Saint Francis never ceases to lead us to discuss the heaviest topics. He mentions being so consumed by a present suffering that we are unable to grasp other realities. What does this mean? Is he saying it is a good thing or a bad thing?2. Saint Francis mentions the example of Jesus on the Cross to highlight this point, where Jesus had no option but to surrender to God’s will. How does this relate to our spiritual tribulations? 3. Reflect for a moment on Jesus nailed to the Cross. How might it signify bei

May 2, 9:34 AM

VisitationSiste: How might it signify being “nailed” to God’s will (especially in times of tribulation)?
4. Being that we are in the Easter season, let us focus also on the mention of Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb. What would that experience be like to encounter the Lord but not know it was He? And how can we bring that back to help us better understand this current reflection?

May 2, 9:34 AM

VisitationSiste: Sun Chat May 5 at 730pm est

May 5, 7:15 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Ruth!

May 5, 7:16 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hi Sister. Can you send the readings for tonight to THIS website, or are they here and I haven’t found them. I cannot get into my e-mail where I am just now.

May 5, 7:18 PM

VisitationSiste: ok I will try

May 5, 7:19 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’m visiting the Sisters of St. Joseph in Watertown (I’m an associate and we had renewal of commitment tonight.) This is Sr. Bethany’s personal laptop computer which she so graciously sent me.

May 5, 7:19 PM


May 5, 7:19 PM

VisitationSiste: Great! Can you click on the link above

May 5, 7:20 PM

Ruth (Guest): Thank you. I got it. Talk with you in a few minutes.

May 5, 7:22 PM

VisitationSiste: Welcome Gail!

May 5, 7:23 PM

VisitationSiste: We will be starting in a few minutes

May 5, 7:26 PM

VisitationSiste: The first question begins with the sense of a suffering that so consumes our attention that it is hard to focus on anything else.

May 5, 7:28 PM

VisitationSiste: This is an experience that can happen with sickness for example. Whether it is good or bad I would not venture to say just yet, for some types of suffering if united with the Lord. lead to good.

May 5, 7:28 PM

VisitationSiste: Welcome viewers

May 5, 7:29 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Dawn! Tough topic again!

May 5, 7:29 PM

Gail Figueroa: Just a thought but our suffering g becomes a blessing as we become one with our Lord and savior, “Jesus.”.

May 5, 7:30 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Sr! and a good topic!

May 5, 7:30 PM

VisitationSiste: Wonderful thought!

May 5, 7:31 PM

VisitationSiste: It can be hard to pray when in pain

May 5, 7:31 PM

Dawn (Guest): very hard

May 5, 7:32 PM

VisitationSiste: Saint Francis mentions the example of Jesus on the Cross to highlight this point, where Jesus had no option but to surrender to God’s will. How does this relate to our spiritual tribulations?

May 5, 7:32 PM

Gail Figueroa: To bare pain for our Lord and to offer it for others is a blessing and unselfish love.

May 5, 7:32 PM

Ruth (Guest): I’m back, just read the selection as quickly as I am able. Some of it makes a lot of sense to me. Partly I am not sure I understand.

May 5, 7:32 PM

Dawn (Guest): Is this where our will comes in? and we begin to say small prayers, not seeking consolation yet trusting God will hear them none the less?

May 5, 7:34 PM

VisitationSiste: I think that would be so, Dawn, we are uniting our will to His

May 5, 7:34 PM

VisitationSiste: What is the difficult part Ruth?

May 5, 7:35 PM

Ruth (Guest): I probably have no business disagreeing with St. Francis, but I think — as Bishop Barron would say — Jesus on the Cross was free, completely free. He was the picture of freedom. Because freedom means being ABLE to choose the Good, being able to CHOOSE to do the Will of the Father.

May 5, 7:35 PM

VisitationSiste: Hmmm

May 5, 7:36 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Hi Sr Susan , Dawn , Ruth ,and Gail ! God Bless You ! Brian

May 5, 7:36 PM

VisitationSiste: I agree yes Jesus was the free-est! But He gave it all over-

May 5, 7:36 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Brian!

May 5, 7:36 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Brian! Ruth and Gail!

May 5, 7:38 PM

Gail Figueroa: We are not perfect but thru faith and prayer we strive to perfect our will and become more perfect. I think I did not greet all on line so good evening all

May 5, 7:39 PM

Ruth (Guest): And to say “Jesus had no choice” seems to me to take some of the merit and love of his SACRIFICIAL act away from it. Jesus’ self-offering on the cross was not simply an execution which he HAD to go through. It was an act of LOVE and of OBEDIENCE to the Father — FREE.

May 5, 7:40 PM

VisitationSiste: Once Jesus was on the CRoss- had gone there freely with His Will united to His Father’s- then He would not be able to change His choice?

May 5, 7:40 PM

VisitationSiste: You are right Ruth!

