The Visitation Order’s archives hold many profound writings of individual Community Superiors who gave conferences to their Sisters during Lent.
This year we will quote from some of these unnamed Superiors as we journey through Lent 2018.
Week One
” Jesus Christ was led by the Holy Spirit into the desert. The Holy Spirit who was in Him, conducted Him in all things, but he wished that this circumstance should be particularly marked, when there was question of entering into solitude, of fasting, doing penance and being tempted, to make us understand that when there is question of separating from the world and giving ourselves in earnest to the practice of good works, that we have a particular need of the Spirit of God.
The time of Lent, then, is a time of solitude, separation, privation, silence, recollection, prayer, mortification, expiation of past faults, meditation of the law of God, combats against self, victories over the world, and over all the enemies of salvation.
We must enter with Jesus Christ into retreat, avoiding all entertainments that are not absolutely necessary, giving more time to prayer, and pious reading.”