…by exploring the Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Paray-le-Monial, very near the Monastery of the Visitation where St Margaret Mary, a Visitandine, received the revelations of the Heart of Jesus.

Click here: http://www.sacrecoeur-paray.org/en/experiment/the-message-of-paray-le-monial/


“Here is the Heart which loved mankind so much up to the point of exhaustion, one that burns up to show its love ; and in return I only receive ingratitude through their irreverence and their sacrilege and through the coldness and scorn that they have for me in this Sacrament of love.
Give me this pleasure of compensating for this ingratitude as long as you will be capable of it.”
Jesus to Saint Marguerite-Marie

« The most spacious and the dearest abode for my heart will be in the cleft the spear made in opening His side. I will make my home in His Fire of Love, in His Divine Heart, pierced for me ; by this burning hearth, I shall feel reviving within me the Flame of Love that was decreasing up to now…” (St Francis De Sales).