St-Francis-de-SalesSt. Francis de Sales Feast Day falls on Sunday January 24th this year.

From now until then, we will look at events of his life that fell on these same dates leading up to his Feast.

Source: Every Day with St. Francis de Sales, edited by Francis J Klauder S.D.B.

January 15:

On January 15, 1591 Francis de Sales, seriously ill at Padua, said that he could only make a spiritual testament. He had already willed his soul to God. He was only 23 years old, but also bequeathed his body to the medical students at the school for their learning, and to put a stop to otherĀ  criminal actions that students were employing in this regard.

Francis regained his health, and lived until he was 55. Ultimately he became the patron of the Academy of the Athenaeum where a chapel was built in his honor and where his feast is celebrated there every year.