From September 30 to October 3, 2019, the 11th Assembly of the Polish Federation of the Order of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary was held at the monastery in Krakow. One of the items on the agenda was the election of the President of the Federation. Mother Maria Emilia Karendał, superior from Krakow, was elected for the second, six-year term. A new Federal Council was also elected.
Holy Mass on Tuesday, October 1 at 15:30 presided by and the sermon was given by Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz. Co -celebrants were: Fr. Dr. Andrzej Nowobilski – Rector of our church, Father Titus Fułat – Assistant to the Federation of Visitation Sisters, Father Bogdan Meger – Provincial of the Carmelites and Father Zbigniew Czerwień – Prior of the Carmelite Fathers. Intention of Holy Mass there was a request for God’s blessing for Federal Mother Maria Emilia Karendał and the whole Federation.
The liturgy was enriched by the solo artist’s singing.
After mass and a short stay in the monastery’s parlor, Cardinal Stanisław Dziwisz, along with the priests accompanying him, crossed the cloister and surrounded the cloisters of our monastery.