The English language lacks the nuance of vocabulary in discussing the different types of love. Why is distinguishing between types of love important? Connected to that: When someone says, “I love pizza” or “I love wine,” where does this fit on the scale of love? Is that truly even love? What other terms could we use here? When we are taught “love God and love neighbor,” are these two different types of love? Is there a love that should only be rendered unto God and unto no other? What is the di

Jul 13, 5:25 AM

VisitationSiste: What is the difference between filial love and married love?
What do the different types of love have in common that they can all be considered love?

Jul 13, 5:25 AM

VisitationSiste: Sun chat Jul 14 730pm est

Jul 14, 7:26 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Hi Alice

Jul 14, 7:26 PM

Alice (Guest): Hi Sister! How are you?

Jul 14, 7:27 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Ok waiting for a retreat ant who is running late

Jul 14, 7:28 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Pleasant topic tonite on love

Jul 14, 7:28 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Less grueling than some have been

Jul 14, 7:28 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Although true love is not easy to live, pure unselfish love

Jul 14, 7:29 PM

Alice (Guest): Yes. These questions are very thought provoking after the readings. I really enjoy them.

Jul 14, 7:29 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): So glad there is some benefit!

Jul 14, 7:29 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Welcome to the viewers here

Jul 14, 7:30 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Hi Sister Susan and Alice ! God Bless You ! Brian

Jul 14, 7:30 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Hello guest 9000

Jul 14, 7:31 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Hi Brian

Jul 14, 7:32 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): I wonder what languages better distinguish the word love in its various meanings

Jul 14, 7:32 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): I know that when Jesus said to Peter theee

Jul 14, 7:32 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Three times do you love me

Jul 14, 7:33 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Each time the word love was a different one wih a different connotation

Jul 14, 7:33 PM

Sister Susan Marie (Moderator): Have you heard that too

Jul 14, 7:34 PM

Alice (Guest): Greek I think expresses the different modes of love best, in my opinion. St. Francis being French, there may be different words for love in French but I can’t recall that being so right off the bat. I know amour is love in French.

Jul 14, 7:34 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): I think that one of the greatest expressions of Love is Service ! When you meet someone who just is passionate about being present and available to Serve is Soo precious !!!

Jul 14, 7:35 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Yes loving the neighbor is service great thought

Jul 14, 7:36 PM

Srsusan (Guest): I will. It be able to post each question tonite with the device I am using but I recall they refer to filial love vs other loves and the use of the word love for things in addition to people

Jul 14, 7:37 PM

Srsusan (Guest): If anyone can post part of a question please do

Jul 14, 7:37 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Hi Dawn!

Jul 14, 7:37 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Sr Susan!

Jul 14, 7:39 PM

Dawn (Guest): I am pondering what you wrote Sr, that each time Jesus asked Peter, it was of a different love. I never thought of this!

Jul 14, 7:39 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Yes I recall a priest telling us that

Jul 14, 7:39 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Maybe one was agape and they got deeper as it went along I think

Jul 14, 7:40 PM

Srsusan (Guest): I wish I knew exactly

Jul 14, 7:40 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): My dear friend Rev Jim Brown who passed suddenly this past week Loved God and Everyone ! They had time of sharing at funeral one story after another how brought God’s Love to Soo many . He welcomed everyone into his family in Soo many special ways . And he was always there for all . If someone asked him to cook for 1000 people he would do it with no complaint ! A Loving Father to all who knew the Love of our Father in Heaven !!!

Jul 14, 7:40 PM

Srsusan (Guest): It was very enlightening but my mind does not recall

Jul 14, 7:40 PM

Dawn (Guest): I just never thought of this, I think its wonderful

Jul 14, 7:40 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Do you have an example Brian

Jul 14, 7:41 PM

Alice (Guest): I think, because we associate love with a feeling, an emotion, we say things such as “I love pizza” or “I love wine” because these things bring pleasure to the senses. But true love would not be brought about by the senses.

Jul 14, 7:41 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Hi Dawn ! God Bless You ! Brian

Jul 14, 7:41 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Brian! God bless you

Jul 14, 7:41 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Good point, many today would struggle with that Alice because we are such a sensuous society

Jul 14, 7:42 PM

Srsusan (Guest): What would you call e source of true love then

Jul 14, 7:42 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Hi Alice ! God Bless You ! Brian

Jul 14, 7:42 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Alice!

Jul 14, 7:42 PM

Alice (Guest): Yes we are, as was I in the past. I have only recently learned that love is an act of the will.

Jul 14, 7:43 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Ah so even if we do not like someone we can love them by choosing to do so?

Jul 14, 7:44 PM

Dawn (Guest): I think of it as…willing the good of the other. may not feel as an emotion

Jul 14, 7:44 PM

Alice (Guest): Yes.

