How might this reflection relate to Matthew 6:6, “when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret”? How does this thinking help our experiences of dryness in prayer? Have you ever done something kind for a friend or a spouse without them knowing, without seeking recognition? How can we do this more for God? How can we be more like the deaf singer, giving ourselves without reward or recognition? Lent has been an exercise in doing things for the sake of
Apr 27, 9:25 AM
VisitationSiste: the sake of goodness and holiness, not to be noticed. How can we live in that spirit outside of the Lenten season?
Apr 27, 9:26 AM
VisitationSiste: Sun chat April 28 730pm est
Apr 28, 2:09 PM
Sara11 (Guest): hi
Apr 28, 7:18 PM
VisitationSiste: Welcome!
Apr 28, 7:29 PM
VisitationSiste: Hello Alice
Apr 28, 7:29 PM
Alice Summers: Hi Sister! Hi Sara!
Apr 28, 7:29 PM
VisitationSiste: Have you been here before?
Apr 28, 7:30 PM
Alice Summers: I have. It’s been a month or so ago though. My work schedule was interfering with my coming on here.
Apr 28, 7:31 PM
VisitationSiste: We can wait a few minutes and then start. How was Divine Mercy Sunday? We had a beautiful prayer service here
Apr 28, 7:31 PM
Alice Summers: Wonderful.
Apr 28, 7:32 PM
VisitationSiste: Welcome viewers. WE are getting ready to start!
Apr 28, 7:34 PM
VisitationSiste: I was thinking of the quote above as private prayer vs communal prayer. Some people have a preference for one or the other
Apr 28, 7:36 PM
VisitationSiste: Perhaps we can start there- Jesus says to go to your room and pray in private. Hi Ruth!
Apr 28, 7:36 PM
Alice Summers: I’ve heard that setting an intention for the day, i.e. doing all work, prayers, etc. for the greater glory of God, is a good way to get out of the way and not seek recognition. It’s tough though in our society because everywhere seeks to “recognize” everyone for all things. It’s really big in the work place…receiving recognition.
Apr 28, 7:37 PM
VisitationSiste: Yet humility would give the credit to the Lord!
Apr 28, 7:38 PM
Alice Summers: Recognizing that “every good gift comes from above” and that we are nothing without God. Again, something very frowned upon in our world.
Apr 28, 7:39 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hi Sister. Hi Alice.
Apr 28, 7:39 PM
VisitationSiste: Unfortunately the world is where most of us live so in a way we need to live those alternate values.
Apr 28, 7:39 PM
VisitationSiste: Ruth, gald you are here!
Apr 28, 7:41 PM
VisitationSiste: glad
Apr 28, 7:42 PM
Ruth (Guest): Sorry, I lost this page for a few minutes.
Apr 28, 7:42 PM
VisitationSiste: Does praying in secret help dryness in prayer- as indicated in the question? For me, it depends. If I am in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament and alone, dryness is minimal
Apr 28, 7:43 PM
Alice Summers: I agree with you Sister. It would depend. Walking outside in nature helps me when I am feeling dryness in prayer.
Apr 28, 7:44 PM
VisitationSiste: A charismatic prayer service rarely leaves one dry in prayer
Apr 28, 7:44 PM
Alice Summers: I’ve never been to a charismatic prayer service but I have a few friends who go often.
Apr 28, 7:45 PM
Ruth (Guest): I think BOTH are necessary for a healthy spiritual life — and that we shouldn’t worry too much whether or not we feel “dryness.”
Apr 28, 7:45 PM
VisitationSiste: Not all are drawn that way. We are contemplatives here but once a month a charismatic group used to come and had services here
Apr 28, 7:45 PM
VisitationSiste: Hi Dawn!
Apr 28, 7:45 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hello Sr Susan, Ruth, Alice!
Apr 28, 7:47 PM
VisitationSiste: Have you ever done something kind for a friend or a spouse without them knowing, without seeking recognition? How can we do this more for God?
Apr 28, 7:48 PM
VisitationSiste: That’s the next question and hopefully love has given us opportunities to do kindnesses for pure motives
Apr 28, 7:48 PM
Ruth (Guest): God knows all, so we cannot hide kindnesses from Him.
Apr 28, 7:48 PM
Ruth (Guest): Just like we cannot hide transgressions from Him.
Apr 28, 7:50 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hi Dawn. I thought you’d be here tonight. Glad you are.
Apr 28, 7:50 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you Ruth, it is good to be here. I’ve missed I think!
