VisitationSiste: 2 more questions:
Judy (Guest): And I was worried about being late!
Guest9534 (Guest): Hi Judy !
Judy (Guest): Hi Brian!
Guest9534 (Guest): Just got back from late Mass at Neumann Center at University of Buffalo .
Judy (Guest): Hi Ruth!
Guest9534 (Guest): Hi Ruth !
Ruth (Guest): Hello Judy and Brian.
Judy (Guest): Well,
Ruth (Guest): This chapter is interesting,
Judy (Guest): Do you mean in the extraordinary practice of ordinary exercises?
Ruth (Guest): And I wonder about the nine plus years before.
Dawn (Guest): Hi Judy,
Judy (Guest): Hi Dawn!
Guest9534 (Guest): If we do anything to truly get closer to God it is God’s Will .
Guest9534 (Guest): Hi Dawn !
Ruth (Guest): Yes,
Dawn (Guest): I am here and now just called away!
Guest9534 (Guest): God Bless You Dawn !
Ruth (Guest): We will,
Judy (Guest): Ruth,
Judy (Guest): It’
Judy (Guest): can’
Judy (Guest): If you can’
Ruth (Guest): Extraordinary practice?
Guest9534 (Guest): Ruth you always seem to make the adjustments necessary to get done what God wants you to do !
Judy (Guest): I cannot think of any extraordinary thing that I have attempted.
Guest9534 (Guest): A lot of people just give up.
Judy (Guest): Question 2:
Judy (Guest): Most holy life
Ruth (Guest): And yet,
Judy (Guest): God will surely reward your effort.
Guest9534 (Guest): Awesome Ruth !
Ruth (Guest): I appreciate your saying so,
SrSusan (Guest): Sorry to be late I am in DC
Judy (Guest): Question 3:
Judy (Guest): Out of weakness
Judy (Guest): Glad that you are here,
Ruth (Guest): Or,
Judy (Guest): Wow,
SrSusan (Guest): Hope the discussion has been fruitful so far!
Guest9534 (Guest): It’s is absolutely more important !
Judy (Guest): It is easy to give up when the going gets rough.
Guest9534 (Guest): Hi Sr Susan !
Guest9534 (Guest): Judy it is the Greatest Witness for our Lord Jesus !
SrSusan (Guest): The Salesian way is usually very ordinary
SrSusan (Guest): But we had an extraordinary few saints
Judy (Guest): Question 4:
SrSusan (Guest): Being with the sick elderly too as in the Monastery it is a ministry of presence
SrSusan (Guest): I never gave this phrase as much credit as I do now,
Guest9534 (Guest): Sometimes just a smile !
Judy (Guest): St.
Ruth (Guest): And one of my jobs was in an nursing home.
SrSusan (Guest): Yes because they feel the love
Guest9534 (Guest): Soo true Sister Susan !
Judy (Guest): Sometimes doing anything special is beyond our capability and being present is thing that we can do.
Ruth (Guest): ly difficult life on the street.
SrSusan (Guest): Ruth you would do well in our infirmary!
SrSusan (Guest): We asking feet can be listening to someone’
SrSusan (Guest): Washing
SrSusan (Guest): Or like Brian,
Guest9534 (Guest): Listening is such a beautiful tool that God uses to help people !
Judy (Guest): Question 5:
Judy (Guest): counseling
SrSusan (Guest): The other day this ministry of presence struck me in this sense,
SrSusan (Guest): marriage is under such attack It is heroic to we married today Virtue in marriage need to be encouraged
Guest9534 (Guest): Had a meeting with Men who are Leaders for Kairos in Prison last week .
Judy (Guest): Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament can also be a way of ministering to others is we engage in prayer for them.
Ruth (Guest): I am telling this because I see such a huge negative change in myself ever since I fell down a flight and a half of stairs.
SrSusan (Guest): Something might have been damaged somewhere Ruth,
Guest9534 (Guest): Can you get some help at home Ruth !
SrSusan (Guest): good idea
Judy (Guest): Ruth,
SrSusan (Guest): We can join in prayer for this intention
Guest9534 (Guest): Used to be Home Health Aide 30 years ago as third job !
Ruth (Guest): On two occasions 2 different friends helped me for a few hours,
Judy (Guest): Question 6:
Guest9534 (Guest): I find people tend to walk Soo much more when they have rollato with a seat !
SrSusan (Guest): Young people would benefit spiritually by assisting either of you you have such rich spirituality within
Judy (Guest): without making them proud or haughty,
Guest9534 (Guest): I had a Client who’s Mom was bearly getting by at home .
Judy (Guest): Rather than aspiring to extraordinary practice of ordinary exercises,
SrSusan (Guest): Great idea and accept our limitations yet have courage to move forward as God wills Need to go now God bless
Judy (Guest): May you receive many graces and blessings during the coming week.
Guest9534 (Guest): God Bless You Judy ,
Guest9534 (Guest): We will Be Praying for you Ruth !
Ruth (Guest): THANK YOU for your prayers and support.
Ruth (Guest): BTW reading an old journal the other day,
Ruth (Guest): I guess I need to listen to my own advice.
Ruth (Guest): WHEN we examine them truthfully.
Guest9534 (Guest): Amen Ruth !