Saint Francis hits on a valuable point regarding the temptation that some of us have in trying too discern God’s will for every situation (e.g., should we have chicken or beef tonight?). God has made us in His image and likeness, with the freedom of being His children. How can we live out this advice from holy Francis? What might be areas of life that fall into this category that we are not aware of? For those who have discerned (or are currently discerning) a vocation to priesthood or religious life

Nov 9, 11:45 AM

SrSusan (Guest): what insights can such a discernment process give us for this topic? How can the topic at hand help those in such a discernment process? Based on this reflection, what should we say in the situation of those who struggle with worrying that a major life choice they have made was not God’s will? For example: a priest or nun who worries that God was actually calling them to marriage (or vice versa)? With this current reflection in mind, what then do you suppose we are asking for when we pray “Thy wil

Nov 9, 11:45 AM

SrSusan (Guest): Thy will be done” in the Lord’s prayer?

Nov 11, 6:03 PM

Dawn (Guest): prayer requests for the Paradise Camp Fire victims. approx 30,000 have lost everything, clothes, personal items and many jobs. evacuation centers are full. one down the street from me. So many fires in California! Have a good chat tonight. Blessings

Nov 11, 7:25 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Jane

Nov 11, 7:25 PM

Jane (Guest): I have soooo missed this.

Nov 11, 7:26 PM

Jane (Guest): So happy to be here

Nov 11, 7:26 PM

VisitationSiste: Great that you are here! How are things with you?

Nov 11, 7:27 PM

VisitationSiste: One of our Sisters went home to God on Friday, Sr Mary Pauline

Nov 11, 7:27 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Ruth How are you feeling?

Nov 11, 7:29 PM

VisitationSiste: Dawn told us last week. I do not think she is coming here tonight

Nov 11, 7:29 PM

Jane (Guest): God bless her precious soul. I will pray for her.

Nov 11, 7:30 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hi. I just got home – mainly for chat and computer research; will probably spend the night and at least part of tomorrow. My stuff is still at DeChantal. I have to take care of a few things in the main house before I can settle in for the chat. And I have not yet (?) done any prep. Talk with you soon. Haven’t been in my main house yet.

Nov 11, 7:30 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’m feeling pretty good, thanks be to God.

Nov 11, 7:31 PM

VisitationSiste: OK!

Nov 11, 7:31 PM

Judy (Guest): Hi Everyone! Hope all is well with all of you.

Nov 11, 7:31 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Judy!

Nov 11, 7:33 PM

VisitationSiste: I was saying Judy that our Sr Pauline went home to God FRiday

Nov 11, 7:33 PM

Judy (Guest): May she dwell for all eternity in the loving arms of Jesus.

Nov 11, 7:36 PM

Judy (Guest): Well, here goes question 1: We should not overly concern ourselves with minor matters such as whether to wear the blue skirt or the brown one; whether to eat an apple or a banana; whether to wear a sweater or a jacket; whether to drink water or milk.

Nov 11, 7:37 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Carol Anne- I am glad you are safe

Nov 11, 7:38 PM

Carol Ann: Because those do not have eternal consequence?

Nov 11, 7:38 PM

Judy (Guest): Hi Carol Anne! So glad that you are able to be here!

Nov 11, 7:39 PM

VisitationSiste: I think so- although the Lord does count every hair so to speak, still He wants us to be responsible for minor things

Nov 11, 7:39 PM

Ruth (Guest): OK. I’m back. Will read what I can of what is written above.

Nov 11, 7:39 PM

Carol Ann: Hi everyone. I am at no e, but many of my coworkers are evacuated again and do not know if they have a home to go home to, some also knew peop,e and the dance club in thousand oaks

Nov 11, 7:39 PM

Judy (Guest): I am horrified by the pictures I am seeing of the fires in California. Never have I seen such fires in my life!!

