1. Although He knew the mission for His life and He was one with the Father, why did Jesus still ask for the cup to pass from Him and simultaneously surrender to the will of the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane?2. Would the Annunciation and life of Mary and Jesus have been different if Mary’s words, “May it be done to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38) at the Annunciation had been more along the lines of, “It is my will to accept this child given by God”?3. As Jesus suffered and died on the Cross, altho
May 11, 8:40 AM
VisitationSiste: although he had already given His will to the Father, why did he still have to “give up his spirit” (Mt 27:50)?4. After the Resurrection, which was clearly Good News, the Disciples were still perplexed as to what was happening. We take for granted that we have 2,000 years of history, saints, and theologians to explain the Resurrection to us but the Disciples did not. Even with the joy of the Resurrection, it was most likely still unfamiliar and strange to the Disciples. How would they have to surrender to
May 11, 8:41 AM
VisitationSiste: God’s will in the middle of this joyous yet mysterious occasion?
May 11, 8:41 AM
VisitationSiste: Sun chat May 12 730pm est
May 12, 7:17 PM
VisitationSiste: Hello!
May 12, 7:17 PM
Carroll (Guest): Good evening and Happy Mothers Day!
May 12, 7:18 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Hi Happy Mothers’Day
May 12, 7:18 PM
VisitationSiste: Thank you! and it is also worldwide day for vocations!
May 12, 7:19 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Hi this is LC from VA 1970…I have only my phone today so I am signing in as a guest.
May 12, 7:20 PM
VisitationSiste: Welcome ! How have you been??
May 12, 7:20 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Too busy
May 12, 7:20 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Stressfully busy
May 12, 7:20 PM
Carroll (Guest): I will be ” in and out” again be because I am alone with George. New development: He will be admitted to a memory care facility this coming Thursday. Please pray for a smooth transition for him and for peace and understanding among his four children.
May 12, 7:20 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Will pray
May 12, 7:21 PM
VisitationSiste: Relax here tonight! Carroll does that mean you need a new job
May 12, 7:21 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Working in urgent care until my civilian job at Walter Reed begins
May 12, 7:22 PM
Carroll (Guest): Yes… and a new place to live.
May 12, 7:23 PM
VisitationSiste: Sounds good LC!
May 12, 7:24 PM
VisitationSiste: Here we are ok- Sr Anne Marie had a few incidents but is fine now
May 12, 7:24 PM
VisitationSiste: Is it too early to begin, should we wait til 730
May 12, 7:24 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): The Urgent Care is crazy no time to take care of pts they just want them to move through like cattle
May 12, 7:24 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): They want money
May 12, 7:25 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Don’t want to be there
May 12, 7:25 PM
Carroll (Guest): Probably best to wait for the others who are here so regularly.
May 12, 7:25 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): What happened to See. AM
May 12, 7:25 PM
VisitationSiste: ??
May 12, 7:26 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Sr not see…spell check
May 12, 7:26 PM
VisitationSiste: seizures
May 12, 7:26 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Oh my
May 12, 7:26 PM
VisitationSiste: quiet ones
May 12, 7:26 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): I have been thinking of her and all of you
May 12, 7:26 PM
VisitationSiste: takes about 2 hours or more to awake from them
May 12, 7:26 PM
VisitationSiste: thank you!!
May 12, 7:27 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): I have been all along….not ignoring you really….still connected in prayer
May 12, 7:27 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): VA still feels like my real home
May 12, 7:28 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): The Chapel
May 12, 7:28 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes so many say that about the Chapel. Visit again when you are not busy
May 12, 7:29 PM
Carroll (Guest): Is Sr Mary Dolores there? Would it be appropriate to call her to wish her blessings on her Jubilee? Or, will you please let her know I will be joyous with her in spirit tomorrow?
May 12, 7:29 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Fri is the inspection of the Massachusetts house hope it passes so it can sell
May 12, 7:30 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): One more chunk of the world to detach from
May 12, 7:31 PM
VisitationSiste: Yes Sister is here Call her tomorrow eve
May 12, 7:31 PM
VisitationSiste: Hello Alice and guests
May 12, 7:31 PM
Carroll (Guest): Thank you.
