“With God, for me, it was love at first sight”. Sister Sara, from the Visitation Monastery of Como, Italy on the day when St. Francis of Sales is celebrated, tells how only five years ago God called her to Him. It is a special occasion and for this reason Mother Superior grants her permission to tell her story to a journalist.
SHe speaks with her eyes lowered, enclosed in her white veil, but when she tells how God has entered her life her gaze shines in a unique way.
“My life was completely in the world. I had no intention of becoming a religious or, much less, a nun. I was independent, I had a good job , I bought a house with the mortgage, the car. I had everything. – tells the young nunof Rebbio – One day, however, reading the word of the Lord I was struck. It was a sword. I felt an acute crisis of conscience. At that moment I felt, I do not say scolded, but aware that in my life there was something wrong. But at the same time I felt embraced, I do not know how to explain it. At that moment I fell to the ground, I started crying “.
After that flash, Sara needed to understand what had happened to her, so she looked for a priest to listen to her. “I went to the parish priest of Breccia, whom I had known since I was a child, because up to 19 years I lived in Monte Olimpino and went to church, just like everyone else. I wanted to understand what had happened to me. So he advised me, I am sure for ‘Godincidence’, not coincidentally, to visit the nuns of the Visitation. And I did it, it was weird, I felt an attraction. “
Yet Sara needed a confirmation of what she felt and went to Lourdes. “I asked God if he really wanted me to take this path, it seemed so strange to me after all I had done to build my life. And within a year I went into the monastery and five years I am here. This year, if God wants, I will make solemn profession and then it will be forever “. And she will become Sister Sara Maria Maddalena.
And the outside world, the family, are they missing? “At the beginning maybe, today absolutely not. The world is always here with us, we know well what is happening outside the monastery, we know the problems and we pray every day to resolve them. In addition, people come to us at the parlor, we listen to those who need to let off steam and we pray for everyone “.
The article you just read was published on ComoZero weekly, distributed every Friday and Saturday throughout the city.