
A year will come to an end and join all those that we will find at the threshold of our eternity. As time passes, a feeling of infinite gratitude must grow in our hearts and penetrate our thoughts. Indeed, from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as an ever-open source, an unbroken flow of spiritual graces and temporal blessings fell upon us and we were not fully aware of them. Also, for all theseĀ  let’s say to Him ” Thank you ”!

Thank you for the joys of the heart and the spirit, for the satisfaction of the situation, for the family, for the material goods that He lavished on us, but also for all the trials . And why not also say thank you for the losses we have suffered, the suffering endured? Job exclaimed: “The Lord has given me everything; the Lord has taken everything from me; May the name of the Lord be blessed! ”

Above all, it is the soul that the Lord loves to fill. Let us raise our ideas, nothing that is Christian must leave us indifferent. Let us not forget to thank him for all the benefits he has spread in his Church, for the communion of saints in which He makes us enter. Let us give thanks for those who went to heaven during this year, for the generous and unknown souls who offered themselves, sacrificed for the salvation of the world …

The Sacred Heart wants from us an absolute confidence in his mercy but we have abused his gifts and committed many mistakes. Thank Jesus for all the forgiveness he has given to our sincere repentance, for all the mistakes we have not made thanks to the providential help he has given us. Perhaps we can thank him for the spiritual progress that we have made because he alone is doing the good that is happening in us: he gives all at the same time, the will and the power! It is from him that we have received all the lights of our conscience, all the good thoughts, all the holy movements of our heart, the strength in the temptations, the perseverance in the good … Do not miss any hour of this month without give thanks to him and show our infinite gratitude for each past day of this year when He has not ceased to be present! (Sr. Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)