May 12, 7:31 PM
VisitationSiste: we will begin
May 12, 7:31 PM
Alice (Guest): Hello Sister. Hello everyone.
May 12, 7:32 PM
VisitationSiste: q1 1. Although He knew the mission for His life and He was one with the Father, why did Jesus still ask for the cup to pass from Him and simultaneously surrender to the will of the Father in the Garden of Gethsemane?
May 12, 7:32 PM
VisitationSiste: I am thinking His Humanity had something to do with this!
May 12, 7:32 PM
Alice (Guest): That is what I was thinking too Sister.
May 12, 7:32 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Jesus has two wills, God and man
May 12, 7:33 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): His human will said wait a minute
May 12, 7:33 PM
VisitationSiste: and it served as a prime example for us in our suffering
May 12, 7:33 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): But it gave in because He always does what he knows God the Father wants
May 12, 7:36 PM
VisitationSiste: His surrender was complete- no reservations, after He united with His Father’s will
May 12, 7:37 PM
VisitationSiste: any other thoughts on this?
May 12, 7:38 PM
Alice (Guest): I think complete and total surrender must involve self emptying….
May 12, 7:38 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Yes, it’s hard to do.
May 12, 7:38 PM
VisitationSiste: Often we hold back or reclaim what we gave
May 12, 7:39 PM
Alice (Guest): Yes.
May 12, 7:39 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): But Bishop Baron said God just wants what we have. He wants us to give it to Him and He will make it grow many times
May 12, 7:39 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Hi Sr Susan , Carroll, Alice, Dawn , and Guest !!! God Bless You !!! Brian
May 12, 7:40 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): It’s sharing ourself with Him and we are no longer empty, but full
May 12, 7:40 PM
VisitationSiste: Profound- yes Hi Brian
May 12, 7:40 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hello Brian, Sr Susan, Alice, Carroll! and guests
May 12, 7:40 PM
VisitationSiste: and Dawn!
May 12, 7:40 PM
VisitationSiste: and Ruth
May 12, 7:41 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): He gave the ex
May 12, 7:41 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): He gave the example of St Francis
May 12, 7:41 PM
VisitationSiste: which example
May 12, 7:41 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): He had little and God made so much of what he did for him
May 12, 7:42 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Building a giant order out of poverty
May 12, 7:42 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Or feeding everyone out of a few loaves and fishes
May 12, 7:42 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Give God what you have and he builds it into miracles
May 12, 7:44 PM
VisitationSiste: each of our lives can evidence some miracles, no?
May 12, 7:44 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Remember scripture where the one man says he will help , but never helps and other man says no , but does what needs to be done . Obviously the man who said no first but did job did the Father’s Will . Perhaps she was illustrating this Parable in reality !!!
May 12, 7:45 PM
VisitationSiste: Thanks Guest 8!
May 12, 7:45 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): The people praying the rosary in front of an abortion clinic we’re attacked by a politician and suddenly the next day’s thousands were saying the rosary at the clinic
May 12, 7:46 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Hi Ruth ! Ordered John 17 Book !!! Thanks for tip !!!
May 12, 7:46 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): The one movie Unplanned is causing so many pro choice people to turn around to pro life
May 12, 7:47 PM
VisitationSiste: Power of examples and advice
May 12, 7:47 PM
VisitationSiste: 2. Would the Annunciation and life of Mary and Jesus have been different if Mary’s words, “May it be done to me according to your word” (Lk 1:38) at the Annunciation had been more along the lines of, “It is my will to accept this child given by God”?
May 12, 7:47 PM
Ruth (Guest): Guest 6659 (Brian, I presume) and Guest 8 (I’m still guessing).
May 12, 7:48 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hello everyone.
May 12, 7:48 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Ruth!
May 12, 7:48 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): A child is not a thing to accept. It is a person already made by God.
