panelliAs September 27th, 2015 approaches, the Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart cared for by the Visitandines of Rosolini is preparing for the annual Feast of the Sacred Heart held in that city.

We share the story of another of that community’s foundresses and Superior, Mother Marie Emmanuel Panelli.

Part One

Early Life and Religious Vocation

Mother Marie Emmanuel Panelli fell asleep in the Lord on Feb. 20, 2006 after 70 years of religious life at the age of 91 years. A few months before she had been the protagonist of an extraordinary ceremony, which hardly involves a nun: 6 November 2005 the municipal administration of Rosolini was meeting in special session on the premises of the Shrine of the Sacred Heart, to confer honorary citizenship on her.
The Mayor, Mr.. John Ginca, commenting on the motivation of the honor said: “The testimony of the life of Sister Marie Emmanuel is a valuable lesson for the younger generation. The enclosure is not imprisonment, but the scent of freedom of mind and spirit,  a deep gift to the mission given by the Lord. “
For her part, Mother, from the monastic choir, responded with a few words: “I do not feel worthy of many accolades, I am  only a small instrument in God’s hands.”

Ada Panelli was born in Sao Paulo to Italian immigrant parents . Orphaned of her father in four years, she was brought back to Italy by her mother along with her older brothers.  At age 11, she was accepted into the school attached to the Monastery of the Visitation, in San Giorgio del Sannio, where her aunt lived. In school Ada received a solid cultural and human education , earning her teaching diploma and developing her natural artistic talents, by acquiring a series of skills that once made up the dowry essential to a young lady from a good family: music, song , embroidery, watercolor painting, executions of precious lace. Along with this taste of “beauty”, she aspired  to consecrated life, as an  enthusiastic response to a call of the Spirit.
The authenticity of this vocation and firm response was  proved dramatically when her mother died young, when Ada was 16.
It is impossible to describe what passed then in her heart; the storm of pain.  We know that Ada, fearing that her brothers who had returned home  would not permit her return to the Monastery, decided not to go to see the body of her mother and not to attend the funeral. Fortified by this total renunciation  she entered the Visitation Monastery.

In 1953 obedience led her to the Visitation of Acireale, a Monastery founded in 1925 by Reggio Calabria; but the experience of the exodus was not over yet. In 1959  Acireale became  the founders of the Monastery of Rosolini, and Sister Mary Emmanuel was called to be part of the small swarm of mystical bees, to quote the holy founder Francis de Sales, as Assistant of Mother Mary Cecilia Berardi.
Rosolini, a small town in eastern Sicily, was a privileged setting in which was expressed with extraordinary effectiveness, the merciful love of Our Lord: a modest picture of the Sacred Heart, bought with the sacrifice of a young widow, Carmela April, became the subject of fervent devotion in her poor house. Around this image was  formed, as is known, a chapel and a small housing complex, which housed not only Mother Maria Carmela  and some companions, but also a nursery and an orphanage for girls. The need to manage all works  canonically and legally , induced the bishop of the time, Msgr. Calabretta, to demand a foundation of the Visitation in Rosolini.
These events, prepared by Providence, led Sister Mary Emmanuelle to Rosolini, which has now become the new home for her.
In the early years she unfolded her human and spiritual gifts especially in the education of children and girls. These, together with solid piety,she  transmitted with notions of home economics, sewing, ironing and execution of lace and lace.  She began to have health problems but still helped out with the boarders.

Part Two


In 1969, the Community called Sister Marie Emmanuel to the fullness of  offering and service, electing her as Mother Superior, who sustained this role for 21 years, with interruptions required by the Constitutions. Mother  fulfilled  this onerous task;  she was able to consolidate and build on all the gifts of grace which she had received and all her  resources of  strength, wisdom and reflection.

Her big heart was a welcome retreat for her daughters; but also for all  who came to lay at the foot of the Sacred Heart their miseries:  physical, moral, spiritual and asked the Mother for a word of sympathy, encouragement,  or comfort.  She faced with calm courage even the thorniest problems and if someone pointed out that in undertaking some initiatives she did not observe the rules of human prudence,  she flung open her bright eyes and replied with a smile: “But I do it for the Lord ! “. With this confidence, and tirelessly knocking on the door of the competent authorities, she accomplished important works for the Monastery.
She had a deep spiritual friendship with Sister Maria Serafina Rubbera.  She  began the expansion of the Chapel that would assume the current octagonal shape. She built the House of the Pilgrim, to provide a suitable place for a short rest to the many devotees who arrive at the Shrine on pilgrimage.
Her health declined; she faced numerous hospitalizations in different hospitals, from the Policlinico Gemelli in Rome  to  various sites of care in eastern Sicily; and in suffering accepted and lived with Christ and for Christ.
The inhabitants of Rosolini called on Mother because she had  the charm of the Visitation, deeply rooted in the Heart of Christ and thus able to radiate love to all people
In 1976 the government succeeded to  Sister Maria Serafina :the roles were reversed, but their union was prolonged for the benefit of the Community and of souls. Mother Maria Serafina, in fact, thanks to the help given to her by Sister Marie Emmanuel, could continue to carry out the mission of welcoming pilgrims without neglecting the education of her daughters and the work that remained to be done to the accommodation of the Monastery and the Sanctuary. When she was hit by the devastating illness, Sister Maria Emmanuel supported her, cared for her, served her with the affectionate reverence of someone who knows that you are next to a great soul.
The spiritual understanding of the two mothers, manifested in life, became stronger after death;  in any serious trouble, when the responsibility of guiding the community made her tremble, Mother Maria Emmanuel was celebrating a Mass in memory of Mother Maria Serafina, certain to be supported by her intercession.

Moving with the walker and then staying  in a wheelchair, she went down to the Bursar and made herself useful. The last day of her life she wrote out a menu for the week!
It was the last act of her life: a few moments later, struck by illness, was taken back to her cell where she fell asleep gently without agony.

The revered Mother Mary  Fazio, who as Mother Federal had come  to know well  Mother Marie Emmanuel, called her  “dove without gall”, thus highlighting her sweetness , combined with a gentleness that was born from ‘unconditional obedience and abandonment to God’s will.
We like to think that this gentle dove has found her eternal nest in Jesus’ Heart, in which the Word welcomes all those who followed Him to the cross.



“Cinquant’anni di storia 1959-2009, Monastero della Visitazione di Santa Maria-Santuario Sacro Cuore di Gesù di Rosolini”, a cura della Federazione dei Monasteri della Visitazione dell’Italia Centro-Sud. Giugno 2009