Salesian Week will this year focus on the love and mercy of God from the Treatise on the Love of God, by St. Francis de Sales which is the four-hundredth centenary of the publication.
From Sunday 21 to Sunday, August 28, 2016
Location: Church of the Visitation Annecy
Program Sunday 21 and 28 August
10 am: Mass
15h-16h45: Adoration to the Crypt
17h:Door of Mercy, Liturgy of the Word and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Sunday 28: Blessing of the city
Program of the week from Monday 22 to Friday, August 27
10 am: Mass
11.15: Conference
15h-17h: Adoration in the Crypt
17h15-18h Door of mercy, followed by Vespers of the Blessed Sacrament
18h: Conference
Lectures from Monday 11 to Friday 27 to 18h
Monday 22: Madame Chantal Touvet. “To want to read the Treatise on the Love of God (Father Claude Morel (msfs missionary of St. Francis de Sales)
Tuesday 23: “Of the covenant between God and man, grace through love” (TAD I, 8.15-18) (P. Jean-Claude Mutabazi)
Wednesday 24: “Merciful God in the Treatise on the Love of God by Francis de Sales” (TAD XI 6) (P. Jean-Luc Leroux)
Thursday, 25: “Jesus took flesh in our humanity through love” (TAD II, 4-5) (Sister Mary Luke vsm)
Friday 26: “Images of grace and freedom in TAD” (P. Bernard Baussand)
Saturday 27: “Salesian Unidivers” (Philippe Legros)