May 5, 7:41 PM

Gail Figueroa: Yes, his Devine self knew what he would do our of love yet his human side suffered great, again out of love.

May 5, 7:41 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Sometimes we must go through great suffering soo that others can see our Faith through suffering and take the next step towards our Lord Jesus Christ !

May 5, 7:43 PM

Dawn (Guest): I thought with this refection, sometimes, as St F says. we can become so consumbed by our suffering we do not know how to get to our interior to see what is going on.

May 5, 7:43 PM

Dawn (Guest): consumed

May 5, 7:43 PM

VisitationSiste: Ah good point!

May 5, 7:44 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes Brian!

May 5, 7:44 PM

VisitationSiste: and some tribulations are unavoidable in reality but our freedom comes in through how we accept, or resist them

May 5, 7:44 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Jesus I Trust in You !

May 5, 7:45 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Amen Sister Susan !!!

May 5, 7:45 PM

Ruth (Guest): In the Garden of Gethsemane, when he suffered inner conflict — as a human, begging to be freed of the suffering that he knew would be his if he “drank the cup” — if he accepted the crucifixion — but still declaring “Not my will but yours be done,” the Father, in his mercy, sent Jesus and angel to comfort, console, and strengthen Jesus.

May 5, 7:46 PM

Gail Figueroa: Yes we can be blood by our own pain but in knowing our Lord, it becomes party of our path. It is they our faith and love of Jesus that these obstacles can be overcome.

May 5, 7:46 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Greater Love has no man but this , that a man lay down his life for his friends !

May 5, 7:46 PM

Dawn (Guest): recent experience: not in the least feeling like it, as I usually do, struggling with it all I knew, the way out was thru the Sacraments. but these things did not come to awareness all at once.

May 5, 7:47 PM

Gail Figueroa: Excuse the misspelling, I only have a little pH which does not always do or spell what I want.

May 5, 7:48 PM

Dawn (Guest): Come Holy Spirit!

May 5, 7:48 PM

Ruth (Guest): By the time the soldiers came to take him away, Jesus could easily have evaded them — just as he had at other times when he simply “disappered” or walked through a fickle crowd who’d earlier lauded him but then were ready to kill him.

May 5, 7:49 PM

Dawn (Guest): But he so perfectly united his will to that of the Fathers

May 5, 7:50 PM

Gail Figueroa: Being of the father it was his destiny. He has blessed us so

May 5, 7:50 PM

VisitationSiste: That brings us to the q about being “nailed” to God’s Will I never heard that expression used but rather as united.

May 5, 7:50 PM

Ruth (Guest): In fact, a friend who visited the Holy Land, told me that at Gethsemane all he would have had to do was to take a few steps in one direction to be out of the jurisdiction of those who were intent on killing Him.

May 5, 7:52 PM

Ruth (Guest): He had made up his mind, FREELY, with the help of the angel to “offer the fourth cup” — the cup of Salvation, our salvation — his own body and blood.

May 5, 7:52 PM

Dawn (Guest): Nailed! oh I have not heard but it describes

May 5, 7:53 PM

VisitationSiste: Yet nail implies force

May 5, 7:53 PM

VisitationSiste: Unite implies free will

May 5, 7:54 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Jesus chose to give His Life for Us !!! Can you imagine how difficult it was for the Father to endure the suffering Jesus endured and for them all to hold back the Holy Angels from rescuing Him at any moment !!! Beyond our comprehension !!! Total Love and Sacrifice for others !!!! We must serve our Lord the same way as unprofitable Servants even willing to give up our life for God if nessesary !!!

May 5, 7:55 PM

VisitationSiste: Ah! Never looked at it quite that way!

May 5, 7:55 PM

Dawn (Guest): Oh ! did Jesus nail his will using force?

May 5, 7:56 PM

VisitationSiste: No

May 5, 7:59 PM

VisitationSiste: Being that we are in the Easter season, let us focus also on the mention of Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb. What would that experience be like to encounter the Lord but not know it was He?

May 5, 8:00 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): You might be doing something that you know God wants you to do and you may not want to do it and all hell is against you doing it but your Great Love for God allows you to persevere and get the job done for the Lord !!!! Always confirmation afterward that what you did was God’s Will !!!

May 5, 8:02 PM

VisitationSiste: Yes!

May 5, 8:02 PM

Gail Figueroa: I may have this wrong but Jesus Is the Father manifest as it’s the Holy Spirit. He is the fulfillment of all the profacies and the beginning of a new way there for it was already written and decided that he would be the perfect sacrifice.

May 5, 8:03 PM

Ruth (Guest): Brian (I’m presuming 3275 is Brian) what you say here, is so, so true. Being Baptised unites us to the suffering and death — AND resurrection of Jesus Christ. We are given aMission to evangelize, to help others come to the salvation God will for all of Mankind — EACH individual. Giving LOVE And in a world full of conflict it CAN lead to

May 5, 8:03 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): We can be soo overcome with Grief that our vision can become distorted !!! Jesus always clears up our Vision !!!

