How are afflictions viewed through God’s will “unspeakably lovely and precious?” “[T]he principal effect of love is to make the lover suffer for the thing beloved.” How do we see this in married persons? In religious? What would be the opposite of true love? How did Job experience this and embrace it? Do we see this our lives? Are we all called equally to afflictions? Why or why not? As we look back at great accomplishments, or virtuous acts in our life, what role does suffering seem to play in them?

Feb 15, 10:25 AM

Feb 15, 10:25 AM

VisitationSiste: Sun chat Feb 17 730pm est

Feb 17, 7:25 PM

VisitationSiste: Welcome viewers

Feb 17, 7:27 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Hi Sister Susan ! God Bless You ! Brian

Feb 17, 7:27 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Brian! Glad you are back!

Feb 17, 7:28 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): We had couple weeks with Family events at home ! Nice to be back with you !!!

Feb 17, 7:28 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Carroll

Feb 17, 7:29 PM

Carroll (Guest): Hi Sr. Susan, Brian, and viewer

Feb 17, 7:29 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Hi Carroll ! God Bless You ! Brian

Feb 17, 7:30 PM

VisitationSiste: I hope your kairos men are doing ok

Feb 17, 7:31 PM

VisitationSiste: They are “afflicted” but still precious to God!

Feb 17, 7:32 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Looking forward to Mini- Retreat on March 8-9 talks based on Love . I will be doing talk on envy and jealousy !

Feb 17, 7:32 PM

VisitationSiste: How blessed they will be! How do you prepare such a talk?

Feb 17, 7:33 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Please keep Men in your prayers !

Feb 17, 7:34 PM

VisitationSiste: Will do! Hi Ruth and Carole Anne

Feb 17, 7:34 PM

Carol Ann: Hi Eveyrone!

Feb 17, 7:35 PM

VisitationSiste: How are afflictions viewed through God’s will “unspeakably lovely and precious

Feb 17, 7:35 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Mini – Retreat talks are shorter and leader decides topic and assigns talks to different members of team . Talk is meant to stimulate discussion in smaller Groups 5-10 minute Talk then 15-20 minute discussion in small Group

Feb 17, 7:36 PM

VisitationSiste: I would say anything the Lord gives us is a precious gift though our nature may rebel at afflictions. But God has a purpose for it

Feb 17, 7:37 PM

Carroll (Guest): Is there such a thing as “holy envy?” … I’ve always thought there was, but it seems that even “envy” of someone’s virtue or efficacy in service would imply, at some level, a desire for something that- at least at the present time- is outside God’s Will for myself, limitations and all…

Feb 17, 7:37 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hello Carroll, Sister, Brian, Carol Ann and viewer. I can hardly believe it is after 7:30 already. I’ve been on the computer most of the day. Had a scam intrusion and had to deal with that with help from technical support from Microsoft (the intruder was PRETENDING to be Microsoft), and I’d just gotten back to trying to answer e-mail.

Feb 17, 7:37 PM

Carol Ann: Oh Ruh that is so frustrating

Feb 17, 7:38 PM

Carol Ann: Carroll, could that envy of virtue also imply we might want the virtue but are not yet willing to give up the corresponding vice?

Feb 17, 7:38 PM

Ruth (Guest): little afflictions.

Feb 17, 7:38 PM

VisitationSiste: Good question Carroll. Sometimes we hear it said that we have a “jealous God”!

Feb 17, 7:38 PM

Carroll (Guest): Glad you made it past all that, Ruth, and are here now! Hi Carol Ann!

Feb 17, 7:39 PM

Ruth (Guest): Even during them, I was wondering, how keeping me from an EWTN Mass was part of God’s will. Hmmm?

Feb 17, 7:40 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Hi Carrol Ann and Ruth !!! God Bless You !!! Brian

Feb 17, 7:40 PM

Carroll (Guest): Likely, Carol Ann- good point.

Feb 17, 7:41 PM

Carol Ann: haha, Ruth, no. that was the other side

Feb 17, 7:42 PM

Carroll (Guest): Afflictions being precious… seems a lot like the mercies we talked about coming with just punishments

Feb 17, 7:42 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Envy or jealousy of any kind is opposite of Love . It is a huge obstacle to healthy relationships !!! And instead of being happy for others we can want opposite even at times

Feb 17, 7:42 PM

Carol Ann: better to be punished now than for all eternity

Feb 17, 7:43 PM

Dawn (Guest): hello friends….God Bless you

Feb 17, 7:44 PM

Carol Ann: Hi Dawn!

