xFMnCwAAQBAJSalesian Week, Aug 21-28, 2016 will  focus on the love and mercy of God from the Treatise on the Love of God of Francis de Sales which is the four-hundredth centenary of the publication this year.

It will be held in the Basilica of the Visitation in Annecy, France.


Monday 22: Madame Chantal Touvet. “To want to read the Treatise on the Love of God (Father Claude Morel (msfs missionary of St. Francis de Sales)
     Tuesday 23: “The propriety between God and man, through love”  (P. Jean-Claude Mutabazi)
     Wednesday 24: “God  the merciful in Treatise of Love of God of  Francis de Sales” (P. Jean-Luc Leroux)
     Thursday, 25: “Jesus took flesh in our humanity through love” (TAD II, 4-5) (Sister Mary Luke vsm)
     Friday 26: “Images of grace and freedom in TAD” (P. Bernard Baussand)
     Saturday 27: “Salesian Unidivers” (Philippe Legros)