Should we aspire to the extraordinary practice of the ordinary exercises? Or should this only be something we are inspired (by God) to do? St. Francis de Sales mentions some unique examples of saints who lived this extraordinary perfection of ordinary exercises. But we are all called to be saints. What point is there in God calling a seemingly small portion of people to this way? Connected with that: Is it the case that God calls so few people, or is it the case that so few people respond to thesse extraordinary inspirations from God?

What are some concrete ways that we can “wash a person’s feet” in our day and age?

Oct 17, 1:33 PM

VisitationSiste: 2 more questions:
5. St. Francis admonishes us to not change our direction in life when it concerns our vocation. What does this say about marriage when it is threatened with difficulty or divorce?
6. When else does this admonishment apply? What about a change in one’s career? Moving one’s residence to a better place? When is it good and OK to make a change?

Oct 21, 7:39 PM

Judy (Guest): And I was worried about being late! Where is everybody?

Oct 21, 7:45 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Hi Judy ! God Bless You ! Brian

Oct 21, 7:46 PM

Judy (Guest): Hi Brian! Glad you are here. I was beginning to wonder if I would be alone tonight.

Oct 21, 7:47 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Just got back from late Mass at Neumann Center at University of Buffalo . Beautiful Mass tonight !

Oct 21, 7:47 PM

Judy (Guest): Hi Ruth! Good to have you here tonight.

Oct 21, 7:48 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Hi Ruth ! God Bless You ! Brian

Oct 21, 7:49 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hello Judy and Brian. Sorry I’m late.

Oct 21, 7:50 PM

Judy (Guest): Well, let’s take a stab at question 1: We should aspire to the extraordinary practice of ordinary exercises only if specifically inspired by God to do so. If we do not act in accord with His inspiration, we are not doing His will but our own.

Oct 21, 7:51 PM

Ruth (Guest): This chapter is interesting, points directly, it seems to me, at the difficulties I’ve had in the last nine years. Unable, it seems, to finish anything, or much of anything.

Oct 21, 7:53 PM

Judy (Guest): Do you mean in the extraordinary practice of ordinary exercises?

Oct 21, 7:53 PM

Ruth (Guest): And I wonder about the nine plus years before. I gave away so many professional services that I left myself poor, in some ways too poor. Was it God’s inspiration, or my own s t r i v i n g to live Gospel values more perfectly than “normal.

Oct 21, 7:53 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Judy, Brian, Ruth!

Oct 21, 7:53 PM

Judy (Guest): Hi Dawn!

Oct 21, 7:54 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): If we do anything to truly get closer to God it is God’s Will . If we are doing the excercises for a sense of accomplishment with out the purpose of knowing God it could not be God’s Will only our will !

Oct 21, 7:55 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Hi Dawn ! God Bless You ! Brian

Oct 21, 7:55 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, Judy, I guess that is what I mean. I keep thinking that it is a result of traumatic brain injury. People with ADD have a similar problem.

Oct 21, 7:55 PM

Dawn (Guest): I am here and now just called away! PLease keep me in your prayers as I will you, in mine. Have a great chat! Blessings

Oct 21, 7:57 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): God Bless You Dawn ! Keep Shining for Jesus ! Brian

Oct 21, 7:57 PM

Ruth (Guest): We will, Dawn, but I hope it’s nothing serious. The grans OK?

Oct 21, 7:58 PM

Judy (Guest): Ruth, can you give an example of some extraordinary practice of ordinary exercise that you were unable to complete?

Oct 21, 7:59 PM

Judy (Guest): It’s OK of you dan’t.

Oct 21, 7:59 PM

Judy (Guest): can’t

Oct 21, 7:59 PM

Judy (Guest): If you can’t. Gee my fingers are tripping over each other tonight.

Oct 21, 7:59 PM

Ruth (Guest): Extraordinary practice? Even the ordinary, seems just too much much of the time.

Oct 21, 8:00 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Ruth you always seem to make the adjustments necessary to get done what God wants you to do !!!

Oct 21, 8:01 PM

Judy (Guest): I cannot think of any extraordinary thing that I have attempted.

Oct 21, 8:01 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): A lot of people just give up. You always keep trying !!!!

Oct 21, 8:02 PM

Judy (Guest): Question 2: God is free to do as He pleases. He knows who would best profit from and live a nost holy life by extraordinary practice of ordinary exercies. And so He chooses those whom He knows to be able to live this way according to His will.