Jul 14, 7:44 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Which is also unselfish and not self centered

Jul 14, 7:44 PM

Srsusan (Guest): That is where service of others comes in as BRian said

Jul 14, 7:45 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Agape Love is that deep Christian Love where we just share God’s true Love with each other from deep within our soul ! It really seems to blossom within a strong Christian Community !!!!

Jul 14, 7:45 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Hi Ruth

Jul 14, 7:45 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Even if people are annoying BRian?

Jul 14, 7:45 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Ruth!

Jul 14, 7:46 PM

Srsusan (Guest): I mean that we can have agape with those who may be harder to feel friendly towards?

Jul 14, 7:47 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Hi Carroll

Jul 14, 7:48 PM

Srsusan (Guest): I imagine you need much agape in your work

Jul 14, 7:48 PM

Carroll (Guest): Hi- just catching up…

Jul 14, 7:49 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Sacrificing one,s time when one expected to do something else, in order to help some one, is that agape

Jul 14, 7:49 PM

Dawn (Guest): Agape love maybe is not measurable by emotions, perhaps they have nothing to do with this love at all…

Jul 14, 7:49 PM

Dawn (Guest): Hi Carroll

Jul 14, 7:49 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): When we have opportunity to share together in small group within Larger Community we are able to take our focus off the annoyances and onto greater insight and deeper Love for those within our community !!! We help each other to see each other more clearly through God’s Eyes !!!

Jul 14, 7:50 PM

Srsusan (Guest): beautiful explanation

Jul 14, 7:50 PM

Ruth (Guest): Here are the first two questions: The English language lacks the nuance of vocabulary in discussing the different types of love. Why is distinguishing between types of love important?
Connected to that: When someone says, “I love pizza” or “I love wine,” where does this fit on the scale of love? Is that truly even love? What other terms could we use here?

Jul 14, 7:50 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Hi Carrol ! God Bless You ! Brian

Jul 14, 7:51 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Thank you Ruth

Jul 14, 7:51 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Hi Ruth ! God Bless You ! Brian

Jul 14, 7:51 PM

Srsusan (Guest): We could use I enjoy pizza!

Jul 14, 7:51 PM

Srsusan (Guest): It is not love

Jul 14, 7:52 PM

Srsusan (Guest): But the deeper q is why is it important to distinguish types of love

Jul 14, 7:52 PM

Ruth (Guest): Hello everyone. Glad to see an almost full house. Sorry I was late. This (OLD) computer was not letting me sign in at first.

Jul 14, 7:52 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Wanting the very best that God has too offer for that individual !!!

Jul 14, 7:54 PM

Carroll (Guest): Distinguishing types of love helps to keep our lives rightly ordered with priorities in accordance with God’s Will

Jul 14, 7:54 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Great and we can unpack that !

Jul 14, 7:55 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Rightly ordered, God,s will, all powerful

Jul 14, 7:55 PM

Dawn (Guest): expressed well !

Jul 14, 7:56 PM

Dawn (Guest): Happy you got in, Ruth

Jul 14, 7:56 PM

Srsusan (Guest): so for an example I love my students and my religious Sisterrs

Jul 14, 7:56 PM

Srsusan (Guest): But differently and with differnt priorities?

Jul 14, 7:57 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): The World teaches us to be very self centered and to react to emotions or feelings reguardless of circumstances . God teaches us to sacrifice , to Serve , and to help guide others to God’s very best for them reguardless of the cost to us personally ! Even giving up our lives for that person !!!!

Jul 14, 7:58 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Oh if only the world would learn this lesson, esp these days

Jul 14, 7:58 PM

Carroll (Guest): I forget the exact source or quote, but Holy Father ( St. Francis de Sales) talks somewhere about how where one’s heart is, one’s attention follows…

Jul 14, 7:58 PM

Ruth (Guest): Here are questions 3, 4, and 5. (numbers don’t copy; not sure why): When we are taught “love God and love neighbor,” are these two different types of love? Is there a love that should only be rendered unto God and unto no other?
What is the difference between filial love and married love?
What do the different types of love have in common that they can all be considered love?

Jul 14, 7:59 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Is it listen with the eyes of our Heart !

Jul 14, 8:00 PM

Srsusan (Guest): God needs to be loved first and completely with heart mind and soul but the neighbor follows rig after and if we don,t love neighbor we don,t really love God

Jul 14, 8:00 PM

Ruth (Guest): I like that Brian 9000.

Jul 14, 8:01 PM

Ruth (Guest): God first in priority, but psychologically, I think we need to have loving relationships with other people to be ABLE to learn to love God.

Jul 14, 8:01 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Ultimately Jesus has made it possible by removing our sin to be able to Live God and our Neighbor with our whole heart , mind , and Spirit !!!!

