The Feast of Our “Holy Mother” and Foundress of the Visitation Order, St. Jane de Chantal, is celebrated this year on Friday, August 12th.
She advised us regarding our prayers and the mercy of God:
Every day in your morning prayers, or at the end of them, confirm your resolutions and unite your will with God’s in all that you will do that day and in whatever he sends you. Use words like these, “O most holy will of God, I give you infinite thanks for the mercy with which you have surrounded me; with all my strength and love, I adore you from the depths of my soul and unite my will to yours now and forever, especially in all that I shall do and all that you will be pleased to send me this day, consecrating to your glory my soul, my mind, my body, all my thoughts, words and actions, and my whole being. I beg you with all the humility of my heart, accomplish in me your eternal designs, and do not allow me to present any obstacle to this.