What is the difference between imperfect and perfect penitence?
To what must imperfect penitence lead if it is to avail us to eternal life?
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Judy
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Viewer
SrSusan (Guest): And Carol Ann
Carol Ann: Hi Sr.
Carroll V (Guest): Good evening everyone!
SrSusan (Guest): Welcome CarrollV
Judy (Guest): Hi Mother,
Judy (Guest): Missed you last week,
SrSusan (Guest): Yes St Francis writing can be lengthy and I guesss circular is a good way of saying it
SrSusan (Guest): Glad to be here this week
Judy (Guest): I sometimes feel that he is making things more difficult than they need to be.
Carol Ann: We are still cleaning up,
Judy (Guest): Oh my!
Judy (Guest): Glad that you are with us,
Carroll V (Guest): Judy-
Carol Ann: every single person in two counties is suffering some degree of ptsd,
Ruth (Guest): Hello Sr.
SrSusan (Guest): The language has changed and first of all it is translated from French and probably old French at that
Carol Ann: Hi Ruth!
Ruth (Guest): Pizza.
SrSusan (Guest): Yum!
Carol Ann: mmm,
Ruth (Guest): So sorry,
SrSusan (Guest): Nothing to repent about re pizza!
SrSusan (Guest): But the season of Lent is coming when we do repent!
Judy (Guest): This is the first time I have ever seen a difference made between penitance and repentance.
Judy (Guest): If our penitance were so great as to move us to tears and broken hearts,
SrSusan (Guest): Yes it was interesting to say the least-
Carol Ann: Yes.
Judy (Guest): Why would there be an absence of the love God unless it had been rejected?
SrSusan (Guest): can a non believer have repentance or penitance then-
Carol Ann: yes,
SrSusan (Guest): lack of knowledge
SrSusan (Guest): i think there is some human instinct of sorrow
Judy (Guest): Could that be related to repentance?
Carol Ann: is the distinction be like what we ask children-
Carroll V (Guest): Judy-
Carroll V (Guest): just not mature yet,
Judy (Guest): And Mother said that it could be caused by lack of knowledge.
SrSusan (Guest): good point Carroll
SrSusan (Guest): And true every time we ask a child if they are sorry we do not always mention their relation to God
Ruth (Guest): Interesting distinction Carol Ann.
Ruth (Guest): And I have also heard parents or teachers say:
Judy (Guest): Does that mean that there can be no true repentance without the purest love of God?
SrSusan (Guest): That’
Carol Ann: because they don’
Ruth (Guest): Good thing we have the Sacrament of Reconciliation!
Judy (Guest): Question 2 Imperfect penitence does not yet have the love of God and is unable to give salvation.
Carroll V (Guest): I know there have been times when I have received the grace to feel gut-
Judy (Guest): IsFilled not felled.
Ruth (Guest): SFdS adds another term,
Judy (Guest): I think that contrition,
SrSusan (Guest): definitely
Carroll V (Guest): Significant changes took time-
Ruth (Guest): I remember once expressing a firm purpose of amendment (
SrSusan (Guest): where does mercy fit into this i wonder
Carroll V (Guest): pre-
Judy (Guest): God’
Carol Ann: is that failure,
Carroll V (Guest): I am just so grateful for the grace to “
Judy (Guest): I suspect that even imperfect penitence comes from the grace of God.
SrSusan (Guest): i agree
Judy (Guest): And it is His grace that enables us to progress from imperfect penitence to perfect penitence and than to repentence.
SrSusan (Guest): since the TREATISE is about love of God all the points the saint makes eventually lead to Love
Ruth (Guest): I don’
Judy (Guest): And this grace is given to us out of the love of God for us.
SrSusan (Guest): and God’
SrSusan (Guest): He must be sending us always all that we need for repentance and penitaence but like evrything else we need to accept it
SrSusan (Guest): and let it work on our hearts so they love
SrSusan (Guest): Since eternal life is a life of purest love all things tend to preparing us for that
SrSusan (Guest): anyway that’
Carroll V (Guest): Judy-
Ruth (Guest): I heard a CD recently,
Judy (Guest): Love is as necessary as breath.
Carroll V (Guest): “
SrSusan (Guest): Because so many people don’
Judy (Guest): Question 3 Imperfect penitence must lead us to be wholly possessed of and captivated by God’
SrSusan (Guest): and leads us to union with God and then His love and ours begins to be one
Carol Ann: St Francis seems to be saying that we must never stay stagnant.
Ruth (Guest): In the Act of Contrition as I learned it we say:
Judy (Guest): I have a mental image of an altar and each of us is called to place ourselves upon that altar,
Ruth (Guest): Opps,
Carol Ann: both are present in the prayers we are taught as children,
Ruth (Guest): I once had a dream in which a Rabbi I know,
Judy (Guest): Loss of heaven means loss of God and that is tragic.
Carroll V (Guest): That’
Ruth (Guest): Carol Ann,
Carol Ann: i think that is why we were made to memorize it,
Judy (Guest): St.
Ruth (Guest): That is why Ursula,
Carol Ann: what is in your heart is what comes out of you,
SrSusan (Guest): Especially watch those images-
Judy (Guest): I love the words of the psalmist:
Carroll V (Guest): Carol Ann,
Ruth (Guest): Yes.
Carol Ann: yes.
Judy (Guest): May the Lord send the sunshine of His love upon the state of California and all of its people,
Carroll V (Guest): When I see people in pain,
Carol Ann: oh,
Judy (Guest): How long have these children been missing?
Carol Ann: since the flood
Ruth (Guest): My experience with Flight 800,
Judy (Guest): That does not bode well.
SrSusan (Guest): We join you in prayer for these children and for all the follow up to these disasters.
Carroll V (Guest): .
SrSusan (Guest): Yes Love Him for them until they find Him in their souls
Carol Ann: one of our parishioners think they may be in her property somewhere,
SrSusan (Guest): May you each have a graced week as we keep each other in heart and prayer
Carol Ann: thank you for all your help,
Judy (Guest): May the week ahead be filled with graces and blessings in abundance.
Carol Ann: May God bless us every one
Carroll V (Guest): Wow-
Ruth (Guest): Thank you everyone,
Ruth (Guest): Let us turn to Him in all our needs.