Jul 14, 8:02 PM

Alice (Guest): Do you think the opposite of that is true? That if we don’t love God than we don’t truly love our neighbor?

Jul 14, 8:02 PM

Carroll (Guest): So, our actions become a reflection of our ” loves.” … Identifying different types of love can help us recognize whether the objects of our attention are reflective of the loves truly ordained by God and also help us to cultivate appropriate relationships with heslthy boundaries.

Jul 14, 8:02 PM

Alice (Guest): The love of God propels us to love our neighbor.

Jul 14, 8:03 PM

Srsusan (Guest): Ultimately we can only love our neighbor in God

Jul 14, 8:03 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good observation, Carroll.

Jul 14, 8:03 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Childlike Love and Trust in God compels us to Love All even our Enemies !

Jul 14, 8:04 PM

Dawn (Guest): like a motion of the heart

Jul 14, 8:05 PM

Ruth (Guest): I was thinking of that, too, Brian, only we Trust God but would be foolish to trust individuals who have caused us serious harm, especially if it was intentional.

Jul 14, 8:05 PM

Dawn (Guest): it just comes..

Jul 14, 8:05 PM

Alice (Guest): I used the word propel versus compel because I believe our love for God literally moves us to love our neighbor. God does not demand it as much as he moves me to love.

Jul 14, 8:06 PM

Dawn (Guest): that is it!

Jul 14, 8:06 PM

Ruth (Guest): Although, I think sometimes people fool theirselves into NOT recognizing the harm they are doing to others, or else, covering it over with distractions or excuses.

Jul 14, 8:08 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): We don’t trust those who harm but we Love and Forgive Them . If we don’t forgive we are disobedient to God and put ourselves in Prison . It takes time but God will help us to forgive even the worst things that people have done to us !

Jul 14, 8:09 PM

Carroll (Guest): Amen, Brian.

Jul 14, 8:09 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good distinction, Alice. Reminds me of the Good Samaritan. The motion of his heart: compassion led him to help the man injured by robbers — probably a Jew — in spite of the fact that a Jew would not have associated with a Samaritan in those days.

Jul 14, 8:10 PM

Ruth (Guest): Our Pastor today said they hated one another.

Jul 14, 8:12 PM

Ruth (Guest): He, Fr. Cline, pointed out how self-centered this society is: always asking what will benefit themselves.

Jul 14, 8:12 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): We have to understand that those who do not yet know God are at the disposal of our enemy and they will be used periodically to attempt to destroy our Faith ! We must Trust God Through these horrific attacks and therefore point the lost to Jesus ! The beginning of their journey home to God !!!

Jul 14, 8:13 PM

Carroll (Guest): I would take it a step further and say that sometimes true love challenges us to even give those who harm us a real opportunity to earn our trust when God’s healing hand is at work.

Jul 14, 8:13 PM

Ruth (Guest): I say it is not a bad question IF we understand correctly what it truly GOOD for us. So, it was good for the Good Samaritan to help the man injured by robbers.

Jul 14, 8:14 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): We empower the enemy by not forgiving . That is why God asks us to forgive as He has forgiven us !

Jul 14, 8:15 PM

Dawn (Guest): SO important to understand Brian and thank you for bringing it to light. I am certain, in the world, the enemy takes great advantage just as you have said

Jul 14, 8:15 PM

Ruth (Guest): True Carroll, as long as we include the “sometimes.” It depends a great deal on the situation. Spouses often hurt one another — family members do, too — but it is important to rebuild the trust.

Jul 14, 8:17 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Samaritan put the needs of the dying stranger ahead of everything else , even his own life ! God’s Love !!! The others put something ahead of caring for a dying man . Not God’s Love !

Jul 14, 8:17 PM

Ruth (Guest): Amen.

Jul 14, 8:18 PM

Ruth (Guest): God’s love ALWAYS is best. But sometimes difficult to discern.

Jul 14, 8:19 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Had to step away I am back

Jul 14, 8:19 PM

Alice (Guest): We must be “doers of the word and not just hearers only” James 1:22 The Samaritan was a “doer”.

Jul 14, 8:19 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Amen Alice !!!!

Jul 14, 8:20 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Was the samaritan’s love filial or agape

Jul 14, 8:20 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Soo True Ruth ! Prayer , Study , Action help us ! Critical to live within Christian Community !

Jul 14, 8:21 PM

SrSusan (Guest): maybe plain charity

Jul 14, 8:21 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): An isolated Christian is a paralysed Christian !

Jul 14, 8:21 PM

Ruth (Guest): One problem I have with forgiving; a good theologian, retreat director, said repentance is necessary for forgiveness. But many of the people who do evil do not give the slightest hint of repentance; instead they re-injure the one trying to offer reconciliation.

