How can God, unmoved by nature, be hurt? And if He  suffers, how can he be consoled by us, his creatures? Saint John says “God is love”, which means what is to love, if not to love and to be loved? In the depths of his Being, God begets a Son, a substantial mirror of his infinite perfections, God loves him infinitely and receives an infinite love, from which precedes the Holy Spirit, the fruit of this eternal and essential love.
Love tends to communicate, and God is willing to love and be loved outside of Himself, so he first created the angel and then the man. He made them intelligent, with love, and liberty so that they might know and love him freely. Lucifer, the angel in love with beauty and using his free will, fell back on himself, became the center of his own love,And in his pride refused to serve his Creator, so hatred was born.
Hatred would pursue divine love  by attacking the man who was
made in the image of God. Was love lost forever? No, God continued to make
mankind  tenderest advances to the point of descending Himself as Flesh “to reconquer and save man … But the hatred was in ambush, itstood up against the Son of God, pursued him and put him to death, without Victory, we know! Before he died, Jesus instituted the Eucharist, the sacrament of the eternal and unconditional Love which attracts the love of men. A few centuries later, he confided in a sad complaint [to St. Margaret Mary] how much He was no longer loved …

And today is He more liked? We are well aware that,
eep wounds escape from torrents of mercy and love,So this month
hich is devoted to him – faithful guards of honor
edouble your love and consolation, that by each of our heart beats,
hat by each of our most ordinary occupations, we may repeat
ncessantly during our hour: “Jesus, I will love you, comfort you for your sake
The hearts that afflict you and do not love you!
Throughout this month, this burning hymn may rise, unanimous and vigorous, and
o console our Lord for ingratitude and contempt of our unhappy brothers and sisters
Let us decide once and for all to be fervent and
ynamic consolers of his Sacred Heart! (Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)