May 12, 7:49 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): BVM surrended everything
May 12, 7:49 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Total unconditional
May 12, 7:49 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Hi Ruth ! It’s Brian I am Guest 8 !!!
May 12, 7:49 PM
VisitationSiste: Mother Mary’s will was also so united to God that I do not think she could use the words “my will”
May 12, 7:50 PM
Ruth (Guest): Interesting question.
May 12, 7:50 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): She is full of Grace
May 12, 7:50 PM
Dawn (Guest): thoughtful question. what Mary said was obedience and was surrender, was one
May 12, 7:50 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): She has all the power of God by accepting the Grace
May 12, 7:51 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Complete Childlike Faith , Trust in God , and Complete Humility !!!
May 12, 7:52 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): So perfect she could not die
May 12, 7:52 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): She was assumed
May 12, 7:53 PM
VisitationSiste: The angel Gabriel I read in a book recently said” full of grace” because her fullness surprised him
May 12, 7:53 PM
VisitationSiste: That was the author’s thought
May 12, 7:53 PM
Alice (Guest): I like that.
May 12, 7:54 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hmmm . . . 6659 had me fooled.
May 12, 7:54 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): The rest of it…..the Lord is with you….He was there before she said yes
May 12, 7:55 PM
Ruth (Guest): Assumed into heaven. That’s why some call her “death” “dormition” — sort of “falling asleep.” I don’t know. The theology around this is complicated and varies between the Eastern and the Western Rites.
May 12, 7:56 PM
VisitationSiste: I like the idea that Mary was at Ephesus
May 12, 7:56 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): If you are sinless you cannot die
May 12, 7:56 PM
VisitationSiste: Hi Kristi
May 12, 7:56 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Jesus died because He took our sin
May 12, 7:56 PM
VisitationSiste: Jesus did
May 12, 7:57 PM
Kristi (Guest): Hi Sister! I’ve been having internet issues for weeks. I may disappear!
May 12, 7:57 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): He died for us to make us Divine
May 12, 7:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): Guest 6659. Christ was sinless, but he really did die. But rose from the dead.
May 12, 7:57 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Ruth He took our sin….He died for us
May 12, 7:58 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): He did not die on His own
May 12, 7:58 PM
Guest8 (Guest): It must be difficult for God’s Holy Angels to assist us when we are struggling Spiritually . When Gabriel saw Mary and her complete Trust in God what Brilliance that must have been for this Mighty Angel of God !!!!
May 12, 7:59 PM
VisitationSiste: Oh that’s what you meant?
May 12, 7:59 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Death is punishment for sin after the fall….Blesses Mother never sinned
May 12, 7:59 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Hi Kristi ! God Bless You !!!!
May 12, 7:59 PM
Kristi (Guest): Hi, Thank you, and you as well!
May 12, 7:59 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): She could not die. Jesus died for us. He accepted God’s will to do it for us
May 12, 8:00 PM
VisitationSiste: 3. As Jesus suffered and died on the Cross, although he had already given His will to the Father, why did he still have to “give up his spirit” (Mt 27:50)?
May 12, 8:01 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Complete Victory for God when Jesus gave His life for us on the Cross
May 12, 8:02 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): His Sprit is the Holy Spirit which gives life, how could he die ifHe kept it
May 12, 8:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): Guest 6659, Do you think that Mary did not participate fully in Christ’s Death on the Cross, though she was not physically nailed to the cross. I’m wondering what authors you’ve been reading. We are called to participate in the Divine Life, but we will never become Divine. That’s how I see it.
May 12, 8:04 PM
Dawn (Guest): True it is, our will can no more die than our soul, yet does it sometimes go out of the limits of its ordinary life, to live wholly in the Divine will. This is when it neither wills nor cares to desire any thing at all, but gives itself over totally and without reserve to the good pleasure of the Divine Providence, so mingling and saturating itself with this good pleasure, that itself is seen no more, but is all hidden with Jesus Christ in God, where it lives, not it, but the will of God lives in it….St F
May 12, 8:04 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Soo that He could rise from the dead on the Third Day and complete God’s Plan of Salvation!!!
