In your opinion,
Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): 4.
Jane (Guest): Hi Mother &
Carroll (Guest): Hi everybody-
SrSusan (Guest): Yes Our schedule is on our website if you want to be here for the Holy Triduum
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Carroll
Judy (Guest): Well,
SrSusan (Guest): What bothered me about the comparison is nobody could know w ho loves Godmore,
Judy (Guest): The other difference lies in the subject matter of the knowledge.
Jane (Guest): Why is it that well educated persons question God’
Jane (Guest): Is it their egos?
SrSusan (Guest): Perhaps exercising their minds too much without paying attention to the heart
Judy (Guest): Again,
SrSusan (Guest): Ego can get to be a problem too also pride which is related
Judy (Guest): I think that certain philosophies can as easily lead one to reject God,
SrSusan (Guest): But even in basic religious education of children even we tended to put emphasis on learning not loving untilmore recent times
Carroll (Guest): Maybe study becomes a way for some people to busy themselves so much that it actually becomes a distraction from holy silence.
SrSusan (Guest): Hmm yes
Judy (Guest): Yes,
Ruth (Guest): During the almost two years that I attended a Catholic school,
SrSusan (Guest): We do not want to downplay learning because then people do not lerarn the faith the combo that Judy mentioned is best
Judy (Guest): Perhaps in learning that time honored response to the Baltimore Catechism question,
SrSusan (Guest): True-
Judy (Guest): E.
Ruth (Guest): I sure wouldn’
Dawn (Guest): Jesus commanded us to love God with everything,
SrSusan (Guest): Just this morning at Mass the priest asked for the Baltimore C definition of a sacrament re matter and form
SrSusan (Guest): Yes Ruth Faith is a gift and there is such mystery to each person’
Judy (Guest): A sacrament is an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace.
SrSusan (Guest): You do remember a lot!
Judy (Guest): I guess the Sisters who taught me in elementary school did a good job.
Ruth (Guest): I credit my very LIFE to the Baltimore Catechism –
Carroll (Guest): I am grateful God has given me the grace to “
Ruth (Guest): Good observation,
Dawn (Guest): I have never read the Baltimore C.
Carroll (Guest): I haven’
Dawn (Guest): yes!
SrSusan (Guest): It is surely on line and very basic Cannot go wrong with it at all
Judy (Guest): A good introduction to the second question-
SrSusan (Guest): Knowledge can be false andlearning does not necessarily lead to good worksor charitable actions and that can also obscure love
Ruth (Guest): Dawn,
Judy (Guest): And as we grew up,
Ruth (Guest): move him toward
Dawn (Guest): I attended in catechism classes,
Judy (Guest): That might have a book for preparation for First Eucharist.
Dawn (Guest): oh,
Judy (Guest): When I was in first grade,
Judy (Guest): I sure would love to get a copy of that old book now.
Ruth (Guest): How do we know if we love God or not.
Judy (Guest): I think that we can know if we love God if we are keeping His commandments,
Dawn (Guest): If we desire to do his will,
SrSusan (Guest): Love is of the will as wellas of the heart
Ruth (Guest): The Commandments include “
Ruth (Guest): So the explanation is kind of circular.
Dawn (Guest): Love is willing the good of the other
Judy (Guest): But of course,
Dawn (Guest): Mother,
Judy (Guest): Jesus tells us to love Him with our whole heart,
Ruth (Guest): I wonder if that is so in the “
Dawn (Guest): and yours Judy.
SrSusan (Guest): Explain the dark night a little
Ruth (Guest): Instead of explaining,
Jane (Guest): I am not on FB.
Carroll (Guest): When I first really fell in love with Jesus,
Judy (Guest): I remember thinking that the book “
Ruth (Guest): And there is the Dark Night of the Sense and the Dark Night of the Soul (
SrSusan (Guest): ?
SrSusan (Guest): I always have the same answer for this kind of question Spend toime before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament
Jane (Guest): Adoration is amazing
Ruth (Guest): We are not alone.
Judy (Guest): The clever and learned men,
Judy (Guest): Knowledge of God,
SrSusan (Guest): When one meets Jesus in prayer or another way,
Ruth (Guest): I choose to praise God for the stars,
Judy (Guest): That starry sky always reminds me of luxurious black velvet studded with every so many diamonds.
Ruth (Guest): Black velvet with diamonds would remind me of the starry night sky.
Ruth (Guest):
Ruth (Guest): And that,
SrSusan (Guest): and that is growing in contemplation
SrSusan (Guest): creation helps,
Judy (Guest): Last question on how to grow in contemplative prayer.
Ruth (Guest): And maybe of Abraham being taken outside (
Judy (Guest): Just be IN the presence of the Lord.
SrSusan (Guest): Silence and solitude,
Carroll (Guest): holy silence
Ruth (Guest): For me,
Judy (Guest): That is what is so beautiful about Eucharistic adoration.
SrSusan (Guest): and that’
Dawn (Guest): not to restrict a moment of grace of his presence,
Judy (Guest): Our celebrant this morning incorporated some baby sounds into his homily It was a good thing.
Dawn (Guest): how was it done Judy?
Ruth (Guest): Maybe that’
Carroll (Guest): When I was a postulant,
Judy (Guest): I mean sounds that were actually made by a baby and he would affirm what the little one was babbling.
Dawn (Guest): so lovely
Ruth (Guest): sweet.
Ruth (Guest): Carroll,
Dawn (Guest): like the cloistered heart.
Jane (Guest): Hope everyone has a blessed week.
SrSusan (Guest): This is the holiest of weeks somay your devotion and contemplation increase with allthe grace you each receive.
SrSusan (Guest): I cannot guarantee my presence but if you all want to.
SrSusan (Guest): then a newsletter could go out
Jane (Guest): Mother-
SrSusan (Guest): I will be present to the community on Easter Sunday and so I probably won’
SrSusan (Guest): here
Jane (Guest): So can we agree not to have a chat on Easter Sunday and resume the following week?
Judy (Guest): Well,
Jane (Guest): A newsletter sounds lovely.
Carroll (Guest): Ruth-
SrSusan (Guest): Yes we can skip-
Jane (Guest): God bless you all as well.
Jane (Guest): Amen
Ruth (Guest): It’
Carroll (Guest): Amen!
Jane (Guest): Oh yes.
Jane (Guest): so powerful
Jane (Guest): Good night everyone.
Ruth (Guest): Agreed.
Ruth (Guest): Carroll,
Ruth (Guest): Everyone,
Guest9387 (Guest): Hi
Guest9387 (Guest): Can I get a prayer for my starving African friend Jermaine