The ways that St.
VisitationSiste: .
VisitationSiste: Does this reflection give us any insight into this?
Guest2456 (Guest): Have a Great Chat Tonight.
Guest2456 (Guest): Home Country !
Carol Ann: Dawn!
Dawn (Guest): Hi Carol Ann !
Jennifer Koo: Hi,
Carol Ann: that’
Carol Ann: Hi Jennifer!
Dawn (Guest): I wish we could keep or see all that is written on chat for the duration at least
Carol Ann: How do you all feel about tonight’
Ruth (Guest): I’
Jennifer Koo: Do you still go there,
Ruth (Guest): This refers to Erie,
Ruth (Guest): I’
Dawn (Guest): to answer about tonights questions,
Dawn (Guest): Ruth I did not know your desire to take a habit,
Ruth (Guest): I wound up doing a year of Family Practice in Toledo,
Carol Ann: they are deeper,
Jennifer Koo: Benedictine sisters are not wearing habits
Dawn (Guest): not all are but I see pictures of some that are
Ruth (Guest): Habit?
Ruth (Guest): Carol Ann,
Carol Ann: some i had never considered,
Ruth (Guest): But just now I thought,
Carol Ann: true
Dawn (Guest): thoughtful reflection Ruth
Ruth (Guest): Interesting observation,
Ruth (Guest): Dormition seems to be a word used something like death without a struggle –
Jennifer Koo: The Catholic Church teaches as dogma that the Virgin Mary “
Carol Ann: it was a from the 40′
Carol Ann: Thank you Jennifer,
Dawn (Guest): This is helpful Jennifer
Ruth (Guest): The trouble I have with the whole discussion is that we do not have any evidence,
Jennifer Koo: Thank you.
Dawn (Guest): perhaps why it is hard to understand!
Dawn (Guest): I never knew there were these questions,
Ruth (Guest): Still the advocates of “
Ruth (Guest): We expect that all of our bodies will be raised on the last day.
Jennifer Koo: Many Catholics believe that Mary first died before being assumed,
Carol Ann: Sorry,
Jennifer Koo: In Munificentissimus Deus,
Jennifer Koo: The pope cited 1 Corinthians 15.
Dawn (Guest): thank you Jennifer
Jennifer Koo: The pope also mentioned (
Jennifer Koo: body and soul.
Ruth (Guest): Good work,
Jennifer Koo: Finally,
Ruth (Guest): He was resurrected;
Jennifer Koo: Going to work now,
Carol Ann: Or that Jesus ascended in His own power while Mary was taken up by His?
Carol Ann: Good night Jennifer.
Ruth (Guest): Hmm.
Jennifer Koo: Good night all
Dawn (Guest): Jennifer,
Ruth (Guest): Thanks for sharing with us Jennifer.
Guest690 (Guest): I have always understood the difference between Ascension and Assumption to be how you explained it,
Ruth (Guest): By the way,
Carol Ann: It sounds like our understanding is changing as the years go by
Ruth (Guest): 690,
Guest690 (Guest): No,
Carol Ann: Hi Angela!
Ruth (Guest): The Ascension of Jesus was after his sojourn on Earth after his Resurrection.
Ruth (Guest): Welcome Angela!
Dawn (Guest): Hi Angela
Guest690 (Guest): I only started reading what was sent out last week about what St Francis de Sales wrote about her Assumption.
Ruth (Guest): Interesting,
Dawn (Guest): Angela I do not know.
Guest690 (Guest): OK.
Carol Ann: We will be glad to see you!
Dawn (Guest): Great,
Dawn (Guest): Ruth,
Dawn (Guest): some churches and those of many of the monks are very clean looking.
Carol Ann: At least not ultra modern,
Ruth (Guest): St.
Ruth (Guest): person –
Carol Ann: Though I have seen the Tabernacle on the side with an altar,
Ruth (Guest): More and more the Tabernacle is being returned to the central position –
Dawn (Guest): I collect titles and sometimes the book for a time when I can read for long periods.
Ruth (Guest): Rose Among Thorns.
Carol Ann: So many great works,
Ruth (Guest): Yes,
Dawn (Guest): correction made!
Ruth (Guest): Thank you
Carol Ann: Oh Ruth,
Dawn (Guest): do you use audio books?
Ruth (Guest): Carol Ann.
Carol Ann: Good night Dawn,
Carol Ann: I think I sent it to you,
Dawn (Guest): thank you for caring gesture Carol Ann.
Ruth (Guest): Dawn,
Carol Ann: Oh,
Dawn (Guest): yes.
Dawn (Guest): I tried Audible but was not enthused about it so cancelled.
Carol Ann: Down here this is a group of volunteers that started digging out home owners who couldn’
Carol Ann: God bless you both
Dawn (Guest): the outpouring of human kindness in these times is amazing to see
Dawn (Guest): God Bless!
Ruth (Guest): God bless!