May 12, 8:04 PM
Dawn (Guest): Amen!
May 12, 8:05 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): At Mass they say we share in His Divinity
May 12, 8:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): copied from our reading today.
May 12, 8:05 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Ruth it is in the Bible
May 12, 8:05 PM
Ruth (Guest): Profound, Dawn/
May 12, 8:06 PM
Alice (Guest): 2 Peter 1:4
May 12, 8:06 PM
VisitationSiste: What is biblical?Lost the thread!
May 12, 8:06 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Mother, that we share in His Divinity
May 12, 8:06 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Because of his Death
May 12, 8:08 PM
Ruth (Guest): I thought you said, Guest 6659, we BECOME Divine. “Share in” as in the Mass, or “participate in” as I said are not the same as “become” Divine.
May 12, 8:09 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): We do
May 12, 8:09 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): “By the mystery of this water and wine, may we come to share in the Divinity of Christ”.
May 12, 8:10 PM
Ruth (Guest): “who humbled Himself to share in our humanity”
May 12, 8:10 PM
Ruth (Guest): No problem with that.
May 12, 8:10 PM
VisitationSiste: This is when I wish I studied theology
May 12, 8:10 PM
VisitationSiste: what about deification
May 12, 8:11 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Who Humbled Himself to Share in Our Humanity !!!! Totally Amazing what Jesus has done for Us !!!
May 12, 8:11 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Mother, you have studied it!
May 12, 8:12 PM
Ruth (Guest): But if we claim to BECOME Divine, that’s a whole different thing. A serious distortion, I’d say. In fact SIN — the very SIN — if only wished or confused — of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
May 12, 8:12 PM
Dawn (Guest): and I believe satan
May 12, 8:13 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): No, Ruth, it is acceptance of a gift from God. Angels are Divine and they envy us
May 12, 8:13 PM
Ruth (Guest): What Satan used to scare or tempt Eve into eat of the fruit of the Tree that God forebad them to eat of.
May 12, 8:14 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): We are not trying to be God we are sharing His eternal life
May 12, 8:14 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): We are accepting Grace, an undesrved gift
May 12, 8:14 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): This is not sin
May 12, 8:15 PM
Ruth (Guest): Angels, according to Catholic teaching are NOT Divine. They are creatures of God, just as we are. But without human bodies and without some of our weaknesses.
May 12, 8:15 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): This is what Jesus came to do for us to fix sin
May 12, 8:15 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Devine means having eternal life
May 12, 8:16 PM
VisitationSiste: Where does Jesus’ Resurrection fit into all this
May 12, 8:16 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Jesus overcame death
May 12, 8:16 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Our enemy made a choice to separate himself from God ! His only relief now is to to try to destroy us . That is why Jesus wants us all to be one !!!! Complete Protection from the enemy a vicious predator !!!
May 12, 8:16 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): He made death lose it’s power
May 12, 8:16 PM
Ruth (Guest): To take away sin by
May 12, 8:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): We find a reflection of that rebellion in the tempter’s words to our first parents: “You will be like God.” CCC 392
May 12, 8:17 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): We are going to be like God
May 12, 8:17 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): We can be like God
May 12, 8:17 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): We can share everything God gave his son
May 12, 8:17 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): We are his children
May 12, 8:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr Susan, may I post question 3?
May 12, 8:18 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Jesus did it for us
May 12, 8:18 PM
VisitationSiste: yes Dawn
May 12, 8:18 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Prodigal son are treated like the faithful son
May 12, 8:18 PM
Ruth (Guest): Jesus overcame death. But Divine means God. Not God like in having everlasting life. That is offered to us. We Worship the Divine Being, God. When we worship ourselves or THINGS we SIN.
May 12, 8:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): As Jesus suffered and died on the Cross, although he had already given His will to the Father, why did he still have to “give up his spirit” (Mt 27:50)?