May 5, 8:03 PM

Dawn (Guest): yes. Amen

May 5, 8:04 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Amen Ruth !!!

May 5, 8:05 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): We cannot Trust our feelings , we must Trust God !!!

May 5, 8:05 PM

Ruth (Guest): Death. The Sacrament of Confirmation is meant to strengthen us to offer our whole lives, every moment, every action, every thought, and if need be our very bodily LIFE for the love that is Our God.

May 5, 8:05 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Amen Ruth !!!

May 5, 8:06 PM

VisitationSiste: Sometimes we encounter CHrist in another person but do not acknowledge the Christ in that person. That can be similar to St Mary Magdalene at the tomb

May 5, 8:06 PM

Dawn (Guest): Thank you Holy Spirit for being with us, here, tonight. Amen

May 5, 8:06 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, and thank you for Dawn’s prayerful spirit.

May 5, 8:07 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Amen Sister Susan and Dawn !!!

May 5, 8:07 PM

Gail Figueroa: Have to go. May all be blessed to their needs and that you for site .

May 5, 8:07 PM

VisitationSiste: Thanks for being here!

May 5, 8:07 PM

Gail Figueroa: this site and the wisdom shared here in…

May 5, 8:07 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): God Bless You Gail !!!!

May 5, 8:08 PM

Dawn (Guest): Peace be with you Gail. see you again

May 5, 8:09 PM

VisitationSiste: Any more thoughts on the empty tomb

May 5, 8:09 PM

Ruth (Guest): I find that scene, Mary Magdalene speaking with “the gardener” fascinating. Maybe it partly her grief that made her unable to recognize him, maybe it is partly something about the resurrected body — especially before Jesus ascended to the Father — that obscured his identity.

May 5, 8:10 PM

Ruth (Guest): The disciples had some similar experiences. Mary M. recognized Him when he spoke her name.

May 5, 8:10 PM

VisitationSiste: I am struck by it too Ruth

May 5, 8:10 PM

VisitationSiste: Hi Carroll

May 5, 8:10 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Wow it’s like viewing the Birth of a Child but a billion times more !!!!

May 5, 8:10 PM

Ruth (Guest): The other disciples recognized Him in the breaking of the bread.

May 5, 8:10 PM

Dawn (Guest): helpful refection Sr, sometimes it may be later when we realize God was speaking to us thru someone

May 5, 8:11 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good point, Dawn.

May 5, 8:12 PM

VisitationSiste: There is something about Jesus Resurrection that veils recognition

May 5, 8:12 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): The Empty Tomb is like being there for the creation of the World !!!

May 5, 8:13 PM

Carroll (Guest): Hi everyone- just “catching up” and awe- struck at how each of you have spoken words that resonate with my heart right now… Thank you.

May 5, 8:13 PM

Dawn (Guest): what are your thoughts Sr on the veiling?

May 5, 8:14 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes. I had an experience recently — it’d take a short story to tell it — but it sure seems to me that without another human being present — only a “voice” — God helped me to KNOW that He has plans for me that are, what you might call “resurrection” plans. Perhaps I’ll find a way to write up what happened. . .

May 5, 8:14 PM

VisitationSiste: Please do!

May 5, 8:15 PM

Dawn (Guest): like many saw him but did not recognize him! not only Magdelene

May 5, 8:15 PM

VisitationSiste: I think because we need to have “faith” in the Resurrection, Dawn, Jesus identity is veiled until we express that faith somehow

May 5, 8:15 PM

Carroll (Guest): Thanks for sharing, Ruth

May 5, 8:15 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): One of my favorite experiences is to go underneath Niagara Falls on Cave of the Winds tour and read the creation verses from the Bible !!! Soo completely Awesome !!! A tiny bit like what Mary Magdeline experiences at the Empty Tomb ! The Full Glory of God !!!!

May 5, 8:17 PM

VisitationSiste: Sounds awesome!

May 5, 8:18 PM

Dawn (Guest): Ruth, you have a book inside of you! I look forward to reading your memoirs !

May 5, 8:18 PM

Dawn (Guest): how beautiful Brian!

May 5, 8:19 PM

Carroll (Guest): I love Mary Magdalene’s simplicity… From moment to moment she accepted the ( seeming) reality

May 5, 8:19 PM

VisitationSiste: Her love was so powerful

May 5, 8:19 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Amazing True Life Movie came out last night Breakthrough . Had donated tickets and was able to bring van load of our clients !!! Miraculous story of how a Mothers Prayers and Trust in God brought her son back to life through God’s Great Mercy !!!! And while community helped keep him alive !!!