Feb 17, 7:44 PM

VisitationSiste: Definitely. I just read about a Russian woman who died in 2014 who was in a coma for 20 years and when she came out, never walked but had many spiritual gifts. So her affliction also had a real positive effect on others

Feb 17, 7:44 PM

Carroll (Guest): Ahhh… because true love is about what I can give, not get

Feb 17, 7:44 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Afflictions really help us to understand the sufferings of others and puts us in a better position to bring others Gods Love !!!!

Feb 17, 7:46 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Hi Dawn ! God Bless You !!! Brian

Feb 17, 7:46 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’m glad this is working OK now, too. But I haven’t been able to find a photo of a painting (I just minutes ago photographed with my phone) to send to the priest -artist- “brother” friend, who the last I heard from him was severely disabled — now on a pacemaker — and is with volunteers having his paintings — some of them huge — photographed and cataloged. I wanted to send him a photo of one he gave me in the early ’70’s.

Feb 17, 7:47 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): When you are suffering nothing helps more than to spend time with someone who has gone through similar suffering !!! No greater Comfort !!!

Feb 17, 7:48 PM

Dawn (Guest): Jesus

Feb 17, 7:48 PM

Carroll (Guest): Jesus and Mary

Feb 17, 7:48 PM

Carol Ann: Yes and it is also comforting to share what i have learned with someont

Feb 17, 7:49 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Amen !!!

Feb 17, 7:50 PM

Ruth (Guest): Funny you use the expression “the other side” Carol Ann, I presume you mean the King of Liars, Prince of Discord. I had just used the expression “on the other side” to mean those who have crossed the “great divide” “the Jordan” that is, those friends, neighbors, family members who have “gone home to the Father’s House.”

Feb 17, 7:50 PM

Carol Ann: well, put that way, there is more than one other side. perhaps we should have said pitching for the wrong team

Feb 17, 7:52 PM

VisitationSiste: What about suffering for the beloved? Parents, spouses definitely know this experience

Feb 17, 7:54 PM

Carol Ann: yes, and children for parents sometimes too, as when we are caregivers

Feb 17, 7:54 PM

Dawn (Guest): True, Brian. Afflictions can help to become more compassionate and empathic and then we can really be a help to someone. And hi!

Feb 17, 7:55 PM

Dawn (Guest): oh, that is what you were saying

Feb 17, 7:55 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): My friend Stewart has valiantly cared for his wife Pam for years she has severe MS . He is an inspiration too me !!! Great man of Faith always putting others first and Serving everyone !!!

Feb 17, 7:55 PM

Ruth (Guest): My how language can be so easily misunderstood, and since my e-mail communication is bilingual, I had better be more careful about expressions. Even the americanism “pitching for the wrong team” might be even more obscure. And simply saying “died” leaves out the most important belief that those who died are alive in a new way of life.

Feb 17, 7:56 PM

VisitationSiste: with religious it might be spending time with the elderly nuns and suffering with compassion for their pains

Feb 17, 7:56 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Amen Sister Susan !!!

Feb 17, 7:57 PM

Carol Ann: or being with the new ones making that difficult adjustment

Feb 17, 7:57 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Amen Carol Ann !!!

Feb 17, 7:57 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hi Dawn. I guess I’m a bit off the track now.

Feb 17, 7:58 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Ruth! happy you are here

Feb 17, 7:59 PM

Dawn (Guest): it sounds like you had quite a day, technology and all. you said was it Gods will you missed EWTN, you mean the Mass?

Feb 17, 7:59 PM

VisitationSiste: Carol Ann- yes- adjustment= and leading the over eager to discern calmly

Feb 17, 8:00 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’m not really clear that suffering for others is suffering at all. It is suffering that seems meaningless, or that is deliberately inflicted by others for nefarious “benefits” to themselves that I experience as suffering. Even really, really bad physical pain may not be suffering at all, just pain, which can be “offered up” for a good.

Feb 17, 8:01 PM

Carroll (Guest): peace and patience… the Holy Spirit works in peace and patience

Feb 17, 8:01 PM

Dawn (Guest): The Dominican sisters came to visit today, were at Mass. I did not realize they had set behind me. SO joyfyl to see them all!!