Oct 21, 8:03 PM

Judy (Guest): Most holy life

Oct 21, 8:03 PM

Ruth (Guest): And yet, in the past, I have literally done some of what is described in the article as extraordinary practice of ordinary virtures: e.g., literally washing the feet of a homeless man, who, without socks, had the leather of his shoes and his skin difficult to separate, and doing so as if I were washing Christ’s feet. I really did feel that the stinky job was a priviledge and I think I managed to NOT show my revulsion at the smell.

Oct 21, 8:04 PM

Judy (Guest): God will surely reward your effort.

Oct 21, 8:05 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Awesome Ruth ! Humble Service for the Lord ! Nothing points people to Jesus more than humble service !!!

Oct 21, 8:05 PM

Ruth (Guest): I appreciate your saying so, Brian. Perseverance is a virtue that somehow I’ve always had. I had to, to survive. BUT that is not the same as accomplishing a task, and particularly not the same as accomplishing it in a reasonable amount of time.

Oct 21, 8:06 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Sorry to be late I am in DC

Oct 21, 8:06 PM

Judy (Guest): Question 3: It could be both. God may very well call a select few to extraordinary practice of ordinary exercises. But there are surely those tho fail to respond to His call our of weakness, fear or laziness.

Oct 21, 8:07 PM

Judy (Guest): Out of weakness

Oct 21, 8:07 PM

Judy (Guest): Glad that you are here, Mother.

Oct 21, 8:07 PM

Ruth (Guest): Or, to get through medical school I had as many as five different jobs simultaneously – in addition to my studies. Somehow, I attended almost ALL lectures and classes, even though it was not required.

Oct 21, 8:08 PM

Judy (Guest): Wow, talk about multi-tasking!!!

Oct 21, 8:08 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Hope the discussion has been fruitful so far!

Oct 21, 8:09 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): It’s is absolutely more important ! Perseverance is an Action of Faith ! Your Trust in God keeps you going no matter what !!! Faith in Action ! Remember the lady who put her whole living into collection . She knew God would take care of her !!!

Oct 21, 8:10 PM

Judy (Guest): It is easy to give up when the going gets rough. But to keep on keeping on can be reallly difficult.

Oct 21, 8:10 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Hi Sr Susan ! God Bless You !!!! Brian

Oct 21, 8:11 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Judy it is the Greatest Witness for our Lord Jesus !!!

Oct 21, 8:11 PM

SrSusan (Guest): The Salesian way is usually very ordinary

Oct 21, 8:11 PM

SrSusan (Guest): But we had an extraordinary few saints

Oct 21, 8:12 PM

Judy (Guest): Question 4: We can wash people’s feet today by performing acts of charity for them-cooking a meal, caring for a garden, shoveling snow, consoling in times of sorrow or distress, giving good advice when necessary.

Oct 21, 8:12 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Being with the sick elderly too as in the Monastery it is a ministry of presence

Oct 21, 8:13 PM

SrSusan (Guest): I never gave this phrase as much credit as I do now, just being with someone in need

Oct 21, 8:13 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Sometimes just a smile ! Prayer for somebody maybe they don’t even know your praying for them !!!!

Oct 21, 8:13 PM

Judy (Guest): St. John Bosco said that extra penances were not necessary. We need only to bear the crosses that naturally befall us.

Oct 21, 8:13 PM

Ruth (Guest): And one of my jobs was in an nursing home. I did private duty. There was another woman, covered with sores all over her body, hallucinating. On an iv, she had ripped it out during the day before I came, climbed over the bedrail and been losing blood crawling around with her stumps of legs. She tried to hit anyone who got near her. I’d have been punched in the face with a closed fist had I not ducked away quickly enough. I knew that she was confused and afraid of the police – must have had an incredib

Oct 21, 8:13 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Yes because they feel the love

Oct 21, 8:14 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Soo true Sister Susan ! Nothing better than just being there together !!!!

Oct 21, 8:15 PM

Judy (Guest): Sometimes doing anything special is beyond our capability and being present is thing that we can do. It might be the thing that the person needs most.

Oct 21, 8:16 PM

Ruth (Guest): ly difficult life on the street. I SANG hymns all night and prayed for her. In the morning she was still hallucinating but now she thought I was her mother; she let me wash her whole body and I even had time left to help the nurse get half of the other patients on the ward up and dressed.

Oct 21, 8:16 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Ruth you would do well in our infirmary! Helping there!

Oct 21, 8:17 PM

SrSusan (Guest): We asking feet can be listening to someone’s problems

Oct 21, 8:17 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Washing

Oct 21, 8:17 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Or like Brian,s ministry with the incarcerated

Oct 21, 8:18 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Listening is such a beautiful tool that God uses to help people !

Oct 21, 8:18 PM

Judy (Guest): Question 5: If marriage is threatened with difficulty or divorce, the couple should use every means available to resolve the difficultly-prayer, clunseling possibly assistance from other married couples, Divorce should be a last resont.

