The ways that St. Francis describes Our Lady here hearken back to the original innocence of Adam and Eve. Before the Fall they had perfect integrity (meaning their souls were always in perfect harmony with their bodies and there was no concupiscence in them). What is so significant about Mary being described as such? Is it just to her benefit as if some profoundly nice gesture from God? There are two theological camps when it comes to the end of Mary’s life on earth. One side says she died before bei

Jul 29, 5:36 PM

VisitationSiste: . One side says she died before being assumed into heaven, the other side presumes that she bypassed death and was directly assumed into heaven by God. What does St. Francis seem to believe? Have you learned much about this? If so, what are your thoughts on this? What is the significance of Mary’s assumption? In other words, what is heaven like where Jesus and Mary have bodies and no one else does (at least not until the Final Judgment and the resurrection of the body)? Does this reflection give us a

Jul 29, 5:37 PM

VisitationSiste: Does this reflection give us any insight into this?

Jul 29, 7:23 PM

Guest2456 (Guest): Have a Great Chat Tonight. Just Leaving for Dinner with Janet and Mitch !!! Maria is having a wonderful experience on Mission Trip to her come country Guatemala !!! Thank You All for the Prayers !!!! She returns home Friday !!!! God Bless You All !!!! Brian

Jul 29, 7:24 PM

Guest2456 (Guest): Home Country !!!

Jul 29, 7:32 PM

Carol Ann: Dawn! Are you okay? I know you are up north, but not sure how close to Redding

Jul 29, 7:34 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Carol Ann ! I am approx 1,5 hr drive from fire someone said we are 100 miles from Carr fire. it has been quite smokey and hazy

Jul 29, 7:34 PM

Jennifer Koo: Hi, Carol Ann and Dawn

Jul 29, 7:34 PM

Carol Ann: that’s a relief, though these days fires are moving thirty miles a day or more.

Jul 29, 7:34 PM

Carol Ann: Hi Jennifer!


Jul 29, 7:52 PM

Dawn (Guest): I wish we could keep or see all that is written on chat for the duration at least

Jul 29, 7:54 PM

Carol Ann: How do you all feel about tonight’s questions?


Jul 29, 7:54 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’ve been there, too. Wanted to enter around 1988 but couldn’t get a residency position (training as a physician) nearby – required (that is, continuing your normal work) for the postalancy year.

Jul 29, 7:55 PM

Jennifer Koo: Do you still go there, Ruth

Jul 29, 7:55 PM

Ruth (Guest): This refers to Erie, PA, which Jen mentioned.


Jul 29, 7:55 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’ve been back a couple of times, Jennifer.

Jul 29, 7:56 PM

Dawn (Guest): to answer about tonights questions, I rather Mother is here to guide and give her inputs. these are deeper reflections

Jul 29, 7:57 PM

Dawn (Guest): Ruth I did not know your desire to take a habit, that is beautiful

Jul 29, 7:57 PM

Ruth (Guest): I wound up doing a year of Family Practice in Toledo, Ohio; so Erie was sort of the half-way stop-over when I visited my mother on Long Island. And then more recently – 2011 – I went for a few days to get reacquainted – on my way to a convention in Missouri.

Jul 29, 7:58 PM

Carol Ann: they are deeper, and some i didn’t really understand

Jul 29, 7:58 PM

Jennifer Koo: Benedictine sisters are not wearing habits

Jul 29, 7:59 PM

Dawn (Guest): not all are but I see pictures of some that are

Jul 29, 7:59 PM

Ruth (Guest): Habit? That’s funny. All but the oldest sisters wear ordinary clothing. Seems to me on my first visit I spent a lot of time in a bathing suit! They have a pool, and one time we were taken to a beach on Lake Erie.

Jul 29, 8:01 PM

Ruth (Guest): Carol Ann, I suspect your reply is to the question about the questions. Half way through the time and without Judy or Mother we don’t get to them. I found ‘em difficult, too.