Feb 17, 8:02 PM

Carol Ann: I had some of both, Sister

Feb 17, 8:02 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Soo nice Dawn !!!

Feb 17, 8:02 PM

Ruth (Guest): Were they visiting your church?

Feb 17, 8:02 PM

Dawn (Guest): I thought of them when you mentioned helping the new over eager to discern

Feb 17, 8:04 PM

Dawn (Guest): Yes, they come from the Diocese. It was such a blessing as we are so rural here. It seem the whole Mass was …I can’t find the words.

Feb 17, 8:04 PM

VisitationSiste: The Dominicans??

Feb 17, 8:05 PM

Dawn (Guest): Yes, Sr

Feb 17, 8:05 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, so in the tech-support situation, the Holy Spirit was at work, even though it gobble up a lot of time, because I was patient with Nitin’s very difficult to understand heavy Indian accent, and he was patient with my insistence on attempting to read all the stuff in fine print that could not be enlarged before signing that I’d “read and understand” and accept Microsoft’s conditions?

Feb 17, 8:05 PM

Dawn (Guest): Well, I believe they have a monastery and they work in a Catholic school there

Feb 17, 8:06 PM

Carroll (Guest): Dawn- sounds like you experienced beautiful consolations during Holy Mass today- what joy!

Feb 17, 8:06 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes, thank you Carroll!

Feb 17, 8:06 PM

Ruth (Guest): I am happy for you, Dawn

Feb 17, 8:08 PM

Dawn (Guest): I found myself praying for my gran dtrs, that they may be called to this vocation

Feb 17, 8:08 PM

VisitationSiste: Beautiful!

Feb 17, 8:09 PM

Carroll (Guest): Let’s all say a little prayer for Nitin… often, we never really know why God allows things… it seems there is always another opportunity to pray for someone we may never have considered otherwise, though…

Feb 17, 8:09 PM

Dawn (Guest): for our God is full of surprises and nothing is impossible for Him!

Feb 17, 8:10 PM

Carroll (Guest): Amen!

Feb 17, 8:10 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Went ice skating last night with my daughter Maria and her friends . I was the oldest guy there but it was great to be able to encourage two of her friends who were new skaters . Great to see them learn soo quickly !!!

Feb 17, 8:11 PM

VisitationSiste: did any one fall?

Feb 17, 8:11 PM

Dawn (Guest): It is fun to do things with young people!

Feb 17, 8:11 PM

Ruth (Guest): Beautiful! I wish more parents and grandparents would pray for their children’s vocations . . .

Feb 17, 8:11 PM

VisitationSiste: I had such trouble learning to skate

Feb 17, 8:12 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): The young encourage us with their enthusiasm and we encourage them with our experience

Feb 17, 8:14 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): What helps Soo much today Sister Susan is the recreational skates that look like ski boots . They provide a lot more ankle support when learning . A lot of people tried too learn with skates with no ankle support got discouraged and never tried to skate again .

Feb 17, 8:15 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good idea, Carroll. We did thank one another after he’d done that one hour-plus long step to protect my computer from the fake-Microsoft-people. I guess we should be praying for the scam artists, too, since they are very certainly among “those most in need Your mercy.”

Feb 17, 8:15 PM

Carroll (Guest): Good point.

Feb 17, 8:16 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Sister Susan have the girls from School teach you how Too skate they would Love that !!!

Feb 17, 8:16 PM

Dawn (Guest): Sr Susan, do you have an ice skating area near you?? Might be an adventure, with the right ski boots

Feb 17, 8:16 PM

VisitationSiste: In terms of accomplishments, it is often said that without 99% perspiration the 1% inspiration does not produce much. is 99% perspiration like a form of suffering?

Feb 17, 8:17 PM

VisitationSiste: We used to skate on our lake in the backyard but it does not freeze well anymore

Feb 17, 8:17 PM

Carol Ann: yes, because you undertake the suffering, or perspiration, for the goal without knowing what the result will be

Feb 17, 8:18 PM

Ruth (Guest): What a joy to see your daughter and her friends skating, Brian.

Feb 17, 8:19 PM

VisitationSiste: So we have all had that experience in one way or another

Feb 17, 8:21 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Soo True Ruth !!! I remember when we were that age a big group of us going skiing none of us knew what we were doing . We had such a good time falling down the hill together !!! Ha Ha !!! That’s what the Lord wants is us to all be together learning together !!!

