Stalin’s daughter would have liked to live in Fribourg. All her life, she kept a nostalgia for her stay at the Monastery of the Visitation, where she had taken refuge during her flight from the USSR to the United States. An independent researcher with a passion for history, Jean-Christophe Emmenegger meticulously investigated the reconstruction of the precise itinerary of the most famous defector of the Cold War, Svetlana Alliluyeva. Benefiting from long-held state archives and exclusive family documents, he unravels the true and the false in Operation Svetlana , a book that reads like a crime novel.

Interview with the author in French on radio:

When Stalin’s daughter emigrates from the Soviet Union in 1967, what do we know about her in Switzerland?

Read an original newspaper article here in English:

The English NY Times article tells of the Visitation Nun who took care of her for the 3 weeks she stayed at the Monastery and other details!

and also from the NY Times: