trait – like complaining or criticising.
Feb 15 2015, 8:11 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Herer we begin the nite before with a ceremony “burying the alleluia” We can be given a communal challenge for Lent too. We fast , no candy etc and the reat is up to the individual
Sister Susan Marie: Sometimes we do stations of the cross in common or a prayer service outside the Liturgy of Hours
12 PM
Carol Ann: Those all sound like something I would like!
Feb 15 2015, 8:12 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: yes, no candy and Stations of the Cross, for sure
Feb 15 2015, 8:12 PM
Anne M: Chocolate, but after Easter I resume my addiction. Bad
Feb 15 2015, 8:12 PM
Karen P: I wondered about the giving up of things and how this might affect others in the community. I gave up meat last year and only ate fish and vegetables, but there was not anyone to complain about not having meat since I live alone.
Feb 15 2015, 8:12 PM
Carol Ann: chocolate in moderation is actually good for you.
Ruth (guest): Judy, Anne, I had a friend, now deceased, who used to ghost write a monthly letter for a parish group that included many homebound persons who prayed for special needs of the parish and parishoners and their families.
Feb 15 2015, 8:13 PM
Anne M: I read of a woman who smoked and her confessor told her not to give it up, as she was unbearable to others around her. LOL
Feb 15 2015, 8:13 PM
Sister Susan Marie: We have to eat what is put before us but each Sister can speak to Superior or Novice Mistress for direction
Ruth (guest): Sorry I’m so slow that lose the thread sometimes.
Feb 15 2015, 8:13 PM
Karen P: We sang our last alleluia today at the end of the mass since we will not hear it for awhile. That kind of struck me that we really are entering lent.
Feb 15 2015, 8:13 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: not until Wednesday
, 8:14 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: so we have two more alleluias to sing8:14 PM
Karen P: That is true, Sr Mary Roberta! I will sing them for the next 2 days! :15 PM
Carol Ann: Me too! even if no one hears me but me, 8:16 PM
Judy K: Some years ago, we had a music director who used to make a point of announcing, on the Sunday before Ash Wednesday, that we were “saying goodbye to the Alleluia on Sundays” until Easter. It kind of called attention to the absence of the Alleluia, which could go unnoticed. 6 PM
Sister Susan Marie: No Gloria either
Mary Roberta Viano: SFdS advises his daughters this way for Lent: “Let us busy ourselves in steadfast resistance to the frontal attacks of our enemies. For whether we desire it or not we shall be tempted.”
Feb 15 2015, 8:17 PM
Judy K: Poor puppy! Have a good week, Anne.
Feb 15 2015, 8:17 PM
Sister Susan Marie: We actually process around our choir with a banner of an alleluia written out with candles and cross accompanying and sing alleluia until the procession is over
Karen P: It was our priest who did this today. He said it would be the last one we sing for a while so we should sing it together one more time at the end of the mass. What a nice way to put the alleluia to rest until lent is over, Sr. Susan!
Feb 15 2015, 8:18 PM
Sister Susan Marie: That’s a realistic quote Sister!
Sister Susan Marie: That’s a realistic quote Sister!
Feb 15 2015, 8:18 PM
Karen P: Good night Anne!
Feb 15 2015, 8:18 PM
Dawn L: that sounds beautiful Sr
Feb 15 2015, 8:19 PM
Sister Susan Marie: It helps us remember not to sing it! We sing several alleluia’s every day
Mary Roberta Viano: Our hymn planners have to be careful now not to choose hymns with alleluias in them! :20 PM
Karen P: Sr. Mary, that is so true! The more I want to focus on drawing deeper in to relationship with Christ, the more I feel this happen. Subtly in many cases, but still it does cause distraction! 0 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, at Office we’ll change the alleluia we automatically sing to start the day and each prayer time.
Feb 15 2015, 8:20 PM
Sister Susan Marie: We need to be prepared for temptation every day
1 PM
Karen P: Another reason to learn more scripture. Jesus quoted scripture at Satan when tempted. Didn’t all of the scripture he quoted come from the same book of the Bible?
Feb 15 2015, 8:21 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Good question- never checked that out tho
Carol Ann: I think so Karen
Feb 15 2015, 8:22 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: SFdS warns: “What about these small temptations of vanity, suspicion, impatience, jealousy, envy, fond love and such like tricks which like flies and gnats continually hover before our eyes and sometimes sting us on the cheeks or nose?”
Feb 15 2015, 8:22 PM
Karen P: I think I read that somewhere this past week. I may check for it, that would be a good place to study!
Mary Roberta Viano: Yes, deciding to memorize one Bible verse a day is a good Lenten discipline, too.
Feb 15 2015, 8:23 PM
Carol Ann: Those are the ones that get me Sr. One or two slip in under the radar, and before I know it, I’m way off course
Feb 15 2015, 8:24 PM
Karen P: Yes, Sr. Mary, the small ones are dangerous. Didn’t he say that because they seem so unimportant they can appear to be harmless but they build up and do great damage to us in the long run.
Feb 15 2015, 8:24 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: That’s why going to Confession regularly is even MORE important during Lent!
Feb 15 2015, 8:24 PM
Judy K: It just occurred to me that Lent might be called “Will the real me please stand up!” It is time to take a good hard look at myself and see if I measure up to the Lord’s standards. Maybe the Beatitudes would be a good measure, in addition to the Commandments, of course. A time to look in a spiritual mirror and see who is looking back at us. Are we really living Galatians 2:20 where it says that I live the life of Christ. How am I doing?
Feb 15 2015, 8:24 PM
Ruth (guest): Sr. Roberta, I once wrote an essay in defence of gadflies.
Feb 15 2015, 8:24 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: aha, Ruth Each of God’s creatures is important, of course!
Karen P: This hour goes by very quickly! PM
Mary Roberta Viano: I like these encouraging words of SFdS: “God is glorified in our temptations when, notwithstanding their number and variety, we offend Him not.”
Feb 15 2015, 8:26 PM
Ruth (guest): Of course I meant it in the symbolic use — for a person who is irritating because of pointing out truths one does not want to hear.
7 PM
Karen P: Good thought to hold onto, Sr. Mary!
Feb 15 2015, 8:28 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: SFdS wants us to count on God’s grace and power in temptation (esp. during Lent), which must be very great to keep us up and give us the strength to become perfect.” (Conf. on obedience)
, 8:28 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: so we’re not going into battle alone!
Feb 15 2015, 8:29 PM
Carol Ann: No, Jesus is our Shepherd, and shepherds defend their sheep!
29 PM
Karen P: I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!
Judy K: It seems to me that we all share a common goal of growing in holiness. Holiness is a gift from God, but we need to make ourselves open to it. Perhaps Lent is a good to work on our openness–openness to listening to the Word of God, in letting go of obstacles to holiness, in being more giving of ourselves, and casting ourselves into the merciful Heart of Jesus for help in growing in Him during this season.
Feb 15 2015, 8:29 PM
Karen P: Including stand up to the tempter!
Feb 15 2015, 8:29 PM
Ruth (guest): Is it a temptation when one will not sign a document — an important document — because it contains untruths? That makes me seem “difficult” or “challenging.”
0 PM
Mary Roberta Viano: With His help now, I’ll go get music and breakfast things ready for tomorrow…G’night…counting on your prayers!
Feb 15 2015, 8:30 PM
Karen P: You have them, Sr. Mary! Good night!
Feb 15 2015, 8:30 PM
Ruth (guest): And always winds up costing dearly.
Dawn L: this has been an inspiring and learning pre Lenten chat! Thank you sisters, and everyone. prayers and God Bless
Feb 15 2015, 8:33 PM
Judy K: We adore You oh Christ and we praise You; because by Your holy cross You have redeemed the world.
Feb 15 2015, 8:33 PM
Guest4327 (guest): Amen.
Feb 15 2015, 8:33 PM
Sister Susan Marie: Amen and God bless!
Feb 15 2015, 8:33 PM
Ruth (guest): Amen.
Feb 15 2015, 8:33 PM
Dawn L: yes, Blessed Lent!