Apr 28, 7:51 PM
Alice Summers: Maybe loving someone who is very difficult to like, showing them kindness when they are not kind in return, doing it all for the love of God.
Apr 28, 7:52 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes that is difficult but what the Lord does ask of us
Apr 28, 7:53 PM
Carol Ann: Hi Everyone!
Apr 28, 7:54 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Carol Ann !
Apr 28, 7:55 PM
Ruth (Guest): Actually, I am sort of counting on God to “recognize” the “extra mile plus” that I feel I’ve gone — especially for my patients. Certainly the “system” does not reward that. And psychiatric patients, for the most part, want to keep their care even more private than do other patients.
Apr 28, 7:56 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think Sr Susan is offline
Apr 28, 7:56 PM
Carol Ann: Those hidden, unrecognized things are done for love of Him
Apr 28, 7:56 PM
VisitationSiste: Computer got stuck I am back
Apr 28, 7:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hi Carol Ann!
Apr 28, 7:57 PM
Carol Ann: It’s me, we finished formation. Hour early
Apr 28, 7:57 PM
VisitationSiste: All for the Glory of God! That’s our motto- but to live it- that’s to learn
Apr 28, 7:59 PM
Dawn (Guest): I believe God allows us situations that will help us to grow closer to him- if our will is aligned to his
Apr 28, 7:59 PM
Ruth (Guest): Jesus accepted the cross for the love of God the Father, for OUR sake. Nothing we do can begin to compare. And yet, we have his example and are “called” to follow in his footsteps.
Apr 28, 8:00 PM
VisitationSiste: So true Ruth!
Apr 28, 8:00 PM
Carol Ann: It is in dying that we live
Apr 28, 8:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes, and that is picking up our cross
Apr 28, 8:01 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, Dawn. All things work together for the good of those who love God. ALL THINGS! Sometimes that is hard to appreciate.
Apr 28, 8:01 PM
Dawn (Guest): or hard to comprehend
Apr 28, 8:02 PM
VisitationSiste: Even though we are in the Easter season, crosses continue!
Apr 28, 8:02 PM
VisitationSiste: I spent Easter Sunday with A 92 year old Sister in the hospital
Apr 28, 8:02 PM
VisitationSiste: She is ok now
Apr 28, 8:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): Wonderful, Sister!
Apr 28, 8:03 PM
Ruth (Guest): . . . that she is OK now
Apr 28, 8:03 PM
Carol Ann: Doctors can do such amazing things now
Apr 28, 8:04 PM
Ruth (Guest): But it must’ve been hard for you to “miss” what could be expected to be the most uplifting of religious services on Easter Sunday.
Apr 28, 8:04 PM
VisitationSiste: So crosses don’t follow seasons- nor do resurrections I suppose, but only follow the Will of God in all instances
Apr 28, 8:04 PM
Dawn (Guest): truly an Easter gift, Sr, spending time with her
Apr 28, 8:04 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes I missed our Monastery Mass!
Apr 28, 8:05 PM
VisitationSiste: had to go to local parish- but we spent Easter together which if at home would have been a community day
Apr 28, 8:05 PM
Ruth (Guest): There is a saying I had on the wall in front of my desk in Germany. Let me see if I can translate it.
Apr 28, 8:06 PM
Ruth (Guest): It is something like this: A Christian is not a one after another of dying and rising, but a dying and rising all the time, simultaneously.
Apr 28, 8:07 PM
VisitationSiste: Ah! Excellent!
Apr 28, 8:07 PM
Carol Ann: That makes sense
Apr 28, 8:08 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you Ruth!
Apr 28, 8:09 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, we have our “ups and downs” but being rooted in HIM we are always cognizant of a bigger, more comprehensive reality.
Apr 28, 8:10 PM
VisitationSiste: speaking of comprehensive have any of you read Abbot Anscar Vonier’s works?
Apr 28, 8:10 PM
Carol Ann: No, what does he write?
Apr 28, 8:11 PM
Carroll (Guest): Is there a particular work you would recommend to start?
Apr 28, 8:11 PM
Dawn (Guest): I do not know of him
Apr 28, 8:12 PM
Dawn (Guest): hi Carroll
Apr 28, 8:12 PM
VisitationSiste: Hi Carroll- yes one on the Eucharist
Apr 28, 8:12 PM
Carroll (Guest): Happy Easter and Feast of Divine Mercy! George is still up, so I am 1/2 way here…
Apr 28, 8:13 PM
Ruth (Guest): I think it was when it became clear to me that praying the Divine Office the Psalms that were prescribed for a given day and hour might be completely out of “sync” with how life is going for us at just that time. But since we pray the Office WITH the whole Church, our prayers probably are precisely in tune with where SOMEBODY is somewhere in the world at that very moment.