Oct 21, 8:18 PM

Judy (Guest): counseling

Oct 21, 8:18 PM

SrSusan (Guest): The other day this ministry of presence struck me in this sense, that in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament we have a ministry of presence to Jesus, and Heis always present to us!

Oct 21, 8:20 PM

SrSusan (Guest): marriage is under such attack It is heroic to we married today Virtue in marriage need to be encouraged

Oct 21, 8:20 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Had a meeting with Men who are Leaders for Kairos in Prison last week . We just listened and God gave them all the answers they needed while they were sharing !!! Soo Cool !!

Oct 21, 8:20 PM

Judy (Guest): Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament can also be a way of ministering to others is we engage in prayer for them.

Oct 21, 8:20 PM

Ruth (Guest): I am telling this because I see such a huge negative change in myself ever since I fell down a flight and a half of stairs. I don’t seem to be able to get anything done. I don’t even keep up with my own dish washing! I have trouble accomplishing anything at all.

Oct 21, 8:21 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Something might have been damaged somewhere Ruth, plus as we age we slow down

Oct 21, 8:21 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Can you get some help at home Ruth !!!

Oct 21, 8:22 PM

SrSusan (Guest): good idea

Oct 21, 8:22 PM

Judy (Guest): Ruth, you are not alone. Since I developed this Parkinsonism, I, too, am unable to keep up with things. I have not had an aide for a couple of weeks andam hoping to get a new one this week. It is tough when you see things building up.

Oct 21, 8:23 PM

SrSusan (Guest): We can join in prayer for this intention

Oct 21, 8:25 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Used to be Home Health Aide 30 years ago as third job ! Awesome to meet Soo many beautiful people , to help , and to listen to Soo many great stories , I learned a lot from all those people !!!!

Oct 21, 8:25 PM

Ruth (Guest): On two occasions 2 different friends helped me for a few hours, but both have their work. One I never see any more. The other I see almost weekly at a Formation for Ministry course that we have both completed and are now auditing. She finished last year; I finished twelve years ago. Her work is now more demanding than it was when she helped me out.

Oct 21, 8:27 PM

Judy (Guest): Question 6: It is good to make a change if it can be seen that the change will be of benefit to the person and the family if there is one. And not just from a financial standpoint. Will tlhe change make it easier for the people to live peacefully? Will a change in career give one a better chance to serve others and to care for the family. If a change in residence will bring one to safer neighborhood, it is certainly a good thing A change in careet may be good for person’s self-esteem

Oct 21, 8:27 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): I find people tend to walk Soo much more when they have rollato with a seat !

Oct 21, 8:27 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Young people would benefit spiritually by assisting either of you you have such rich spirituality within

Oct 21, 8:28 PM

Judy (Guest): without making them proud or haughty, It is a good thing. The well being of all must be the first consideration.

Oct 21, 8:31 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): I had a Client who’s Mom was bearly getting by at home . Finally went to Sy Francis Home ! She came back to life ! Attended Mass daily , active in everything for many years ! Total transformation after move !!!

Oct 21, 8:32 PM

Judy (Guest): Rather than aspiring to extraordinary practice of ordinary exercises, we might do better to engage in extraordinary prayer for whatever it is that we are doing.

Oct 21, 8:33 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Great idea and accept our limitations yet have courage to move forward as God wills Need to go now God bless

Oct 21, 8:33 PM

Judy (Guest): May you receive many graces and blessings during the coming week. Good night!

Oct 21, 8:35 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): God Bless You Judy , Ruth , and Sister Susan !!! Keep Shining for Jesus !!!

Oct 21, 8:38 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): We will Be Praying for you Ruth !!!! You are a Great Inspiration to me !!!! God Bless You !!!

Oct 21, 8:38 PM

Ruth (Guest): THANK YOU for your prayers and support.

Oct 21, 8:46 PM

Ruth (Guest): BTW reading an old journal the other day, I found a statement in a letter I’d written to a patient. It made me smile:Where you stumble or fall, dig there for treasure! Get a shovel and a pick-ax and dig! Keep going even if it is just to come to another stumbling place. That says something to me about finding our weakness, identifying our problems, and being willing to change.

Oct 21, 8:50 PM

Ruth (Guest): I guess I need to listen to my own advice. God is good! Even our weakness can lead us closer to Him, the greatest treasure of all.

Oct 21, 8:51 PM

Ruth (Guest): WHEN we examine them truthfully.

Oct 21, 9:35 PM

Guest9534 (Guest): Amen Ruth !!!! Praise God !!!!