Jul 29, 8:03 PM

Carol Ann: some i had never considered, like whether or not Mary was assumed into heaven without physically dying first. Though i have seen some older Rosary guides call the fourth glorious mystery the Dormition of Mary rather than the Assumption, which makes me think there has been some debate

Jul 29, 8:05 PM

Ruth (Guest): But just now I thought, the comparison of Mary to Eve: In the Garden of Eden before the first sin, there was no death as we know it, and no concupiscence, so because Mary was free from original sin, she may have been free from death – at least the death with the struggle between spirit and bodily influences – like in Eden.

Jul 29, 8:06 PM

Carol Ann: true

Jul 29, 8:06 PM

Dawn (Guest): thoughtful reflection Ruth

Jul 29, 8:06 PM

Ruth (Guest): Interesting observation, Carol Ann. I had not seen the “Dormition” in a Rosary guide. And my nearest church is called Assumption.

Jul 29, 8:08 PM

Ruth (Guest): Dormition seems to be a word used something like death without a struggle – the kind of death – sort of a falling asleep – that would naturally, without struggle occur in Eden before the fall.

Jul 29, 8:08 PM

Jennifer Koo: The Catholic Church teaches as dogma that the Virgin Mary “having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory”.[4] This doctrine was dogmatically defined by Pope Pius XII on 1 November 1950, in the apostolic constitution Munificentissimus Deus by exercising papal infallibility.

Jul 29, 8:08 PM

Carol Ann: it was a from the 40′s or 50′s I think. I watch a lot of Rosary videos onyoutube to have company in prayer and i think i see these on the ultra tradtional

Jul 29, 8:10 PM

Carol Ann: Thank you Jennifer, I think that answers our question about Mary in heaven. completed the course of earthly life seems to imply natural death

Jul 29, 8:10 PM

Dawn (Guest): This is helpful Jennifer

Jul 29, 8:11 PM

Ruth (Guest): The trouble I have with the whole discussion is that we do not have any evidence, as far as I know, so why to a lot of theorizing (that is theologizing) about it. Good reference Jennifer.

Jul 29, 8:11 PM

Jennifer Koo: Thank you.

Jul 29, 8:12 PM

Dawn (Guest): perhaps why it is hard to understand!

Jul 29, 8:13 PM

Dawn (Guest): I never knew there were these questions, I thought it was understood

Jul 29, 8:14 PM

Ruth (Guest): Still the advocates of “dormition” probably see no conflict with Pius XII’s definition of the “Assumption” since body and soul could, theoretically at least, go to heaven together even AFTER Mary “falls asleep.

Jul 29, 8:15 PM

Ruth (Guest): We expect that all of our bodies will be raised on the last day. We believe in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting. Not OUR last day unless it happens to coincide with the Parusia. Is that the right word? When Jesus comes in glory to open all the graves and take us bodily to heaven.

Jul 29, 8:15 PM

Jennifer Koo: Many Catholics believe that Mary first died before being assumed, but they believe that she was miraculously resurrected before being assumed. Others believe she was assumed bodily into Heaven without first dying.[34][35] This aspect of the Assumption is not authoritatively described in Catholic theology, and either understanding may be legitimately held by Catholics, with Eastern Catholics observing the Feast as the Dormition.

Jul 29, 8:17 PM

Carol Ann: Sorry, we lost our internet suddenly, seems to be the city

Jul 29, 8:17 PM

Jennifer Koo: In Munificentissimus Deus, near the end of the review of the doctrine’s history, Pope Pius XII stated :All these proofs and considerations of the holy Fathers and the theologians are based upon the Sacred Writings as their ultimate foundation. Precedent to this, he cited many passages that have been offered in support of this teaching.

Jul 29, 8:18 PM

Jennifer Koo: The pope cited 1 Corinthians 15. In this passage Paul alludes to Genesis 3:15 (in addition to the primary reference of Psalm 8:6), where it is prophesied that the seed of the woman will crush Satan with his feet:I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel. Since, then, Jesus arose to Heaven to fulfill this prophecy, it follows that the woman would have a similar end, since she shared this enmity with Satan.

