Medical Prof. Paweł Januszewicz
“It was my parish church, I lived in Śródmieście for a long time. No one could help , so I got involved – says the professor. In spite of numerous duties as the scientific director of the National Medicines Institute, he always finds time for this ministry of serving at Mass. When he is gone, people start to worry if something has happened. He began to be an altar server as a recognized doctor in 1985. He thinks that the church of the Visitation Monastery located in the center of the Capital is special: – There is a spirit of contemplation, love for God expressed in silence – he argues. – You feel the real presence of the Creator. To this day, stories are circulating about how the rector Fr. Bronisław Bozowski celebrated Mass there one evening and at one point he hid under the altar because he felt the physical presence of God. Saintly priests, people of great faith worked at Visitation Monastery in Warsaw. The Rector after Father Bozowski was a poet-priest. Jan Twardowski, and currently he is Fr. Aleksander Seniuk. – This is the only church in the city center undestroyed during the war. The neighboring church, Holy Cross, was completely burned and this one survived – the Professor points out. He remembers how in the ’70s and’ 80s crowds of doctors and nurses were attracting here a medical group for Masses. – The professional elite gathered, they came for a retreat for health care, the church was full. When I entered the profession, Cardinal Wyszyński celebrated Masses and preached for us. On the walls of the Church to this day there are plates with the words Cardinal Wyszyński and John Paul II. They remind you that the medical vocation is very close to the priesthood.