img_03905In preparation for the Feast of St. Francis de Sales on January 24th, let us consider this incident in the life of our Founder:


On January 16, 1618, St. Francis de Sales received, with remarkable calm, a defamatory libel that a lawyer had written against him and his Daughters of the Visitation; it was so insulting that even the most indifferent were moved.

Francis knew the spirit and character of that lawyer, but he would not take any action against him. saying, ” I have committed this man into God’s hands, so o one must dare to touch him. I invoke the divine mercy for him every day..”

Source: Every Day with St. Francis de Sales, edited by Francis J Klauder S.D.B.


In this Year of Mercy, can we be as forgiving and prayerful as St. Francis?

Who has hurt me- can I forgive that person?