Every person needs a “center” in his own life, a source of truth and goodness to draw from in different situations and everyday fatigue. Each of us, when he stops in silence, needs to feel not only the beating of his heart, but, more deeply, the beatings of a reliable presence, perceptible to the senses of faith, and yet much more real: the presence of Christ, the heart of the world. I therefore invite everyone to renew their devotion to the Heart of Christ “. This was the invitation of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, on the occasion of the first Angelus of June 2008. Indeed, there exists in the Catholic liturgy a feast of the heart of Jesus established on the 3rd Friday after Pentecost since 1765, a celebration of the Heart of Mary since 1805 the next day and one of the Divine Mercy on the first Sunday after Easter since 2000, not to mention the Heart of God. In this third episode of the Pilgrims of God on the history of the devotion to the Heart of Jesus, let us try together to understand the transition from a diffuse and private heart spirituality in the Middle Ages to a public cult in the modern era, thus following the Christ’s own recommendation during his appearances at the Visitandine Sainte Marguerite-Marie Alacoque from 1673 to 1675.

Listen here: https://rcf.fr/spiritualite/temoins-de-la-foi/le-sacre-coeur-de-jesus-34-de-la-devotion-privee-la-devotion-universe