With cheerful countenances full of faith and with the faithful of the parish of Our Lady of Conception and others of the  Criciuma Diocese  Visitation Nuns participated on the afternoon of Thursday, March 19, 2015 in the the Mass and foundation of the Monastery of the Visitation of St. Joseph, the Order of the Visitation Holy Mary in the municipality of Maracajá, Brazil.
The Holy Mass was presided over by the diocesan bishop, Bishop Jacinto Inacio Flach, and concelebrated by several priests,  attended by the five nuns who took up residence in the old house that belonged to the Sisters of St. Catherine Virgin and Martyr. They were accompanied by the Federal Mother, Sister María Clara Cuervo, and Sister Maria Lucia of the Monastery of São Paulo .

“In the loving plan of God, the time has come to light a new light, ‘a new Visitation’ in this dear and extensive Brazilian country. In the year of consecrated life  the route springs  from São Paulo that sends this group of sisters to bring spirituality and the charism of their founder saints, and to be in this city and in Criciuma Diocese  serving all of you through prayer, with a witness of life united to God and with love and joy in the Salesian spirit, “the Federal Mother, Sister Maria Clara said, who presented a brief history of the congregation in the world.

“St. Joseph in his silence and simplicity, served the Son of God, and this is what you will do with the Son in his Church. Your great mission is to be women of prayer. That’s what the world needs : much prayer.   “said Bishop Jacinto Flach, in his homily.
The bishop appointed Maracajá parish priest, Father Lucas Bombazar as the first chaplain of the Monastery, instructing his commitment to preside over Masses every day, for the nuns.

A powerful moment was celebrated with a procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the monastery, where he gave the final blessing and handing over the keys to the Superior of the house, Sister Maria Engracia Bravo.
Please pray for our Sisters in this new foundation!



Bibiana Pignatel Baesso