In a hectic world that goes faster and faster and wants everything right away, talking about patience is pretty paradoxical! Yet patience is a quality that is  good! It has the gift of soothing the surroundings and pacifying our heart. Indeed, nothing is more pleasant than the presence of infinitely patient people! Patience births sweetness, calm and serenity … and so many other qualities! May the teaching of Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud inspire us all this month!


The apostle St James tells us that “patience is perfection itself” (Spiritual Doctrine Father Berthier -1820) While it is worth this honor, it is without doubt the most difficult of all the virtues. The patience that God asks of us, Jesus himself has experienced throughout his earthly life and especially on Calvary. It is true that if we live crosses, trials of all kinds, we must endure them without murmuring in the company of Jesus.

Instead of impatience  and grudges against the bad fate that seems to persevere, even if we are bound to a life of physical or moral torture, we would not have the right to let our nature rebel against the will of God . All the more, because of the troubles and small misery of daily life that oppose us, we must exercise our holy patience! There is no small incident that God did not want in a thought of mercy. He gives birth to such and such a circumstance, unfortunate or happy, in the plans of his Providence. We must be united to his adorable will and accept everything with gratitude. Showing annoyance or impatience brings no solution and throws more trouble in our heart.

Sometimes it is our faults, our imperfections which cause us desolations. “We need patience with everyone, but especially with ourselves … Always be the sweetest you can, and remember that you draw more flies with a spoonful of honey than with a hundred barrels of vinegar Said St. Francis de Sales. Let us accept our condition of sinners and desire by good will to improve ourselves, and we will provide God with the opportunity of our own sanctification.

Yes, let us keep patience in all things, on all occasions, so we will preserve the purity of our soul and walk towards holiness! (Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)