Nov 11, 7:40 PM

Carol Ann: It has not even been a gear since our disaster, everyone is re traumatized

Nov 11, 7:41 PM

Carol Ann: I see spell check is doing it’s own thing again tonight

Nov 11, 7:43 PM

VisitationSiste: Your prayers must be so intense too

Nov 11, 7:43 PM

Carol Ann: Yes

Nov 11, 7:43 PM

Judy (Guest): I have to wonder if there will be a California left after all of this!

Nov 11, 7:43 PM

Carol Ann: We do too

Nov 11, 7:44 PM

VisitationSiste: I do believe God has a plan for us in our life and discernment of this is important

Nov 11, 7:44 PM

Jane (Guest): It is amazing how God has allowed such devastation in California. May His blessings be on you all.

Nov 11, 7:44 PM

Jane (Guest): Yes, that is what I meant- discernment

Nov 11, 7:47 PM

VisitationSiste: I think our little choices do play a part and God can use them

Nov 11, 7:47 PM

Ruth (Guest): How often I’

Nov 11, 7:47 PM

VisitationSiste: But no matter what we freely choose God can work out the path He wants us on

Nov 11, 7:48 PM

Judy (Guest): Question 2: The discernment process for those considering the priesthood or consecrated life is far more weighty and serious than the matters mentioned above. I don’t hthink that the current topic offers any insights for such discernmant other than recognizing it is far more serious than what to eat or wear. Indeed our eternal salvation depends on the decision made here for we are truly considering what is the will of God for our life.

Nov 11, 7:50 PM

Carol Ann: This is about who we are created to be and not just incidentals

Nov 11, 7:50 PM

VisitationSiste: In my early years I had no clue that I should be discerning anything at all! Yet God brought me, eventually, to religious life by tiny indications, people I met and then a growing desire

Nov 11, 7:51 PM

Ruth (Guest): ve thought; something like: How different everything would be if I had not stayed to ask that question or if I’d have been a little slower or a little faster hear or there . . . I think though, that in offering my day all that I do and say, all that I experience, every joy and suffering each morning, that gives a kind of freedom and a sense that even when things seem to go very badly I can, I must trust that God is with me and he can make good come out of this, for myself and maybe for others.

Nov 11, 7:52 PM

Judy (Guest): As it says in Romans, For those who love God all things work together for good.

Nov 11, 7:53 PM

Ruth (Guest): here or there.\

Nov 11, 7:55 PM

Ruth (Guest): The extra question at a World Trade Center medical conference caused me to miss my train to a friend’s house in NJ. That train was derailed. My friends thought I was on it and back then there was no way I could notify them until I found a pay phone and could call them.

Nov 11, 7:55 PM

Ruth (Guest): A few seconds later I would not have hit the moose that crushed my Subaru with me in it.

Nov 11, 7:56 PM

Carol Ann: Things like that happen so often, more than we really know

Nov 11, 7:56 PM

Jane (Guest): There was a very powerful image shown on the evening news as the devastation of the fires in California were being reported. It showed the entire vast area of all homes burned to the ground beyond recognition and the only thing in tact was an angel- with not a mark. It made me think that is God’s message- material things are not of value- life and God so that we may live eternal with Him is all.

Nov 11, 7:57 PM

Judy (Guest): Ruth, you have seen things happen both ways, for your benefit and your suffering. God knows what He is doing!

Nov 11, 7:57 PM

Jane (Guest): Yes, God’s angels and our guardian angels at work

Nov 11, 7:57 PM

Ruth (Guest): A little slower moving about the home of a quadriplegic man I was helping might have given him time to warn me that the painting he suggested I look at on the other side of the room divider was on a wall over an open, unprotected, staircase to his cellar.

Nov 11, 7:58 PM

Carol Ann: That also happens a lot here. We have lost entire retreat centers and monasteries only to find the front gate with Mary on it standing there like nothing happened

Nov 11, 7:58 PM

VisitationSiste: I did not know about the retreat centers and monasteries.

Nov 11, 7:59 PM

Carol Ann: Yes, Sister. It happened most recently at Mt Calvary

Nov 11, 8:03 PM
Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): To see the Lord’s will in the fire is very difficult- I so admire your courage Carol Anne

Nov 11, 8:04 PM

Carol Ann: When you all were first discerning, how did you recognize it was Jesus speaking to you and not just your own desire?

