We began our reflection on Ash Wednesday with the thoughts of Mother Marie-Philomene du Gasset and this week we continue with her second talk.


The Church, at the beginning of this holy season, points out the dispositions we should have so that the penance and mortification of Lent should be pleasing to God. We should fill our hearts with contrition and humility, true humility of heart.

To sink into the knowledge of oneself is to bury oneself ever deeper in humility; to bury oneself in humility is to bury oneself in truth; and a s God is Truth Itself, it is to be always more deeply abyssed in God.

This desire, this love of humility is strengthened when we look at our Jesus and think of that passage of Holy Scripture, “He took the form of a slave”.He was the “reproach and the outcast of men.”

Let us take to heart the attainment of true humility which is the ornament with which we should embellish all our actions, all that we do for God, for He will not receive or reward any act not marked with the seal of humility.