Jul 14, 8:22 PM

SrSusan (Guest): hardness of heart

Jul 14, 8:24 PM

SrSusan (Guest): can come from brokeness I suppose

Jul 14, 8:24 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): Forgiveness does not require reconciliation . That may or may not occur . Forgiveness allows God to work in the situation and to assist us in the healing ! Unforgiveness is a prison that pollutes every relatioship in our lives and prevents God from being able to help !

Jul 14, 8:26 PM

SrSusan (Guest): it can be one sided?

Jul 14, 8:26 PM

Ruth (Guest): When Jesus said, “Forgive them Father, for they know not what they do.” while he was nailed to the Cross, I am inclined to think it may have been for the “little guys,” the ones driving the nails, not the well-educated who plotted against him out of their own pride. I can’t honestly say of a lawyer who commits fraud for his own “benefit” — and who happens to have been the leader of a prayer group — “He knows not what he does.”

Jul 14, 8:26 PM

Carroll (Guest): My understanding is that repentance is necessary for God’s forgiveness and absolution. However, I can choose to forgive and pray God’s mercy to move the other to repentance and, ultimately, to reconciliation with God… My choice to forgive frees me from being held hostage by the evil that was done.

Jul 14, 8:27 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): When you truly forgive , the burden that you have been carrying shifts back to the individual who has harmed you and may eventually lead them to God !!!!

Jul 14, 8:28 PM

SrSusan (Guest): what a gift tjat is for hardness of heart

Jul 14, 8:28 PM

Ruth (Guest): Both of you, Brian and Carroll, make very good points.

Jul 14, 8:30 PM

SrSusan (Guest): any concluding questions we missed?

Jul 14, 8:30 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): We may never ever feel that we can forgive but God our Loving Father asks us to just do it !!! Then He will Help with His unlimited Resources !

Jul 14, 8:30 PM

Alice (Guest): Great conversation tonight. I enjoyed it and learned so much. Thank you all. Have a good evening.

Jul 14, 8:31 PM

SrSusan (Guest): Blessings to each of you!

Jul 14, 8:31 PM

Carroll (Guest): Goodnight Alice- blessings!

Jul 14, 8:31 PM

Ruth (Guest): And when a physician commits fraud something in me says that it is my DUTY to report this to the Office of Professional Discipline — in order to try to protect the perpetuation of the fraudulent, unprofessional behavior, and harm to other patients. I must try to forgive, if I or my loved one is the victim, but there has to be consequences “this side” (of death).

Jul 14, 8:31 PM

Dawn (Guest): Good night all. A good chat tonight, much to think about. thank you all!

Jul 14, 8:32 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): God Bless You All ! I Love You All ! You are Soo Special !!! Soo Greatful to God for you All ! God Bless You ! Keep Shining for Jesus !!!

Jul 14, 8:33 PM

Dawn (Guest): thank you each, God’s love to you, and my prayers +++

Jul 14, 8:34 PM

Carroll (Guest): Yes Ruth, sometimes shining a light on such behavior is also the opportunity for the perpertrators to receive help while the public is protected.

Jul 14, 8:34 PM

Ruth (Guest): This is part of the whole huge Crisis in the Church — that even when serious sin harming others was done by people in high places, someone seemed to think, “forgiveness” meant just “kicking ’em upstairs.” Lord have Mercy

Jul 14, 8:35 PM

Carroll (Guest): Lord have mercy, indeed!

Jul 14, 8:35 PM

Dawn (Guest): that is right Ruth!

Jul 14, 8:35 PM

Ruth (Guest): Our God is a God of Mercy. That is one of his names. But he is also a God of Justice.

Jul 14, 8:35 PM

Carroll (Guest): Amen.

Jul 14, 8:36 PM

Guest9000 (Guest): You Shall Know the Truth and the Truth will Set You Free !!!!

Jul 14, 8:36 PM

Carroll (Guest): Thanks for a wonderful time of sharing. Have a blessed week.

Jul 14, 8:37 PM

Dawn (Guest): Amen +++

Jul 14, 8:37 PM

Carroll (Guest): You all give SO much by your faithfulness to this group. Thank you!

Jul 14, 8:38 PM

Ruth (Guest): Justice DEMANDS that power to harm others be taken away from those who misuse it. Instead, someone with more power seems to have thought that compassion meant just giving him another position, where the evils could be perpetuated. Loving our Church means taking the blinders off and demanding justice — but fighting WITH prayer as well as with “aggitation.”

Jul 14, 8:43 PM

Ruth (Guest): Yes, thank you, all of you, for being here. It is not like face-to-face but one way to be a little less isolated in Faith. When things “calm down” a little in my life, I want to try to work out something with our new pastor, so that some of us can get together before or after Mass and discuss the Gospel and/or other readings, and perhaps also make ACTION plans. And maybe support one another in mutually discerned Christian Action.

Jul 14, 8:45 PM

Ruth (Guest): Good night. God bless you.