Friday February 5th was the First Friday of the Month- very special to Visitandines who are dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We had Mass in one of the Salesianum’s Chapels, named after St. Francis de Sales, with African decor.


Our last gathering, as previously mentioned, was a remote preparation for a General Assembly.

As the afternoon was free, two Americans, the two British Sisters, a Portuguese Sister, Fr Corrignan and Anne Goetze all decided to go back to the center of Rome one more time to perhaps see St. Peter’s Basilica with more leisure. A huge van transported us and the driverĀ  promised to give us a return trip as well.

Unfortunately, St. Peter’s Basilica was again closed! This was hugely disappointing, but we could not imagine why there was such crowds. As it turned out, this was all to be a blessing as the relics of St Padre Pio of Pietrelcina were soon to arrive, so thus many of us were present in the vicinity as they made their way to the Basilica.

What a tremendous send off for us! Accompanying St Pio were the remains of St Leonard Mandic.

There was no doubt that Italians and other Europeans still have faith as they prayed, welcomed and cheered the arrival of the relics of these two saints!

CafeA bit of touring and a leisurely wait in a cafe until the van arrived, ended this day. Saturday we were homeward bound!alps