Feb 17, 8:22 PM

VisitationSiste: What should we all learn together here? Maybe we are- alittle bit!

Feb 17, 8:23 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Suffering is another form of learning !!! Helps us to truly be present to others with all of God’s Love !!!

Feb 17, 8:23 PM

VisitationSiste: Love is the answer to everything!

Feb 17, 8:24 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Amen Sister Susan !!!

Feb 17, 8:24 PM

VisitationSiste: Has anyone been in touch with Judy?

Feb 17, 8:26 PM

VisitationSiste: If not I will try to reach her

Feb 17, 8:26 PM

Ruth (Guest): Did I ever tell you that the one time my mother spoke to me after she had died, ice skating was the furthest thing from my mind; the sun was shining brightly in Virginia where I was. As I drove into the sunset, shortly after she’d died, I prayed, “Mom, let me know everything is OK with you!” Immediately I got the reply, “The skating up here is just great!” I had to laugh out loud. My mother had LOVED ice skating as a child and as a young woman — and even cut vocational school to ice skate and would ska

Feb 17, 8:27 PM

Ruth (Guest): skate along Long Pond instead of taking the bus through the city. I’d never thought about the possibility but I guess that is what heaven would be for my Mom!

Feb 17, 8:27 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Soo Beautiful Ruth !!!

Feb 17, 8:27 PM

Dawn (Guest): Beautiful <3

Feb 17, 8:27 PM

Carol Ann: Ruth, that is so wonderful. we were joking in knitting class yesterday that we would finally have time to finish all those projects!

Feb 17, 8:28 PM

VisitationSiste: What a message- and a true blessing to get one!!

Feb 17, 8:30 PM

Carroll (Guest): Thank you for sharing so openly Ruth- what a gift!

Feb 17, 8:30 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’ve been in e-mail contact with Judy, just briefly. She says she gets out to Mass, and grocery shopping and to her doctors’. The way she expressed it though, I had the feeling that she was kinda’ down about it. I promised to send her a book; I have it packed, with two additional books, but it seems I never manage to get to town when the post office is open.

Feb 17, 8:30 PM

VisitationSiste: Thanks Ruth! Maybe multiple e mails will help her spirits

Feb 17, 8:31 PM

Carol Ann: with her email address, maybe we could all write her to cheer her up

Feb 17, 8:31 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes

Feb 17, 8:31 PM

Dawn (Guest): I am inspired!

Feb 17, 8:32 PM

VisitationSiste: Would she object to giving out her e mail? Maybe some of you have it already

Feb 17, 8:32 PM

Ruth (Guest): I think so, or a phone call, too. She lives in my state and sent her phone number when she sent her postal address.

Feb 17, 8:33 PM

Dawn (Guest): there was an email exchange some time ago and she joined in at that time

Feb 17, 8:33 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): Judy is an inspirational Woman of God !!!! Keep Shining for Jesus Judy !!!

Feb 17, 8:33 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes!!

Feb 17, 8:33 PM

VisitationSiste: I will see how many I can send it too.

Feb 17, 8:33 PM

VisitationSiste: Many blessings to each of you!

Feb 17, 8:33 PM

Carol Ann: thank you so much, Sister Susan Marie!

Feb 17, 8:33 PM

Dawn (Guest): Thank you Sr Susan! Good night and God Bless you!

Feb 17, 8:34 PM

Carroll (Guest): Please let her know how much she is missed by us ALL!

Feb 17, 8:34 PM

Guest4164 (Guest): God Bless You All !!! Brian

Feb 17, 8:35 PM

Ruth (Guest): I might even — once I get that cell-phone to e-mail thing organized send her a few pictures of art work, for example.

Feb 17, 8:35 PM

Carol Ann: i bet she would love it

Feb 17, 8:35 PM

Carroll (Guest): Sounds very nice!

Feb 17, 8:36 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hey, Judy, that is not you, just signing in as a viewer, is it?

Feb 17, 8:36 PM

Dawn (Guest): Good night Brian….prayers for your mini retreat and all the men. God Bless you

Feb 17, 8:36 PM

Carroll (Guest): Good night everyone- have a blessed week!

Feb 17, 8:36 PM

Carol Ann: God bless us every one, have a blessed week!

