September is for many synonymous with “return”, “recovery”! If some approach the month with serenity, others are more anxious about the success of the projects and  work to resume after the holidays … To avoid a return to anxiety, our founder, Sr Marie du Sacré Coeur Bernaud , gives us here a simple trick:

The small things

They are rare saints who are destined to make great things here. If extraordinary works were needed to go to heaven, the number of the elect would be reduced! In reality, those whom the Lord calls, represent the mass of ignored Christians, scattered throughout the world, lost in the insignificant details of a common life, ordinary, but which, by a genuine spirit of faith, can enhance the price of each one, by  little acts of their life! All the little actions of our life, all those little imperceptible little things to which our activities apply are all grains of sands that can be transformed into gold nuggets accumulated for Heaven.

If all that we realize is not done out of love and for the Glory of God, we may well have days filled with extraordinary works, conceive important works, have exceptional destinies, that would be nothing in the eyes of God ! But  a restrained word, a repressed annoyance, a thought directed towards Jesus, a look towards his Divine Heart at the moment when we lose patience, a hand stretched gently, a benevolent smile, an inspired advice … that’s what is priceless for God!

Holiness is not a block of marble drawn from one single piece of the bowels of the earth, it is a mosaic made patiently, where are added day by day in the shadow of a home, ‘a company, a community, humble acts of virtue done discreetly. Each element taken apart is worthless, without brilliance, but all these little pieces are wonderful because they conform to the holiness of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

The salvation of our soul and its perfection are in the little things that are the bedrock of our lives. Let us do as well as possible the work of each moment, especially during our hour of presence, it will respond to the wishes of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and we will amass the treasures for Heaven. (Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)