Our Holy Founder’s Feast is Wednesday January 24th and in order to prepare we offer excerpts of his life taken from “Every Day with St Francis de Sales” edited by Francis J Klauder SDB

January 16- On January 16, 1618, 400 years ago to this day, Francis de Sales received with remarkable calm, a defamatory libel that a lawyer had written against him and his Daughters of the Visitation; it was so insulting that even the most indifferent were moved. The prelate knew the spirit and the character of that man who had persecuted him for three or four years, but he would allow no one to take any action against him, saying  to those who wanted to revenge these attacks, “ I have committed this man into God’s hands, so no one must dare to touch him. I invoke the divine mercy for him every day..”

(Page 16)

January 17 – St. Francis de Sales preached on St Anthony the Abbot whose Feast is today.St Anthony was the protector of St Francis’interior desert, where he wanted to remain alone with God amidst busyness.

January 18- To persevere in the devout life is a matter of deciding upon some excellent and generous maxims, with the right intention, such as : All turns out well for those who love God.

January 19-“When St. Monica was about to give birth to the great St. Augustine, she dedicated him by repeated acts of oblation to the Christian religion and the service of God’s glory. He testifies to this and says that “he had already tasted God’s salt within his mother’s womb.”

“The story contains a great lesson, for it tells Christian women to offer up to God’s Majesty the fruit of their wombs even before it comes into the world. At such times, God, who accepts the offerings of a humble and willing heart, is wont to inspire a mother’s affections.”

Source: St. Francis de Sales :Introduction to the Devout Life, Part 3, Chapter 38, p224, Ryan’s edition

January 20- The great Agent of mercy converts our miseries into graces, turning the poison of our sins into a healing antidote for our souls. (St Francis de Sales, Letters 1420)

January 21- Receive Holy Communion with courage, peace and humility, in response to the Divine Spouse, Who in order to unite Himself to us, humbled Himself to become our food. (letters 1529)

January 22- During the course of the day recall as often as possible that you are in God’s presence.

January 23- Today is the 446th Birthday of St Jane de Chantal! St Francis de Sales said, “to insure that the saints pray and intercede for us, we must invoke them and ask their help.” (Sermon 51)