Feb 17, 8:37 PM

Dawn (Guest): Great idea Ruth, sometime images are a great way to send a message, or a photograph you have taken?

Feb 17, 8:37 PM

Ruth (Guest): All the best to you, Brian, as you prepare your talk. I know you’ll do great! And with you and us praying for the men, they’ll be shining for Jesus by the time the retreat is over.

Feb 17, 8:38 PM

Dawn (Guest): Goodnight Carol Ann! I have been praying for you all, with EL Nino and rains, hoping for no impact down your way

Feb 17, 8:39 PM

Carol Ann: we were spared, but Palm Springs was hit hard as was the Bay Area. Did you see that video of the house sliding down the hill with people inside?

Feb 17, 8:39 PM

Dawn (Guest): no! with people in it?? was this in Marin county?

Feb 17, 8:40 PM

Carol Ann: yes, and we are all reliving our own trauma with it.

Feb 17, 8:40 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes, the triggers

Feb 17, 8:40 PM

Dawn (Guest): Ruth, how is your weather doing, are you getting a lot of snow?

Feb 17, 8:41 PM

Carol Ann: we did have smaller slide a couple of weeks ago, and water cascading over live electrical wires. Yikes!

Feb 17, 8:42 PM

Dawn (Guest): we have a lot of snow but that so far is not dangerous in any way. the men in town get out their snow plows and go around helping neighbors…its beautiful to watch that

Feb 17, 8:42 PM

Ruth (Guest): Ditto to Dawn’s message, Carol Ann. And to and for you and yours, Dawn. On the radio I’ve heard about the troubles of those whose houses in Paradise were NOT burned down. Those who lost them entirely are protected by a law that prevents the insurance companies from cancelling their insurance. Those who’ve had bad smoke damage, for example, but not a complete loss have no protection from having their insurance cancelled and cannot get replacements with at least doubling their premiums IF they can get re

Feb 17, 8:42 PM

Carol Ann: it must be very pretty to look at.

Feb 17, 8:43 PM

Carol Ann: i have heard similar stories down here too

Feb 17, 8:44 PM

Carol Ann: it’s not right to tell an elderly couple they will receive no help, but no coverage if they don’t clear all that mud out of their house pronto/

Feb 17, 8:44 PM

Ruth (Guest): without paying very much more for a policy.

Feb 17, 8:46 PM

Carol Ann: well, i guess i’d better go say evening prayer and make dinner so that you can go to bed Ruth

Feb 17, 8:46 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’ve had a similar problem here. Agent said, when I asked, since I have a high deductible, whether I should just take care of water damage from a freeze up myself

Feb 17, 8:47 PM

Dawn (Guest): And, in Paradise I see an NP there. She realled day of fire and now the effects. the hospital is gone x for a couple depts. all the doctors have left because there is no surgical areas and no ER , no emergency transportation. the medical clinic is partly open. they have people, or workers coming in with injuries and they have no way to treat serious injuries and no transportation. She was heading to the mayors when we finished hoping to get some assistance/

Feb 17, 8:48 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, Carol Ann. I’m always too long winded, and I need to eat and get to bed early too, and will probably have a phone call from Miriam soon. Or should call her.

Feb 17, 8:48 PM

Carol Ann: those poor people. and this will go on for years as they rebuild. and the rest of the nation has already forgotten

Feb 17, 8:48 PM

Carol Ann: i can go on and on too, and forget that i am three hours behind you

Feb 17, 8:49 PM

Dawn (Guest): ok, goodnight Carol Ann and Ruth. God be with us~

Feb 17, 8:49 PM

Carol Ann: Amen! in our struggles, doubts, joys and blessings

Feb 17, 8:49 PM

Dawn (Guest): Amen

Feb 17, 8:50 PM

Dawn (Guest): I will send an email, goodnight+++

Feb 17, 8:50 PM

Carol Ann: good night, i will watch for you

Feb 17, 8:50 PM

Ruth (Guest): Public Radio has kept us alert to the persisting issues — even the post Katrina situation, but it certainly isn’t like being there in the midst of it all, or continuing to have to deal with loss of property or, worse, loss of the lives of dear ones.

Feb 17, 8:53 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good night, Dawn, Carol Ann, and viewer. I am grateful for your friendship, even though I can’t bring you a pot of soup or a concrete blessing. Your prayers ARE a blessing that keep a bit of shine in my world. . . PEACE.