Apr 28, 8:13 PM
Carroll (Guest): My heart: 100%
Apr 28, 8:13 PM
VisitationSiste: A Key to the Doctrine of the Eucharist by Abbot Vonier-
Apr 28, 8:13 PM
VisitationSiste: That’s is it Ruth- someone feels what we are praying, somewhere
Apr 28, 8:14 PM
Ruth (Guest): I don’t recognize the name Abbot Anscar Vonier’s. Please tell us more about his works.
Apr 28, 8:14 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hi Carroll, glad you could make it!
Apr 28, 8:14 PM
VisitationSiste: He writes about soul and spirit theology in a way one can understand, but yet profound. I recently discovered him
Apr 28, 8:15 PM
VisitationSiste: He died in 1938
Apr 28, 8:15 PM
Carroll (Guest): Thank you Ruth-
Apr 28, 8:15 PM
Apr 28, 8:15 PM
Carol Ann: I found that title on Amazon so other works should be there too
Apr 28, 8:16 PM
Ruth (Guest): Thanks for the link, Sister.
Apr 28, 8:16 PM
Carroll (Guest): Especially for sharing your thoughts about the Divine Office. That is beautiful.
Apr 28, 8:16 PM
VisitationSiste: Just this one page here shows his style:
Apr 28, 8:16 PM
Alice Summers: Thanks Sister!
Apr 28, 8:16 PM
VisitationSiste: But back to St Francis de Sales!
Apr 28, 8:17 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes the Divine Office is beautiful and when we pray it we are joining all of heaven, like we do at Mass
Apr 28, 8:19 PM
Dawn (Guest): Thank you Sr
Apr 28, 8:20 PM
Dawn (Guest): I’ve been called away. Good to be here, I have missed!
Apr 28, 8:20 PM
Dawn (Guest): God bless and goodnight
Apr 28, 8:20 PM
Guest518 (Guest): Trying to join in..but a question dear did the Divine Office come to be?
Apr 28, 8:20 PM
VisitationSiste: One time we had an unusual flood in our basement and the Sisters were pumping water until it was time for Office of Readings. When we began the tfirst psalm began with something like ” the waters have risen to my neck”!
Apr 28, 8:20 PM
VisitationSiste: Good night Dawn!
Apr 28, 8:21 PM
Ruth (Guest): I don’t know if I ever told about one very, very dark day in my life. For two days I went to the Carmelite Monastery in Dachau. I just sat there all day in the back of the chapel. So, of course, I heard the sisters praying some of the time. Toward the end of the second day something they were praying became for me a gift from God: exactly what I needed to be healed . . . Did I ever tell them? Say THANK YOU? I think I remember writing about it; but often my letters never find their way to the mailbox
Apr 28, 8:21 PM
Carroll (Guest): I hate to dash in and out, but must say goodnight… Thank you for being here so faithfully everyone- Have a blessed week!
Apr 28, 8:22 PM
VisitationSiste: The Divine Office is based on the psalms and I suspect from the hours that the Apostles used to go to pray at the synagogue.
Apr 28, 8:22 PM
VisitationSiste: Some of the history I forget!
Apr 28, 8:22 PM
VisitationSiste: Good night Carroll!
Apr 28, 8:22 PM
Carol Ann: I think I remember IT came from the desert fathers praying all 150 psalms daily
Apr 28, 8:23 PM
Ruth (Guest): A blessed week to you, too, Carroll & Dawn.
Apr 28, 8:25 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes thanks Carol Anne
Apr 28, 8:26 PM
Carol Ann: I don’t remember the whole history of how that was shortened to what we have today though
Apr 28, 8:27 PM
Ruth (Guest): Sorry, I lost this page again.
Apr 28, 8:27 PM
VisitationSiste: I think the blue volume, advent volume of the Office gives some background
Apr 28, 8:27 PM
Carol Ann: Oh, it might
Apr 28, 8:28 PM
Ruth (Guest): I was writing the Jewish Prayer book, a Siddur, contains prayers for all sort of occasions and daily prayers including Psalms. It is very much like our Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) in many ways.
Apr 28, 8:29 PM
VisitationSiste: Thank you- never heard of that name
Apr 28, 8:30 PM
Ruth (Guest): I have a Siddur and purchased one for the Benedictine Sisters in Erie, PA (where Jennifer is a Postulant)
Apr 28, 8:30 PM
Carol Ann: So many, many ways to pray