Jul 29, 8:18 PM

Dawn (Guest): thank you Jennifer

Jul 29, 8:18 PM

Jennifer Koo: The pope also mentioned (in paragraph 26) Psalm 132, a psalm commemorating the return of the Ark of God to Jerusalem and lamenting its subsequent loss. The second half of the psalm says that the loss will be recompensed in the New Covenant, and so it is hopefully prayed,Arise, O Lord, into thy resting place: thou and the ark, which thou hast sanctified” (v. 8). Since the Church sees this New Covenant ark in Mary, it understands that she was taken into Heaven in the same manner as the Lord – that is,

Jul 29, 8:19 PM

Jennifer Koo: body and soul.

Jul 29, 8:19 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good work, Jennifer. Is that from the Catechism of the Catholic Faith?

Jul 29, 8:19 PM

Jennifer Koo: Finally, he mentioned in the next paragraph “that woman clothed with the sun [Revelation 12:1–2] whom John the Apostle contemplated on the Island of Patmos” was support for the creating this dogmatic doctrine for Catholics.

Jul 29, 8:20 PM

Ruth (Guest): He was resurrected; she assumed into heaven. I had been wondering about the use of a different term. Maybe assumed assumes that she did not die first as Jesus did.

Jul 29, 8:21 PM

Jennifer Koo: Going to work now, bye all

Jul 29, 8:21 PM

Carol Ann: Or that Jesus ascended in His own power while Mary was taken up by His?

Jul 29, 8:22 PM

Carol Ann: Good night Jennifer. Or is it good morning?

Jul 29, 8:22 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hmm. Interesting idea, Carol Ann/

Jul 29, 8:22 PM

Jennifer Koo: Good night all

Jul 29, 8:22 PM

Dawn (Guest): Jennifer, this was from Pope Pius? or Cathechism. have a good day at work. God bless

Jul 29, 8:22 PM

Ruth (Guest): Thanks for sharing with us Jennifer.

Jul 29, 8:23 PM

Guest690 (Guest): I have always understood the difference between Ascension and Assumption to be how you explained it, Ruth

Jul 29, 8:24 PM

Ruth (Guest): By the way, the Church of the Assumption, near here in Gabriels, was built and named over one hundred years ago.

Jul 29, 8:25 PM

Carol Ann: It sounds like our understanding is changing as the years go by

Jul 29, 8:25 PM

Ruth (Guest): 690, is that you Brian?

Jul 29, 8:25 PM

Guest690 (Guest): No, my name is Angela

Jul 29, 8:25 PM

Carol Ann: Hi Angela!

Jul 29, 8:26 PM

Ruth (Guest): The Ascension of Jesus was after his sojourn on Earth after his Resurrection. So not exactly.

Jul 29, 8:26 PM

Ruth (Guest): Welcome Angela!

Jul 29, 8:27 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Angela

Jul 29, 8:27 PM

Guest690 (Guest): I only started reading what was sent out last week about what St Francis de Sales wrote about her Assumption. Does St Francis de Sales have more writing concerning devotion to Mary

Jul 29, 8:29 PM

Ruth (Guest): Interesting, the church in the next town, Lake Placid – St. Agnes – has a beautiful stained glass window over the altar asp depicting the Ascension of Jesus.

Jul 29, 8:30 PM

Dawn (Guest): Angela I do not know. Mother Susan I think she would know and will be back next week’

Jul 29, 8:30 PM

Guest690 (Guest): OK. Great! I will come back next week. Blessings to all.

Jul 29, 8:31 PM

Carol Ann: We will be glad to see you!

Jul 29, 8:31 PM

Dawn (Guest): Great, see you then. God bless

Jul 29, 8:32 PM

Dawn (Guest): Ruth, St Agnes sounds beautiful, sacred

Jul 29, 8:34 PM

Dawn (Guest): some churches and those of many of the monks are very clean looking. modern I guess, no perhaps not modern.