Nov 11, 8:04 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): I found a conviction deep within and spiritual direction confirmed it

Nov 11, 8:05 PM

Carol Ann: It is hard to know why, or why so many are lost. The mudslide showed no partiality. It took young, old, rich, poor, native and immigrant. The fires are the same. Perhaps that is the lesson

Nov 11, 8:06 PM

Judy (Guest): Question 3: Those who struggle with thoughts that the major life choice they have made was not God’s will, should seek the counsel of a spiritual director and the person in charge og their formation if in seminary or religious life. seek out a counselor and spiritual director. In both cases, engage in serious prayer.

Nov 11, 8:07 PM

Carol Ann: Prayer us a must, but talking with a director is crucial. We can get so lost within our own heads

Nov 11, 8:07 PM
Ruth (Guest): Thanks Sister. More than protection against this rude behavior, tito, by any other name needs our prayers. I once had a real, live,participant” in a week long retreat in the Black Forest who seemed to be there only for a cheap vacation and to try to make trouble. The other teens were all, often, praying for him. About a year later I ran into some of those adolescents and they said,Remember . . . . My response,How could I forget?!Well he is now part of our prayer group, and he’s completely ch

Nov 11, 8:08 PM

Ruth (Guest): changed. . .

Nov 11, 8:08 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Yes prayer works miracles!

Nov 11, 8:09 PM

Ruth (Guest): It certainly does work miricales of grace.

Nov 11, 8:09 PM

Carol Ann: So someone who comes to disrupt is really seeking God without knowing why

Nov 11, 8:09 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Good point

Nov 11, 8:09 PM

Ruth (Guest): Very probably, Carol Ann. And even if he is not, God can change him.

Nov 11, 8:11 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Where does discernment fit into a situation like this

Nov 11, 8:12 PM

Judy (Guest): To determine how to deal with the situation.

Nov 11, 8:12 PM

Carol Ann: Well, we do not know the source of the anger, so invoking St Michael seems best as he would know and can do something about it

Nov 11, 8:12 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Yes Very powerful .

Nov 11, 8:13 PM

Ruth (Guest): But I think it is fine, to delete his inappropriate speech, and to attempt to keep him from being disruptive. It’s like just not listening, continuing your discussion and prayers. I loved working with those young adults, and I had a good, co-leader of our group, also a medical student.

Nov 11, 8:14 PM

Judy (Guest): Question 4: When we pray “Thy Will be done” in the Our Father, we are asking for the grace to discern and then to live the life or choice we have made.

Nov 11, 8:14 PM

Carol Ann: The best way to combat disruption is to simply not be disrupted

Nov 11, 8:14 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): And all choices and events and circumstances- thy will be done

Nov 11, 8:15 PM

Jane (Guest): Amen

Nov 11, 8:15 PM

Carol Ann: It is by trial that virtue is proven and we are never tested beyond our strength

Nov 11, 8:16 PM

Jane (Guest): Psalm 23

Nov 11, 8:16 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good observations, Carol Ann. I agree, Sister Susan Marie.

Nov 11, 8:17 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): In California it is literally “trial by fire”

Nov 11, 8:17 PM

Carol Ann: Seriously. Maybe that’s what it takes to get our attention

Nov 11, 8:18 PM

Judy (Guest): If we are truly doing God’s will, we will find true happiness.

Nov 11, 8:18 PM

Jane (Guest): Why California?

Nov 11, 8:18 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): and inner peace

Nov 11, 8:18 PM

Jane (Guest): True

Nov 11, 8:18 PM

Jane (Guest): Amen

Nov 11, 8:19 PM

Judy (Guest): I am going to sign off everyone. I am very,very tired. Have a blessed week.

Nov 11, 8:19 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Sometimes one can be outwardly agitated and yet have inner peace.