May 12, 8:19 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Divine means like God, angels are Divine
May 12, 8:19 PM
Guest8 (Guest): We are unprofitable servants . We just continue doing what God wants us to do !!!
May 12, 8:19 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Have Faith in what Jesus came to do…
May 12, 8:20 PM
VisitationSiste: I thinl LC answered q 3 a while ago- cant die if the spirit remains united to the body
May 12, 8:21 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): We belong to God, He is our Father. We are made in His image. We are made to be like Him. This is what he wants for us.
May 12, 8:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): I must have missed
May 12, 8:21 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): It is not a sin to think we can be like him through His intervention.
May 12, 8:21 PM
VisitationSiste: 4. After the Resurrection, which was clearly Good News, the Disciples were still perplexed as to what was happening. We take for granted that we have 2,000 years of history, saints, and theologians to explain the Resurrection to us but the Disciples did not. Even with the joy of the Resurrection, it was most likely still unfamiliar and strange to the Disciples. How would they have to surrender to God’s will in the middle of this joyous yet mysterious occasion?
May 12, 8:23 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): They were confused and Jesus said He would send them His Spirit. Then they understood at Pentacost. Before that they were afraid and confused.
May 12, 8:23 PM
VisitationSiste: the will to believe in the resurrection
May 12, 8:24 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): They needed the HS to do it
May 12, 8:24 PM
Ruth (Guest): Guest 6659, I have to respectfully disagree with you. SOME angels did what God willed; SOME did not, and those angels we call devils. They, too, are spirits with everlasting life. And brilliant at confusing us, at bringing darkness into our lives. They are the spirits of LIES of deception. They can even quote Sacred Scripture to deceive.
May 12, 8:24 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): The devil is Divine too
May 12, 8:25 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Divine means having eternal life according to Sr. Margaret Mary
May 12, 8:25 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): The Angels have free will
May 12, 8:26 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): They can be good or bad but they do not die they are spirits that go on forever
May 12, 8:26 PM
Guest8 (Guest): The Disciples chose to continue to seek to know God !!! Others that fell away chose to separate themselves from God and go their own way !!!
May 12, 8:27 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Jesus said he’ll was made for devil’s
May 12, 8:27 PM
VisitationSiste: we are all eternal beings- our spirits/souls are
May 12, 8:27 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): They will be there for eternity
May 12, 8:27 PM
Guest8 (Guest): God gives us the Freedom to follow Him or to walk Away !!! Perfect Love !!!!
May 12, 8:28 PM
VisitationSiste: and after the resurrection of the dead, our bodies in some way too
May 12, 8:28 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): Our bodies will rise and go to heaven too
May 12, 8:28 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): The whole world will be remade and will be perfect
May 12, 8:28 PM
Alice (Guest): Goodnight all.
May 12, 8:29 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Where else would we go Jesus !!! You have the Words of Eternal Life !!!
May 12, 8:29 PM
VisitationSiste: Blessed week to all Tomorros a jubilee here!
May 12, 8:29 PM
Guest6659 (Guest): What jubilee
May 12, 8:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): Glory be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Good night all. God bless
May 12, 8:30 PM
Kristi (Guest): Good night, Everyone and God Bless.
May 12, 8:30 PM
Ruth (Guest): Come Holy Spirit!
May 12, 8:31 PM
Ruth (Guest): Fill the hearts of your faithful.
May 12, 8:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): Amen.
May 12, 8:32 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Please Pray this Week for Kairos Ladies at Albion New York . Thur -Sunday ! Please Pray for 6 year old Jeremy awaiting a donar for Lung Transplant !!! Keep Shining for Jesus !!! God Bless You !!! Brian
May 12, 8:33 PM
Ruth (Guest): And enkindle in them the Fire of your Love.
May 12, 8:33 PM
Guest8 (Guest): Amen !!!!
May 12, 8:34 PM
Ruth (Guest): Your petitions are on my heart, in my prayers, Brian.