We continue with the French Visitandine’s thoughts for Lent:
After every meditation on the sufferings of Our Lord, live one of His virtues. Each day should give increased beauty to your robe of charity; be very careful to lose no opportunity of embellishing it and rendering it as beautiful as possible. Then in your examination of conscience, look at what you have done, see if you have made progress in love and then reanimate yourself .In your visit to the Blessed Sacrament, ask yourself; Have I advanced in love?
This work appears difficult in the beginning but when you have learned through habit, to like it, it will only be play for you, the play of love.
You will advance in love, you will take strides, you will even succeed in running, and then you will be happy, for the soul that runs in the way of love is a happy soul,who has Heaven for her portion.
Mother du Gasset