Nov 11, 8:19 PM

Carol Ann: I don’t know. We are no more liberal or permissive than other parts of the country. We are in a drought cycle that has lasted longer than typical and we have no defense

Nov 11, 8:19 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Blessings dear Judy Rest and count on our prayers!

Nov 11, 8:20 PM

Carol Ann: God bless you Judy

Nov 11, 8:21 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Do you think change on any level is called for Carol, even environmentally, in the area of these fires?

Nov 11, 8:21 PM

Carol Ann: All of a sudden I couldn’t post

Nov 11, 8:21 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Oh

Nov 11, 8:22 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): By the way this website and chat are being upgraded The webmaster is working on it so it fits mobile phone better I will let you know when it nears completion Chat should be easier I am told

Nov 11, 8:22 PM

Carol Ann: Well, we do need to conserve water. Most of California is semi desert and all the capital and forests actually need short, less intense fires to regenerate

Nov 11, 8:22 PM

Ruth (Guest): Sorry I was distracted. Phone calls x 3 on cell came through. Land line out for the moment. I was responding in chat, but now “thread” way back, so deleted.

Nov 11, 8:23 PM

Ruth (Guest): Judy, prayerful good wishes. You have a lot to cope with. Seems we all do.

Nov 11, 8:23 PM

Carol Ann: That should say chapparal but apparently spell check does not know what that is

Nov 11, 8:23 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): What is that?

Nov 11, 8:24 PM

Carol Ann: It is strung to tree size vegetation that grows throughout most of southern California. The heat of a fire opens the seeds so that new life can start

Nov 11, 8:25 PM

Carol Ann: Shrub size

Nov 11, 8:25 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): So a contained flame is life giving?

Nov 11, 8:25 PM

Ruth (Guest): Carol Ann for the past nine days I’ve had only a radio to get news and not much time with that. I’m so sorry about the California fires. Natural causes AND Divine “permissive will” I’d say are the main contributors.

Nov 11, 8:26 PM

Carol Ann: Yes, a contained flame gives life

Nov 11, 8:26 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): There is alot to think about and accept in His permissive will

Nov 11, 8:26 PM

Carol Ann: There are actually flowers that only bloom after a fire

Nov 11, 8:26 PM

Jane (Guest): Life renewed

Nov 11, 8:27 PM

Carol Ann: We didn’t see many this year because the fire here was so hot it turned the topsoil to glass and the rain brought that down on us as mud

Nov 11, 8:27 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): The Lord said He was here to set a fire upon the earth – He meant of Love I believe

Nov 11, 8:28 PM

Carol Ann: I sure hope so!

Nov 11, 8:28 PM

Jane (Guest): May God’s blessings shine brightly on each person on this gathering

Nov 11, 8:28 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): and on you too Jane!

Nov 11, 8:29 PM

Carol Ann: Amen, may God bless us abundantly this week!

Nov 11, 8:29 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): May each of us be blessed this week – thank you all!

Nov 11, 8:29 PM

Jane (Guest): Amen. Thank you. Good night!

Nov 11, 8:31 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes. Blessings on all. Interesting what you write, Carol Ann, about the natural history of the situation.

Nov 11, 8:31 PM

Carol Ann: Ruth, I will pray for you. Email me later if you have time. Just so Hardwick

Nov 11, 8:31 PM

Carol Ann: At, Hardwick

Nov 11, 8:31 PM

Carol Ann: Well spell check is fibbing

Nov 11, 8:34 PM

Ruth (Guest): Don’t worry Tito, we know your name; we’ll be praying for you. You did not find this chat room by accident. God know’s your name, too. In fact, he may have a wonderful new name for you. One that only He and you know.

Nov 11, 8:36 PM

Jennifer Koo: May our LORD bless you and forgive you

Nov 11, 8:37 PM

Ruth (Guest): There’s a passage in the Bible, book of Revelation, that tells about a little white stone with a new name on it. Try “trolling” that. I have to go now and respond to some friend’s calls.

Nov 11, 8:38 PM

Jennifer Koo: Ruth, we need to only pray.