The Visitation Order’s archives hold many profound writings of individual Community Superiors who gave conferences to their Sisters during Lent.
This year we will quote from some of these unnamed Superiors as we journey through Lent 2018.
“We cannot commence better the holy time of Lent than by applying to ourselves the admirable words of the Epistle of St. Paul “Behold the favorable time, behold the day of salvation.”
Let us enter with this idea into the Lenten season with a sincere desire to profit by it for our sanctification, as our hearts should apply with an increased ardor to make progress in virtue and sanctity, being animated with new zeal,
Let us try to understand all that Jesus in His Love for us, expects and requires of us. If we study the divine maxims, we will soon be persuaded that all He wishes to teach us is to be detached from ourselves, to be fully united with Him.”