May 5, 8:20 PM

Carroll (Guest): that met her… She was never trying to read more into it or make more of it…

May 5, 8:20 PM

Ruth (Guest): Wow! that must have been awsome! I’ve stood under a much smaller waterfall and it was amazing. AND come to think of it, there was also a waterfall in my garage under a flooded apartment on my own private Y2K — shortly after I’d purchased my house.

May 5, 8:20 PM

Ruth (Guest):

May 5, 8:20 PM

Dawn (Guest):

May 5, 8:22 PM

Dawn (Guest): Breakthrough, thx Brian

May 5, 8:24 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Carroll. she was …simplicity. In God’s presence

May 5, 8:24 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): That movie and true life story is exactly what Jesus is asking us to do in John Chapt 17 . To be One !!! The enemy does everything he can to keep us from being One !!!

May 5, 8:24 PM

Ruth (Guest): It wasn’t funny then, took months to repair, but it didn’t knock me for a loop then or later, thanks be to G_d who made me so grateful for what escaped the bust-pipes flood waters.

May 5, 8:25 PM

VisitationSiste: So true Brian!

May 5, 8:26 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Dawn I think they spell the title as Breakthrou

May 5, 8:26 PM

Ruth (Guest): Such a good insight, Brian. Unity! Have you read the book John 17?

May 5, 8:27 PM

Dawn (Guest): wonderful your commmunity was able to see it !

May 5, 8:27 PM

Carroll (Guest): Are you referring to a book written about John 17?

May 5, 8:27 PM

Ruth (Guest): Breakthrough — or however you spell it (the movie) — is an example of a community coming together?

May 5, 8:28 PM

VisitationSiste: I thank you all once again for a great chat! Have to go. Blessings this week!

May 5, 8:28 PM

Carroll (Guest): Goodnight Mother Susan Marie. Thank you!

May 5, 8:29 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): No Ruth ! Sounds good ! Ironically one of the ladies who attended movie several years ago was on her death bed in ICU and I was given permission to take her twin brother to see her !!! He prayed over her with such passion and Trust in God and she was healed by God !!!!

May 5, 8:29 PM

Dawn (Guest): Thank you Sr! God bless you, goodnight

May 5, 8:29 PM

Ruth (Guest): Carroll it is a collection of stories — with a forward by Pope Francis — about various Christian leaders coming together to try to make Jesus’ prayer for unity a reality in their local communities.

May 5, 8:29 PM

Carroll (Guest): Beautiful- I will look it up.

May 5, 8:30 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Sounds Awesome Ruth !!!!

May 5, 8:30 PM

Ruth (Guest): These leaders — mostly pastors from various denominations — began meeting and praying together, LISTENING to one another and to the Holy Spirit.

May 5, 8:30 PM

Carroll (Guest): What a glorious testimony, Brian, of God’s never ending healing power!

May 5, 8:30 PM

Dawn (Guest): Amen!

May 5, 8:31 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): God Bless You Sister Susan !!! You are a Bright Light for Jesus !!!

May 5, 8:32 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): With God All Things Are Possible Carroll !!!!

May 5, 8:33 PM

Dawn (Guest): Ruth is this a book you speak of john 17?

May 5, 8:33 PM

Carroll (Guest): Amen!

May 5, 8:34 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Ruth that sounds like a good book for our Men’s Group !!!!

May 5, 8:34 PM

Ruth (Guest): One of the stories, it surprised me took place in Massena, NY, where, in fact, about a half year or maybe a year before I got the book I had attended a brief morning meeting at a non-Catholic Christian church, where the Catholic Pastor, my dear friend, former pastor of our local church was also present. After the get together, we all went out to various parts of Massena, walking the streets praying for all the people who lived in the houses we walked past, and occasionally meeting and talking with people.

May 5, 8:34 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, Dawn.

May 5, 8:36 PM

Ruth (Guest):

John 17: The Heart of God – Pope Francis – Google Books

May 5, 8:37 PM

Carroll (Guest): Thanks Ruth! I should say goodnight. Have a blessed week everyone!

May 5, 8:37 PM

Dawn (Guest): God bless you Carroll! G’night

May 5, 8:38 PM

Dawn (Guest): that is Pope Francis! <3

May 5, 8:39 PM

Ruth (Guest): A blessed week to all of you. You are precious to me. And I am grateful for your prayers.

May 5, 8:40 PM

Dawn (Guest): Good night Ruth. Thank you! God’s love to you

May 5, 8:40 PM

Guest3275 (Guest): Thanks Ruth !!! God Bless You Ruth , Dawn , and Carroll !!! Keep Shining for Jesus !!! Your Faith is a Great Inspiration to me !!!!

May 5, 8:41 PM

Dawn (Guest): And yours Brian. Thank you for shining so brightly, a light on the hill! God bless