Jul 29, 8:35 PM

Carol Ann: At least not ultra modern, with the altar in the center of a circle and no icons, with the tabernacle off to the side somewhere

Jul 29, 8:35 PM

Ruth (Guest): St. Francis de Sales was really prolific – and in his time a popular evangelizer. It’s difficult to get easy-to-read translations, though. I have one called Rose Among Thorns that I think would be a good introduction – much easier to read that Introduction to the Devout Life – which we were studying about three years ago. The little book I mention consists of excerpts from his letters. I’ve read some of his letters – maybe it is the translation – or the fact that he was specifically addressing one

Jul 29, 8:35 PM

Ruth (Guest): person – sort of offering spiritual direction.

Jul 29, 8:36 PM

Carol Ann: Though I have seen the Tabernacle on the side with an altar, a clearly defined sacred space

Jul 29, 8:38 PM

Ruth (Guest): More and more the Tabernacle is being returned to the central position – above or behind the altar. In the early years post Vatican II a lot of “experimenting” was going on. The Eucharist is central to our Catholic Faith.

Jul 29, 8:38 PM

Dawn (Guest): I collect titles and sometimes the book for a time when I can read for long periods. usually when someone mentions a book, such as Rose of THorns, it goes in the pile and I thank you all

Jul 29, 8:39 PM

Ruth (Guest): Rose Among Thorns.

Jul 29, 8:40 PM

Carol Ann: So many great works, so little time


Jul 29, 8:42 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, and I’ve been having eye trouble – blurring after just a few minutes of reading – and pain in my rt. eye. Plus, I am a dyslexic bibliophile, so there are indeed so many good books so little time.

Jul 29, 8:42 PM

Dawn (Guest): correction made! thanks and good night. God Bless and be with us +

Jul 29, 8:42 PM

Ruth (Guest): Thank you

Jul 29, 8:42 PM

Carol Ann: Oh Ruth, that is painful

Jul 29, 8:42 PM

Dawn (Guest): do you use audio books?

Jul 29, 8:43 PM

Ruth (Guest): Carol Ann. You said you e-mailed me while I was away. I searched for your e-mail to me.

Jul 29, 8:43 PM

Carol Ann: Good night Dawn, will keep an eye on the news, come South if you need to

Jul 29, 8:44 PM

Carol Ann: I think I sent it to you, but I would have to try to find it in the outbox to see which address I sent it to

Jul 29, 8:45 PM

Dawn (Guest): thank you for caring gesture Carol Ann. My family is here. there are Christian evangel churches in area that are listing on Facebook Crisis response, opening their homes and also have shelter and field for horses. that church really reaches out to the community!! a blessing

Jul 29, 8:45 PM

Ruth (Guest): Dawn, I paid for an Amazon Audible subscription; the books I ordered never came through. I just haven’t had time to fight with them over it. We can get audio books from our local library for free, but not the same variety that I’ve ordered. And some of them were in German.

Jul 29, 8:46 PM

Carol Ann: Oh, that is terrific news. Now they just need to set up a bucket brigade

Jul 29, 8:46 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes...and pray for rain!!

Jul 29, 8:47 PM

Dawn (Guest): I tried Audible but was not enthused about it so cancelled. take care and talk soon <3

Jul 29, 8:48 PM

Carol Ann: Down here this is a group of volunteers that started digging out home owners who couldn’t afford to have all that mud taken out of their homes. They also are still digging out public spaces and sifted through the ashes after the last fire looking forv people’s possessions that survived

Jul 29, 8:48 PM

Carol Ann: God bless you both

Jul 29, 8:49 PM

Dawn (Guest): the outpouring of human kindness in these times is amazing to see

Jul 29, 8:49 PM

Dawn (Guest): God Bless!

Jul 29, 8:51 PM

Ruth (Guest): God bless! Good night.