As we prepare for the canonization of Blessed Mother Theresa on September 4, 2016, the Visitation community in Bay Ridge is recalling Mother’s visit to our Monastery in 1986.

While only three Sisters currently in the Monastery were here at that time, as the rest of us entered since then, that day is recalled every evening at recreation when one of us sits in the CHAIR that Mother Theresa sat in!IMG_0242The metal plaque on this chair recalls the exact date of Mother Theresa’s visit:








At the time, Mother Marie Anatrella was Superior of our Brooklyn Visitation community.  One of the Missionaries of Charity was making a retreat in our Monastery, and Mother Theresa came to speak with her, as her Superior. Mother Marie took the opportunity to have the Saint speak to all the Visitandine Sisters in our Library Room.

As Mother Theresa was leaving, our students from the Visitation Academy were ending their school day and encountered the Saint on her way out. She lovingly and graciously gave the children medals.

Blessed Theresa of Calcutta also spent various nights in the 1970’s and 1980’s  at the Visitation Monastery in Mendota Heights, MN in the Mary, Mother of God room in the retreat wing. This gave Mother the opportunity to pray in their Chapel in the mornings as well.