Sr Mary of the Sacred Heart Bernaud, the  founder of the Guard of Honor, said:Sr Marie Bernaud

Love: a synonym for all that is beautiful, all that is good, all that is noble and dedicated to everything that is pleasant and delectable! Love finally whose name alone makes our heart vibrate gently  … that will tell us the origin and mysteries of the One who is the supreme Love – God! This loving God is the Creator of this vast universe, is it not  that each of the beings that compose the notes creates a harmonious and universal anthem that sings of love created in honor of its author? Created by the Divine Love, we are also created for divine Love! Hence the thirst for love that we all experience from cradle to grave. We want to love, and after having exhausted the weak love of the earth, having been filled with the treats of this world, we will have more hunger and thirst for love!
Going now to the Heart of Jesus, we can achieve  love at its source. We can drink it, we will ignite and It will beatify us! The Saints are undeniable proof, they drank, were consumed with love for Love! Do not we emulate them and like them approach the burning Heart of Jesus in order to melt our icy hearts  and engulf them from the heat of heavenly Divine Love?

We complain so often we do not know how to love Jesus, we feel  no impulse to Him! That is our fault! We often entertain a thousand “idols” in the sanctuary of our heart, that we hardly leave Him a small place! Everything passes before Him. This is not to condemn or exclude conditions or legitimate friendships we have with our loved ones, but Jesus is a jealous God who wants supremacy over all! It would be wrong to do otherwise; Indeed, by Him all destitution turns to glory, all sorrow into joy, all fear to safety! Better yet, our affections find in Him value because divine Love beautifies everything, ennobles everything, sanctifies everything and gives the true value of everything! In this month dedicated to his Divine Heart, put Jesus as a priority, and we will draw in huge profits and be surprised by the radiation of his love in our business and our relationships!