November 4 ” May the Sacred Heart accomplish in you all His designs and be Himself your strength and your stay, so as to enable you to bear courageously the weight of your responsibility.” (vol 11, 257)
November 5: “Love, glory and praise be forever to the Heart of our adorable Savior, for It is all love, all loving and all lovable!” (vol 11, 431)(S.M.M.)
November 6: Your name will be written in this Sacred Heart in indelible characters.
November 7: Love the Sacred Heart ardently
November 8: Always maintain interior silence.
November 9: If you are overwhelmed by sadness, go and plunge your soul into the ocean of divine joy of the Sacred Heart; there you will discover a treasure that will dispel all your heaviness of heart and dejection of mind.
November 10: Provided God is pleased we ought to be satisfied.
November 11: Let us take refuge in the Wound of the Sacred Heart like a poor traveler, who seeks a safe harbor in which to shelter from the rocks and tempests of the stormy sea of this life.
November 12: If He so wills, God can draw His glory from our most insignificant actions.
November 13: When you fail in humility and simplicity, your heart is then like barren soil .
November 14: Our heart is made for God.
November 15: He loves you Who alone can satisfy your heart.
November 16: Keep silence and suffer out of love.
November 17: In all your needs, trustfully have recourse to the Divine Heart.