Dear friends, guards of honor,
Holy feast for all of the Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary!
July is the month traditionally dedicated to the Precious Blood. This devotion reminds us of the infinite mercy of Jesus who shed his Blood to save us. We can invoke the Precious Blood of Jesus in all our prayers on many occasions. God the Father allows himself to be touched by the invocation of the Precious Blood of his Son, especially for the conversion of our hearts and that of sinners. Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud reminds us of the essentials:
The Precious Blood
If we were better informed of the supernatural riches which the Holy Church places at our disposal, we would sing incessantly a canticle of joy to the Lord our God. After having constituted his heirs after having left us his priesthood and his mother, Jesus Christ gave himself and placed himself at the entire disposition of those whom he loved. To the Samaritan, He says, “If you knew the gift of God” and this gift of God to the earth, it is He.
From Him, a stream flows in which we can draw from life the fertility and all the riches of Heaven: it is the very precious Blood of our Lord! When we confess, we are washed by his precious Blood; when we commune, we mysteriously receive His Body and Precious Blood. But we can use the Precious Blood of Jesus on all occasions: in trials, temptations, for the healing of a sick person, in mourning, for the souls in purgatory …
We will never conceive the supreme power that this precious offering exercises on the Heart of God the Father. Saint Madeleine de Pazzi made fifty times each day the offering of the Precious Blood as Jesus had taught her himself. In her ecstasies, the Lord showed her how many souls in purgatory were delivered, and how many sinners were converted. He added, “Whenever a creature offers to my Father that Blood by which it was redeemed, it is a gift of infinite value, and nothing can compensate for its value. “
During this month dedicated to the Precious Blood, let us draw with joy this delicious liquor from the fountains of the Savior! Let’s drink at the Source of eternal salvation! “Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and the Blood, the soul and divinity of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ in reparation for all our sins and those of the whole world! ”