Why is obedience so important?
Speaking in terms of vocations (
Srr Susan (Guest): How did you find the questions?
Srr Susan (Guest): Hi Alice!
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Hello Sister!
Srr Susan (Guest): Shall we begin with the question on obedience?
Judy (Guest): OK,
Judy (Guest): Hello Alice!
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Hi Judy
Judy (Guest): Chime in any time.
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I specifically chose to attend this chat on obedience.
Srr Susan (Guest): In religious life obedience is the key evangelical counsel.
Srr Susan (Guest): But in all of life listening is essential,
Judy (Guest): What makes it important for you Alice?
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I feel it is the cornerstone of our faith Judy and one I struggle with.
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Does this also apply to our workplace?
Judy (Guest): Surely the Commandments must be something that you obey.
Srr Susan (Guest): Yes As listening is important in all arenas of life
Srr Susan (Guest): It is not thoughtless obedience,
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I see
Srr Susan (Guest): Is that how you understand it Judy
Judy (Guest): In the case of obedience to the Lord,
Srr Susan (Guest): In the workplace it is possible that orders are given in rougher ways that one finds hard to accept
Judy (Guest): Yes,
Judy (Guest): Oops-
Srr Susan (Guest): Open hearts are essential
Srr Susan (Guest): But our all too human wills often get in the way
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I as a nurse,
Judy (Guest): In the workplace,
Guest2264 (Guest): Hi Sister Susan ,
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Hi Brian
Judy (Guest): HI Brian!
Srr Susan (Guest): yes true.
Srr Susan (Guest): Years ago at work I was aked to fire a woman just before she would have reached retirement age and could have collected benefits I could not do that
Srr Susan (Guest): Sometimes things are a justice issue
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: What happened then Sister?
Judy (Guest): Yes.
Srr Susan (Guest): She kept her job
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Well that had a good ending!
Guest2264 (Guest): Praise God Sister Susan for you standing up for her !
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: That’s Catholic place
Judy (Guest): Thank God for that!
Judy (Guest): No matter whet the situation,
Srr Susan (Guest): Absolutely
Judy (Guest): What the situation.
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: It’s a sketchy line between giving comfort care and no additional care
Srr Susan (Guest): Hownto know?
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: But I think my main concern is in all areas-
Srr Susan (Guest): I resonate with that one Alice
Srr Susan (Guest): To know His will sometimes that is not someasy
Srr Susan (Guest): So easy
Judy (Guest): Question 2:
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Sister when people are ill they have legal paperwork stating what care they want.
Srr Susan (Guest): Yes I have dealt with this with our Sisters
Srr Susan (Guest): But it must be even harder when you do not know the person
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I just don’t want them going in pain
Srr Susan (Guest): When did all these personal instructions start and was that from God?
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I was thinking that!
Guest2264 (Guest): Soo important for us to be Servant Leaders as Jesus teaches us to be .
Srr Susan (Guest): I understand Alice,
Srr Susan (Guest): Interesting Brian!
Judy (Guest): I think that the hardest thing is when the patient requests no food or drink.
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I went to the hospital for a small procedure and was asked if I had a end of life plan!
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Exactly Judy!
Judy (Guest): You could be allergic to the dye if contrast is used.
Srr Susan (Guest): Suppose a feeding tube is needed where does that fit in All these difficult options
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Yes I know Judy but that didn’t make me feel confident!
Srr Susan (Guest): and where is humility in all of this
Judy (Guest): I am beginning to see that the more we know,
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Sister when my dad was dying of Alzheimer’s,
Srr Susan (Guest): Near death people cannot take food in but earlier than that I believe they can
Guest2264 (Guest): With the increase in organ donation.
Srr Susan (Guest): yes indeed
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Where is the absolute answer on this and more?
Srr Susan (Guest): The Church studies this very carefully
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: True Brian
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: It seems the Church says no extra measures if someone is dying
Srr Susan (Guest): Inremember St John Paul ii
Srr Susan (Guest): He made a statement about food and water
Judy (Guest): Possibly checking with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops would be helpful.
Srr Susan (Guest): Should not be deprived of that
Srr Susan (Guest): Good idea Judy
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: thanks Judy
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Because our Church has changed so much,
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Obedience is a good topic
Judy (Guest): Getting on to Question 3:
Srr Susan (Guest): Sometimes people feel our Church has too many rules but they do not understand the thinking and prayer behind them
Judy (Guest): I do feel lthat obedience to the commandments should be the ordinary way of spiritualitiy for me and for anyone bearing the name Christian.
Srr Susan (Guest): Yes the commandments are basic
Judy (Guest): Love and obedience.
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I feel our Church doesn’t have enough rules right now.
Judy (Guest): That’
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: But yes the commandments are a good place to start
Srr Susan (Guest): Si think cultures have something to do with that too Certain ones really dress up beautifully for Mass others go super casual
Guest2264 (Guest): It’s possible to follow all the rules and never really know God !
Srr Susan (Guest): But yes a parish or Monastery could have a dress.
Srr Susan (Guest): True BRian!
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Remember years ago there was a sign at the back of the Church with the dress code?
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: That’s a good thought too Brian
Judy (Guest): I often wonder what people of other faiths think when they see Catholics going to Mass wearing raggy jeans,
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I think it’s distracting too Judy
Srr Susan (Guest): What are these people thinking I wonder the ones dressed like that
Judy (Guest): Years ago,
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: But maybe I’m distracting when I chew gum or a mint
Guest2264 (Guest): One of the Great things about the Catholic Church is that you can come in just as you are !
Judy (Guest): I think that it is all right to “
Srr Susan (Guest): It is appreciation of beauty true beauty that elope may be lacking
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: That’s true Brian but a little more clothes would be good
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I actually had a lady come up to me and another woman after Mass to compliment our dresses
Srr Susan (Guest): See people need to be retrained in what is attractive and appropriate
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Just simple dresses but we were covered
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Yes Sister
Guest2264 (Guest): Everybody is at a different place and as they grow in there relationship with God they will change and dress better !
Srr Susan (Guest): St Francis de Sales said something like that Brian One starts from the inside and it affects the outside
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: well that makes good sense
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I will think about that
Srr Susan (Guest): Hi Dawn
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Thank you Brian
Srr Susan (Guest): Your computer is working now
Guest2264 (Guest): Hi Dawn!
Judy (Guest): Just to hit question 4 before we sign off:
Dawn (Guest): Hi S Susan and Brian!
Judy (Guest): Every state of life has a set way of living,
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Hi Dawn
Judy (Guest): Hi Dawn!
Judy (Guest): Just a few minutes left.
Dawn (Guest): I saw a woman doing the readings at St Peters Basillica,
Guest2264 (Guest): Our Actions Speak Louder than Our Words !
Judy (Guest): I always wear a skirt or dress if I am going to lector.
Judy (Guest): I believe that the way we dress for Mass is an outward expression of our inner disposition.
Srr Susan (Guest): I have to leave now God bless you all
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: I agree Judy.
Judy (Guest): Would we attend a banquet at the White House wearing jeans and a sweat shirt?
Dawn (Guest): Good night Sr,
Alice Lewis-Eckardt: Good night all.
Judy (Guest): Good night Mother.
Guest2264 (Guest): God Bless You All !
Dawn (Guest): Jesus cares about us,
Dawn (Guest): Prayers for Kairos,